The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Dogs

Do Dogs Have to be Microchipped?

In the month of May, we’re answering all your microchipping questions, from, do dogs have to be microchipped, when a puppy should be chipped to how to change the information on the microchipping database to make sure you keep all your details up to date.

healthy happy dog with a stick in its mouth wearing a collar and id tag

Do dogs have to be microchipped?

As of right now in the US, microchipping is defined by each state. In 2020, the senator of California introduced a bill to senate to say that if an owner is not found for any homeless cats or dogs that are picked up by animal control they will be microchipped by the humane society or rescue in the appropriate area. 

According to the Starwood Animal Transport Services when travelling with your cat or dog by air in the US it is also part of the entry requirements. Failing to provide this information could mean your pet is refused entry. There may be some exceptions to the law for some owners if their dog is very old or in poor health, though this would require an exemption certificate from a vet.

The microchipping law is there for the safety of your pet and also others, even though it may seem like something out of a dystopian novel. Unfortunately, for the many dogs that are picked up as strays that don’t have a microchip, the rescue centers have no way of knowing who these beloved animals are or who they belong to. For many local authorities, dogs will remain lost or considered a stray for up to 5-7 days and then they are handed over to dog sanctuaries and rescue centers to be rehomed.

The information recorded on the chip will be able to identify your pet to others based on medical information, age, name, address, and details of their pet parents. It really is an important part of being a responsible dog owner.

What is a microchip?

Think of a microchip as a form of ID, like a passport or driving license, but for dogs. Our doggies can’t exactly communicate this sort of information themselves! Although a collar with an ID-tag with up-to-date contact details has all the necessary information, these could easily be removed, or could fall off.

A microchip is a computerized chip containing a unique 15-digit number that will be visible when scanned by a microchip reader. It is the size of a grain of rice and is inserted under the skin around the scruff of the neck between the dog’s shoulder blades with a needle. The chip will contain the owner’s details and a unique code that is specific to your pet.

Will my puppy be microchipped before I take them home?

In preparation for the arrival of your new pup, you need to ensure that your home is ready and that the right safety precautions are in place, toys and food are ready and a snuggly sleeping area is taken care of because your puppy will be doing a lot of sleeping to start with! It is important to understand the daily care of a dog when taking on a new puppy.

We would recommend the Bolster Dog Bed for puppies. The bolstered sides around the bed will provide a little safe barrier to keep your pup in place and stop them from falling out. The covers are removable and washable which is incredibly handy with such a youngster around!

Puppies cannot be sold until they are at least eight weeks old, by which point, as the new law states, puppies must be microchipped. Some vets will recommend that very small breeds like a chihuahua are microchipped when they are a bit older or bigger but contact the vet to see if this is the case and arrange an appointment for this simple procedure.

The breeder will register the puppy on a national database and the breeder’s details will forever be associated with the microchip. It will also include the keeper’s information which can be changed or updated if the information changes or the dog gets a new owner.

You can make sure your puppy is microchipped by asking your local vet or the breeder themselves. They will use a scanner that reads the chip and identifies the information.

sleepy dachshund puppy on matcha green bolster dog bed and beige blanket

Is my dog’s microchip proof of ownership?

The details of the microchip are registered through an approved database, not through the government. A person is considered to be a ‘breeder’ if they’re the owner of a dog that gives birth. The person who acts as the primary caregiver will register as a “keeper” rather than an owner of the dog. The keeper does not provide proof of ownership, however, the keeper will have a legal responsibility for the dog, so if the dog strays or causes injury, they will be held accountable.

If for whatever reason you have had to pass your dog over to someone else because you are unable to take care of them or are moving away, then it would be your responsibility to ensure that the new owner is given the correct microchip registration paperwork so that they can update the details themselves.

Who is responsible for microchipping a puppy?

When it comes to microchipping, it is the responsibility of the dog breeder to ensure that all puppies are microchipped before they are rehomed.

If you are considering a rescue puppy rather than going through a breeder, the animal sanctuary will be responsible for updating the details of the dog and new keeper.

How do I change my dog’s microchip details?

When your dog’s identity chip is registered on a database you will receive a notification to confirm the details are correct and you will be given a microchip number. This information can be checked by contacting the database itself. You should also contact them if you, for some reason, need to change the details. There is a small fee associated with these administration changes, but it’s imperative that the information is correct in order to make sure that the chances of you being reunited with your pet if they go missing are secured.

If you are unsure which database your dog’s chip is registered with then you can get this checked by your local vet.

What happens if I don’t get my dog microchipped?

In an attempt to eliminate strays roaming the streets, dog theft, and putting immense pressure on animal sanctuaries and rescue centers it is the responsibility of the dog owners to make sure that their dogs are chipped and that the details are correct. 

Why should I get my dog microchipped?

If your dog goes missing and is found not to have a chip, then the chances of them being reunited with their pet families are very unlikely. Your dog wearing a dog collar with an id-tag is simply not enough. This will give you peace of mind knowing that if anything were to happen to your dog it could be returned to you!

vet using medical equipment to check if the dog has a microchip

What if my dog’s microchip doesn’t work properly?

A microchip is designed to last for the duration of a dog’s life, however, like with all things to do with technology, there is always a potential for them to fail or not work properly.

If for some reason the chip details are incorrect, or it is not working properly you would need to contact the database itself or visit your vet who will be able to check to see if the chip is working and attempt to diagnose the problem.

Where can I get my dog microchipped?

Vets and dog breeders are the main organizations that provide a microchipping service, but it can also include registered dog walkers and groomers, as well as some animal charities.

How can I find out if my dog is microchipped?

If you have any concerns about whether your dog is microchipped, then the best thing to do would be to visit your vet who will be able to scan the dog to check if there is an implanted chip. If that isn’t possible then other members of the dog lover’s community such as a registered charity would be able to help.

How can I check my dog’s microchip information?

This information can be obtained through a database, or your country’s equivalent. Dog owners will have a microchip number as part of the registration process and the relevant paperwork. This way, you will be able to access the information easily through a registered database.

Can microchipping hurt my dog?

As a dog lover, the last thing you want to do is hurt your dog, but microchipping is a very quick and simple procedure, even if it does involve a needle! It may cause some slight discomfort to your dog, but it will soon pass. It should be seen as a simple standard vaccination, which in the long run will protect your dog and keep them safe.

How old is a dog to be chipped?

This is done from when they are eight weeks old. If in some cases, the puppies or dogs have been rescued from illegitimate breeders then the registered charities will ensure that they are chipped.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

The average cost of microchipping your dog is arpund $50 in the US and this is a one-off fee for the implantation of the chip. Some charities will offer this service for free. If you need to change the details of the chip at any point, then there will be a small fee through the database that the chip is registered.

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Common Allergy Groups in Cats and Dogs

dog with its tongue hanging out surrounded by pollen in the garden in the sunshine

Common allergies in cats and dogs have been identified as 3 main allergy groups, which we explore in this article. Some common allergies are seasonal, and others can creep up throughout the year. Understanding the common allergies in cats and dogs will make being a pet owner easier as you know what to look out for and how to handle it. Allergies can be treated quite easily, but there are a few symptoms or warning signs that we can look out for to make sure that our cats and dogs are healthy and happy.

Persistent seasonal allergies such as the dreaded hay fever kicks in for many of us humans, but we know that we are not alone in this seasonal battle of the bugs as our beloved pets can suffer too. We exhaust alternative medications, home remedies and whatever we can lay our hands on to try and keep these pesky allergies at bay!

Despite doing our absolute best to ensure our cats and dogs are spoiled and looked after, sometimes we cannot always spot the potential threats of allergies or illness.

Allergies in cats and dogs fit into 3 main groups. These groups make it easier to be able to narrow down and identify the cause and then the form of treatment that is required. Whilst you may be able to “self-diagnose”, (we all like to play doctor or vet with a quick google search), it is always recommended to check with your vet before attempting any medicated treatments yourself. However, a little research and a general understanding of what you could expect as a pet owner are perfectly normal.

Common Allergy Groups in Cats and Dogs

1. Flea Allergy

This is probably the most common allergy and one that most pet parents are aware of. Cats and dogs will react to the toxins in the saliva following a flea bite, which will result in a reaction on the skin.
Cats will over groom to the point where it’s very noticeable and the skin develops crusts all over the body, known as miliary dermatitis. Dogs tend to nibble and scratch at the affected areas and the skin will develop little red spots.

2. Food Allergy

Food allergies don’t necessarily show up immediately, they could manifest from eating the same food over a long period of time. It is a reaction to a specific protein or chemical in the food, which then appears on the skin. Common proteins which can cause allergies for both cats and dogs are chicken, fish, gluten and egg.
A common symptom of food allergies in cats will be persistent scratching around the head and neck. Symptoms in dogs are not as easy to identify but generally if scratching is more regular and your dog’s skin seems more irritated then it could be a sign of a food allergy.

3. Atopic Dermatitis

These are allergies caused by the environment, similar to hay fever or asthma in humans. They can be seasonal like an allergy to pollen or all year round, for example dust mites. With dermatitis, the skin will be visibly irritated and affected with symptoms including the following:

  • Constant scratching in a particular area
  • Flaky skin
  • Red or irritated skin
  • Over licking
  • Chewing
  • Fur loss
  • Patchy skin
  • Skin rashes or spots


Should my pet see a dermatologist?

If you think your pet is suffering from an allergy with any of the symptoms mentioned, you will notice that the skin is affected. A dermatologist will try to recognize the cause of the skin irritation by discussing your pet’s history, for example diet, home life and behavior. Once they are able to identify the correct allergy group, they will be able to perform certain tests to pinpoint the exact cause and recommend any treatment or ways you can help.

Seasonal Common Allergies in Dogs

Seasonal allergies can affect your canine friends in very similar ways to humans. They could be affected by environmental allergens like dust mites, fleas, mold and pollens from grasses, trees, weeds, and flowers. They will not hide their discomfort and will most likely obsessively lick or scratch one particular area. Pay close attention to their bellies, paws, armpit, ears and face. During the seasons of irritation, keep your home as clean as possible and free of mites and pollen. The Topology Dog Bed provides a simple and stylish way to keep your doggy comfortable all year round with easy to clean removable and washable covers.

Seasonal Common Allergies in Cats

Cat allergies are not as common as they are for dogs, though some will display irritation from pollen or bites from fleas. If your cat sneezes a lot then it could have an allergy to pollens. As with dogs, it’s important to make sure their bed is kept clean. A good alternative is the luxury Maya Donut Cat Bed, which has a removable cover that can be washed in the machine.

Respiratory Allergies

Respiratory allergies are far less common in cats and dogs, but they can suffer from them. Symptoms are similar to those of a cold, including watery eyes, runny nose, coughs and yes, even sneezes! Some respiratory allergens could develop into asthma. This could occur from being in a smoky environment, building debris, chemicals or certain cleaning products or pollution.

Pets, like humans, benefit from fresh air, so taking dogs for regular long walks will always be good for them (and you). While you may want to take your cat for a walk, maybe it’s time to consider an Outdoor Catio, which will not only provide a safe space for your feline, but it will also provide them with plenty of space to play and explore and generally keep fit!

Girl removing yellow washable cover from topology dog bed to keep clean from common allergies in dogs


Being a pet parent comes with worries, but also plenty of love, laughter and snuggles along the way. Medically treating your cat or dog can be incredibly difficult to do because you don’t want to be the one that causes them any discomfort or pain, but sadly sometimes it is part of the job description and absolutely necessary to ensure they live a long and healthy life.

If you do suspect that your pet is suffering from any allergies, it is important to talk to your vet and run any concerns you have by them. Most allergies can be treated easily with medication, a change of diet or simple TLC. When dealing with allergies it is important to keep your cats and dogs home clean and you may need to adapt or change your routine to suit their needs.

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This entry was posted in Cats

How Does Doggy DNA Testing Work?

While the demand for buying puppies drastically shot up over the pandemic, there was also a significant rise in those rescuing dogs from abroad. So much so that according to the Human Animal Infection and Risk Surveillance Group, 2020 saw a 51% increase in importing dogs from Romania to the UK alone! But with so many of our pet pooches now being rescued from across the globe, it’s left many pet owners scratching their heads as to what their dogs are exactly! As a result, doggy DNA testing has also soared in popularity, providing pet owners with an easy and convenient method of finding out more about their dog’s genetic makeup. So how does doggy DNA testing work?

DNA swab sample being tested

Why Get a Doggy DNA Test?

Dog owners choose to get doggy DNA tests for several reasons, with the most obvious being curiosity! While owners can have some sort of indication of what breed their dog is from either the rescue center or by their physical appearance, it can be tricky to know for sure. Therefore, testing your dog’s DNA offers a much clearer, nearly entirely accurate, answer to this.

Furthermore, having an understanding of what breed a dog is, may provide owners with a better understanding of their dog’s behavior. Similarly, this can also help dog parents gauge an idea of potential exercise requirements or what size their puppy will be when fully grown. It will be helpful to read our 5 Ways To Figure Out What Dog Breed Is for You and Best Dog Breeds for First Time Owners blogs, which will give you some further information on breed-specific behavior. Regardless of your dog’s breed, age, or exercise requirements, Omlet also has a wide range of fun and stimulating dog toys to meet their needs!

Alternatively, a dog DNA test may be for breed confirmation for pedigree pups i.e. confirmation that a dog is purebred, as it was sold. Shopping responsibly from reputable breeders is fundamental when buying any dog, however, should a dog begin to demonstrate traits of, or appear as, a mixed breed dog, many owners inevitably would like some clarification. This being said, a doggy DNA test for this may not be completely accurate…

How Accurate Are Doggy DNA Tests?

Common questions regarding this subject are whether dog DNA tests work and how accurate they are. Doggy DNA tests have accuracy rates anywhere between 93% and 99%, but this depends on which specific test you purchase. Generally speaking, however, the more you pay for your test kit, the more accurate it will be.

Genetic markers (used to identify DNA sequences) are one challenge when it comes to how accurate dog DNA tests are. Some testing companies are not able to test for as many genetic markers as others. For example, testing may detect whether a dog is a carrier of a specific health issue or themselves has this issue. However, the fewer genetic markers a manufacturer can test, the less accurate the information they will be able to provide you with.

Furthermore, if using a DNA test to determine whether your dog is purebred, you may be left disappointed. A reason for this is that many purebred dogs have been cross-bred over time to help with health problems that are associated with specific dog breeds. So even if everything otherwise says that your dog is purebred, the result may not reflect this.

How is a Dog DNA Test Done?

So, exactly how exactly does doggy DNA testing work? A dog DNA test, also known as a genetic test, is conducted similarly to how human DNA tests are. Put simply, a DNA test works by checking a DNA sample via a cheek swab, extracting DNA from saliva, which painlessly collects cells from inside of your dog’s cheek.

When you buy your dog’s DNA test it should come with simple instructions on what you need to do. However, the basic procedure is to first remove the swab from the tube you will receive in the doggy DNA test. Next, swab your dog’s cheek by gently rubbing around the inside of their mouth for usually up to a minute, before removing the swab and placing it back into the tube. After obtaining the sample, you’re ready to send off your test to the manufacturer to get the test results! Of course, with any testing, user error can occur. Therefore, reducing the accuracy of results, but it’s a generally very easy process.

How Quickly Can You Get Results?

How quickly you can get your dog’s DNA test results really does depend on what test you have bought. Some tests can provide DNA results in just two weeks, whereas others can take up to two months. When looking into dog DNA test kits, this is a factor to consider, so look into testing companies that can offer a fast turnaround time if you need results quickly.

Can You Get A DNA Test For Cats?

Pet DNA tests can also be done for other animals such as cats! However, it’s not quite reached the popularity that dog DNA testing has just yet. This is mostly for the reason that it’s incredibly difficult, in fact nearly impossible, for a cat DNA test to provide you with an accurate breakdown of their breed. It also goes without saying that depending on your cat’s temperament, obtaining the saliva sample itself might be a little more tricky!

Where Can You Get a Doggy DNA Test?

Interested in doing a doggy DNA test? These can either be purchased online or carried out at the vet. There’s an abundance of kits on the internet, so be sure to look at verified reviews for the best accuracy and result time before making your decision!

Afghan Hound lying on grey Omlet Topology dog bed with quilted topper

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Spring Clean Your Cat or Dog’s Life

Dog outside, surrounded by flowers

Spring is the ideal time for a fresh start! Whether that means having one big clear out, starting a new project, or getting organized, it presents the perfect opportunity to have a bit of a change! So why not get your cat or dog involved with your spring overhaul so that they can start the new season in tip-top condition! So, how do you begin a spring clean of your cat or dog’s life?

Remove Pet Hair from Around the Home

Before making a start to your cat or dog’s own spring clean, grab the supplies and get to work on removing any pet hair or dirt from around the home. Many pet parents will agree that getting rid of animal hair from around the house seems to be an impossible task, especially if you’ve got a cat or dog that sheds a lot.

However, there’s no need for harsh chemicals when cleaning the house with pets. For your carpets, a top tip is to sprinkle down some baking soda before vacuuming. Not only will this help to remove hair, but the baking soda will minimize odors. Just be sure to use a vacuum that has been specifically designed for dog and cat hair to make things a bit easier!

When it comes to cleaning fabric sofas, you can simply use a dry sponge, and this will pick up any cat or dog hair lying around. For more household cleaning tips with pets, you can read our previous blog Cleaning Tips For Dogs Who Love Mud!

Using a pet blanket on top of beds and sofas, however, is the best way to keep your furniture protected in the first place, as well as providing your pet with a cozy spot to relax.

Clean Your Pets’ Beds

Now that the household spring clean is complete, it’s time to focus on your pet, and a great place to begin is by cleaning their bed. We wouldn’t like to sleep on a dirty mattress, so neither would our pets. And with dogs sleeping between 13 and 14 hours a day, and cats between 12 and 16, it’s fundamental to provide them with a clean, secure, and safe place to rest. Fortunately, all Omlet beds are conveniently easy to clean, with removable covers and toppers that are machine washable.

Alternatively, treat your cat or dog to a new bed this spring. For cats, the Maya Donut Bed comes in a wide range of colors that can add a touch of spring freshness to your home for the season. The Topology bed is perfect for dogs, with the option of raised feet, which improve home hygiene and airflow.

Give Your Cat or Dog a Groom

Spring cleaning wouldn’t be complete without a bit of a pet makeover! Well, not necessarily a full head to paw transformation, but a good bath and brush go a long way! Depending on the breed of your dog or cat, they might need to make a visit to the groomers, but it’s a good idea to keep on top of a basic regime at home. Furthermore, grooming is not only for your dog or cat’s appearance but is also important for your pet’s health by aiding with keeping their skin healthy and preventing fleas or ticks for example. 

Treat Your Pet to Some New Toys and Outdoor Entertainment

Spring means some warmer weather is on the way, so both pet owners and our furry friends will be spending much more time outside. A few new toys will be greatly appreciated by your cat or dog, as they adjust to the new season after spending a lot of winter cozied up indoors. Or how about treating your cat to their very own outdoor cat run, which is perfect for indoor and outdoor cats alike, who love adventuring but need to remain safe in the garden.

Prepare for the Heat

Before we know it, summer will be here, so why not get prepared as early as possible by giving your pets the best chance of staying protected from the heat. Something to invest in during spring is a cooling mat for your dog. The Omlet Memory Foam Cooling Mat has a non-toxic self-cooling gel inside, meaning that the mat doesn’t require any refrigerating. You can place your pup’s mat either on a flat surface or on their bed and they’ll stay nice and cool for up to three hours – the perfect summer accessory!

Dog lying on cooling mat on top of Bolster bed

The Omlet Cooling Mat is super easy to clean, with a quick wipe down!

Spring is just around the corner, so there’s nothing stopping you from beginning your tidy up from today! Before you start cleaning your home, however, it goes without saying that any cleaning products you use in your house should be pet-safe, so always make sure to check the labels. How will you be spring cleaning your cat or dog’s life?

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Does My Dog Need a Blanket?

Terrier asleep in the car on the Omlet Luxury Faux Sheepskin Dog Blanket

Winter is here, and the chilly weather means that our pets could all benefit from a bit of our help to try and keep snug. As a dog owner, you may be wondering what exactly you can do to keep your dog warm this season. How about investing in an extra cosy dog bed? Or maybe you’ve considered buying them a jacket for them to wear on walks? But have you ever thought about getting your dog their own blanket?

Will all dogs benefit from a blanket?

Some dogs struggle to regulate their body temperature more than others, which means they need extra warmth from a blanket, especially in the colder weather. Older dogs, in particular, have a weaker immune system and are more likely to develop joint pain such as arthritis as they get older. As a result, they have a harder time trying to stay warm, which is why they’d often rather stay out of the cold weather and relax inside under a dog blanket to keep toasty.

Smaller dogs, especially toy breeds such as Toy Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers, can also have a hard time over winter. This is because bigger dogs have a smaller skin surface area to body weight ratio in comparison to smaller breeds. Put simply, this means that small dogs lose heat at a quicker rate. Furthermore, finely boned dogs that weigh less like Greyhounds and Whippets also feel the cold more, as they have less fat to keep them insulated.

When it comes to the cold, the general rule of thumb is that if it’s too cold for you, then it’s too cold for your dog to go outside. Most dogs are happy to be outside for long periods of time until the temperature drops below 7°C but with vulnerable dogs, it’s important to be even more cautious with taking them outside during the winter. You can read more about this on our previous blog Is My Dog Too Cold?.

All dogs, however, can benefit from having a warm blanket, even if they don’t fall into the vulnerable category of being susceptible to finding the cold weather particularly difficult. The Omlet Luxury Faux Sheepskin Dog Blanket is a great option to go for if you’re looking for a suitable blanket to meet your pup’s needs, regardless of size or age. The throw is available in three different sizes for you to choose from, making it the ideal pet blanket for any dog.

If a dog’s fur keeps them warm, then why do they need a blanket?

Whilst it’s true that one of the main purposes of dogs’ fur is to keep them protected from the outside elements such as the weather, this doesn’t entirely stop them from feeling the cold altogether. A good way to think about this is how we also need the help of a few added layers of warmer clothing in colder weather. It’s also important as dog owners to remember that some dogs’ fur makes them more equipped to handle the cold than others, just as age or body weight can have an impact. For example, dog breeds such as Huskies and Saint Bernards have particularly thick coats, which provide them with an extra layer of warmth, making them the best dogs for tolerating cold temperatures and snow. Some breeds have shorter, thinner coats, so will benefit more from the warmth of a dog blanket.

Husky outside, flowers in background

Are dog blankets only for winter?

Just like us, dogs still need a comfortable place to rest all year round and a blanket offers more than just warmth over winter for our furry friends. Did you know that it’s a natural instinct for dogs to ‘nest’, or create their own den, which they can seek shelter under, the same way in which they use a blanket? However, we’ll look more closely into the other benefits of dog blankets below.

What are the benefits of dog blankets?

A great night’s sleep for your dog

Dogs love to snooze, and having a comfortable spot to rest their heads is key to a great night’s sleep. Providing your pup with a cosy blanket for their bed or on top of where your dog sleeps will guarantee the deep, dreamy sleep they deserve, particularly on cold nights!

Can help relieve your dog’s anxiety

Dog blankets can be taken anywhere, meaning that they can be a useful tool for reducing your dog’s anxiety. Giving your dog an item that they associate with their home from the smell and feel of the blanket will provide them with a sense of security in new environments when they feel nervous.

Protects your furniture

As well as dog blankets benefitting your dogs, they can benefit owners, too! Pet blankets can be placed on furniture around the home where your dog usually relaxes, meaning that your couch or bed can be protected from muddy paws and fur.

Keeps your home looking stylish

Dog blankets can also add a stylish look to your home! The stylish design of the Omlet Luxury Faux Sheepskin Dog Blanket is perfect for complementing any home decor!

Comfort is key for our beloved dogs, and we only want the best for our pets. So now we know why dog blankets are so important to our furry friends, who wouldn’t want one?

Terrier sleeping on green Omlet Bolster Dog Bed

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11 ways to make dog walks more exciting

Springer spaniel dog playing on the beach with a ball

At some point, most dog owners will relate to not being able to find the motivation to get out of the house for a daily dog walk. But, when it comes to our four-legged companions, keeping on top of their exercise regime is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Rest assured though, walking your dog doesn’t have to be a chore thanks to these 11 tips on how you can make dog walks more exciting

Encourage sniffing

Allowing for a few dog sniff breaks is a fantastic way to make your walk a lot more exciting for your furry friend. Did you know that scientists estimate that a dog’s sense of smell is anywhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times more accurate than ours?! So, while it might be slightly frustrating to feel as though you’re always stopping for your dog to explore, it’s crucial not to forget that this is how our dogs navigate the world. So next time you’re on a walk, give your pup some extra time to use their nose, and you’ll probably have a much calmer dog when you return home too.

Snap some Insta-worthy pics

Could your dog be the next big pet influencer? Why not have some fun and get your pup posing for a few pics while you’re out walking? Accessorize with a designer leash and matching collar from Omlet’s Dog Walk Collection, and you’re already halfway to getting the perfect pet pic.

Next, you’ll want to find a setting where you can get your dog’s attention to have them sit nicely whilst you snap away. You can find some tips on how to nail your pet photography in our How to take better pictures of your pet blog.

Take playtime outside

Dog games don’t have to be restricted to within the home. Most dogs love to play fetch, so this is always a good place to start. You can even substitute your dog’s regular ball with a treat toy for dogs you can hide some of their favorite snacks in. This will make their usual game of fetch more mentally stimulating and even maybe tire you out as well.

Alternatively, nose work games are also a great idea to incorporate into your dog’s walk, providing them with plenty of mental enrichment. Teach your pup the “find it” command and throw some treats into the grass to have them sniff out where you’ve placed them.

Practice training

Dogs need training throughout their lives and doing so outside whilst on walks is one way to make your regular stroll a bit more fun for the pair of you. Training outside means that there will inevitably be plenty of distractions, so keeping your pup stay engaged will require a lot of concentration. There are various ways to train your furry friend outside, from practicing loose leash walking, obedience training, or maybe even agility. 

Enjoy a refreshing drink together

Walking is exercise and exercise can make both you and your dog thirsty. So why not route your walk to swing by a local restaurant or bar with a dog-friendly patio? Plenty of watering holes provide fresh bowls of water for four-legged friends while their patrons enjoy something from the tap. Both of you can enjoy a break from the trek and maybe even the company of other people, and dogs – a win-win situation! 

A day out at the lake

While not the case for all, many dogs can swim. Weather permitting, take your dog out for a swim in a dog-friendly lake for a splash around during their walk. If your dog is not familiar with swimming though, it’s important to gently ease them in and never force them to do anything they’re not comfortable with.

After returning home, your pup will need a cozy and warm bed to relax on. The Topology dog bed is a fantastic choice, with a range of mattress toppers including a machine washable, absorbent dog bed Microfiber Topper that simply soaks up any mud and dampness from their swim. Taking your dog swimming on walks is even better in the summertime to help them cool down. Be sure to also take a cooling mat for dogs if you plan on heading out for a long walk to the lake when the weather does heat up.

Have a dog playdate

If your dog gets along well with other dogs, invite a friend to join you on your next walk to make it feel like less of a chore. Not only will you be able to have a nice catch-up with a friend, but your dog will also appreciate meeting up with theirs too.

Go to dog meetups

If you don’t already know anyone else with dogs, dog meetups are another opportunity for you and your four-legged friend to socialize with other people and dogs. Dog meetups are usually held in parks and involve meeting and then walking with other friendly dogs from around the local area. Alternatively, breed-specific dog meetups have soared in popularity in recent years, with a large number of dogs of the same breed all gathering in the same space for one big walkie.

Go somewhere new

Just like us, dogs enjoy a change of scenery. Doing the same thing, in the same place, every single day will eventually lead to you and your dog becoming very bored, so it’s a good idea to every so often change your route on walks. If your dog doesn’t mind getting in the car, you can even head out slightly further out on an adventure to give your dog a whole new experience, such as travelling to a beach. Should you be making a longer journey, Omlet’s range of secure crates like the Fido Classic will help to make for a much smoother ride.

Change the pace

Another way you can make the daily walk more exciting is to change the pace. Speeding up and slowing down at some points of the walk will get your dog’s mind ticking by keeping them engaged with you as they have to focus on what your next move will be.

Alternatively, for a particularly high-energy dog breed, why not change your walk to a jog? This way you’ll be able to get your workout in alongside taking the dog out! Before doing so, just make sure that your dog’s age and breed are suitable for running long distances.

Let Fido guide you

It’s often said that your dog should never be leading the way on walks. But, it can work out as a fun activity to occasionally see where your dog really wants to go. Simply take them out on their dog leash and hand directional control over to them! Although, if you’ve got a bigger dog who pulls on the leash a lot, this might not be the best idea…

Omlet and your dog

Omlet’s mission is to find solutions to pet parent ponders like how can a dog walk become a bit more exciting? And what’s the best way to travel with a dog? With products like the Topology dog bed, designer dog leashes and the Fido Classic dog crate, our designers continue to innovate products we know will inspire owners, bringing people closer to their pets.

Brown dog sleeping on Omlet Topology Dog Bed with Microfibre Brown topper

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Eggnog Layer Cake

Izy Hossack is a London based chef and baker, food stylist and food photographer, as well as author of the books Top with Cinnamon and The Savvy Cook. Izy has created two deliciously festive recipes for the Omlet Advent Calendar, you can find her Chocolate Gingerbread Bundt Cake here.

This layer cake is the perfect Christmassy bake to impress. Inspired by the flavors of eggnog, the cake and frosting are flavored with vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon and rum for a slightly boozy, warmly spiced dessert.

The frosting is an interesting one to try – if you usually find standard buttercream too sweet, you’ll love this version (and it doesn’t require icing sugar!). The base is a cooked custard, thickened with corn flour and egg until very viscous. This is then whisked into softened butter until fluffy and creamy. It can seem a bit dense if the butter or custard are too cold so you may need to add a little bit of boiling water to help it fluff up properly. It’s definitely worth the extra effort over a standard buttercream as the texture is so smooth and light with the perfect level of sweetness.

For decoration, I like to keep the frosting simple with a thin layer around the outside and a slightly swoopy texture on top. For the toppings, I look for edible bits to give the cake a festive look; Woody herbs like rosemary, thyme or sage (as I’ve used here) are lovely as are chopped/flaked nuts. A sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg are a finishing touch and boost that eggnog flavor.



300g granulated sugar
140g unsalted butter, softened
60ml vegetable oil
4 medium eggs
150ml natural yogurt
150ml milk
1 tsp vanilla paste or extract
330g self-rising flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
¼ tsp fine table salt
¼ tsp baking soda


150ml milk
1 tsp vanilla paste or extract
80g granulated sugar
20g corn flour
1 egg
½ tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
Pinch salt
200g unsalted butter, softened
2 tbsp dark rum

For the cake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease, line and flour three 18-cm cake tins.
  2. In a large bowl, cream the sugar and butter until pale and fluffy. Beat in the oil then eggs, one at a time.
  3. In a jug, combine the yoghurt, milk and vanilla.
  4. In a separate bowl, place the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and bicarbonate of soda and stir to combine.
  5. Add 1/3 of the yogurt mixture to the butter mixture and stir to combine. Add 1/3 of the flour mixture to the butter mixture and stir to combine. Repeat in this alternating fashion until you’ve mixed in all of the yoghurt and flour mixtures and have a smooth cake batter.
  6. Divide the batter evenly between the cake tins and bake for 25-30 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean.
  7. Run a butter knife around the inside edges of the cake tins and then leave them to cool for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

For the frosting:

  1. Combine the milk and vanilla in a small pot and place over a medium-low heat on the stove until gently steaming.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix the sugar, corn flour, egg, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt until smooth.
  3. Pour a little of the hot milk into the egg mixture and quickly stir with a whisk until smooth. Stream in the remaining hot milk whilst stirring to combine. Pour the contents of the bowl back into the pot and return to the heat.
  4. Cook over a medium-low heat, stirring with a whisk, until the mixture becomes lumpy and thick. Keep stirring until it looks smooth and glossy, about 1 minute, then remove from the heat.
  5. Spread the mixture out in a shallow bowl and pop into the freezer for 5-10 minutes until cooled. Alternatively, chill the mixture in the fridge for around 1 hour.
  6. Beat the softened butter in a large bowl with an electric whisk (or in a stand mixer) until smooth then gradually add the cooled egg mixture, stopping to scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl occasionally.
  7. Add the rum and keep whisking until the frosting looks aerated and light. If it seems too dense still, add 1-2 tbsp of boiling water to help soften the butter which should help the frosting to achieve the correct texture.

To assemble:

  1. Cut off any domed tops from the cooled cake layers using a serrated knife and peel away the baking paper from the bottoms.
  2. Place one cake layer onto a serving plate and spread a few heaped tablespoons of frosting over the top of the cake. Top with a second cake layer and repeat.
  3. When you’ve placed on the final cake layer, place ½ of the remaining frosting onto the cake and spread it thinly over the top and sides of the cake. Using a warm palette knife can be useful here (warm it up by placing into a jug of boiling water and wipe clean as needed).
  4. Place the cake into the fridge for 10 minutes to harden this initial layer of frosting.
  5. Remove the cake from the fridge and add the remaining frosting to the cake, using it to decoratively frost the top and sides as you like.
  6. Decorate the cake with any toppings you want – I’ve used grated nutmeg, ground cinnamon, sage leaves and flaked almonds here for a festive feel.

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Festive Dog Treats

peanut butter christmas dog biscuit

Everyone deserves a treat from Santa Paws this festive season, including our four-legged friends! This super simple recipe makes around 15 dog biscuits (using a 10cm cookie cutter), and are the perfect Christmas treat for your dog!


  • 150g plain or whole meal flour
  • 80g xylitol-free peanut butter*
  • 1 banana
  • 4 tablespoons hot water
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon

*Check the ingredients of your peanut butter – xylitol is toxic to dogs.


Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Mix together the xylitol-free peanut butter and hot water in a bowl.
  2. Add the banana to the bowl and mash with a fork until most lumps have gone.
  3. Add the flour and cinnamon to the bowl and use your hands to form a dough. The texture should be quite firm and sticky.
  4. Lightly flour your work surface and roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thick.
  5. Cut out into your favorite Christmassy shapes and place on a lined baking tray.
  6. Bake at 350°F for around 15 minutes or until golden brown. Once cooked, leave to cool completely before your dog does the taste test!

Your homemade Christmas dog treats can be stored in an airtight container for up to 10 days. A friendly reminder that this recipe is intended as occasional treats for your dog, and should be fed in small amounts alongside a well-balanced diet. These treats are not suitable for dogs with nut allergies or other special dietary requirements.

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Chocolate Gingerbread Bundt Cake

Izy Hossack is a London based chef and baker, food stylist and food photographer, as well as author of the books Top with Cinnamon and The Savvy Cook. Izy has created two deliciously festive recipes for the Omlet Advent Calendar, starting with this Chocolate Gingerbread Bundt Cake, perfect for the Christmas party!


Ginger and chocolate make the perfect combination in this festive Bundt cake. The batter is very easy to make as it’s a melt-and-mix situation, so no electric mixer is required! The golden syrup and treacle bring a soft, squidgy texture and boost the warming flavors of the spices. The ganache is best made with a bitter chocolate as this helps to tame the sweetness of the cake. For a pretty (and delicious) decoration, a simple sprinkle of crystallized ginger chunks is the perfect touch – you can find them in the baking aisle of most large supermarkets.


175g unsalted butter, plus a couple of tablespoons for the tin
150g golden syrup
120g treacle
120g light brown sugar
3 medium eggs
200g natural yogurt
250g plain white flour
60g cocoa powder, plus more for the tin
1 ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 ½ tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp fine table salt


100g dark chocolate (70% cocoa content)
100ml double cream
3 tbsp crystallized ginger chunks

To prepare the tin:

  1. Place a standard Bundt tin into the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Melt a couple of tablespoons of butter in a medium pot (we’ll use this pot later for the batter too) over a low heat.
  2. Generously brush the inside of the Bundt tin with the melted butter, making sure you get into all of the crevices.
  3. Dust the tin with cocoa powder, tapping it around the tin to coat all over then tip out any excess (if you collect it on a plate, you can use the excess cocoa powder in the cake batter).

For the cake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Take the same pot you were using earlier and add the 175g of butter, the golden syrup, treacle and light brown sugar. Place over a low heat on the stove and cook, stirring often, until the butter has fully melted. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes.
  3. To the cooled butter mixture, stir in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the yoghurt.
  4. In a large bowl, mix the flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda, ginger, cinnamon and salt.
  5. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir with a whisk until smooth.
  6. Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 40-50 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  7. Allow the cake to cool for 10 minutes in the tin before tipping out onto a cooling rack.

For the ganache:

  1. Place the chocolate into a small, heatproof bowl. Pour cream into a small pot and place over a medium-low heat. Once the cream is gently steaming, remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate in the bowl.
  2. Allow to sit for 10 minutes then stir to get a smooth ganache.
  3. Drizzle the ganache over the cake (which can still be warm when you do this) allowing it to drip down the sides. Decorate with crystallized ginger while the ganache is still warm.


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Which Topology Topper is Best for Your Dog?


A brown dachshund running up to their Topology bed with a yellow bean bag topper

Discover the new Topology Dog Bed from Omlet, with customizable toppers to suit your dog’s personality. Not sure which topper your dog will love best? Take the quiz below!


  1. What kind of walk does your dog enjoy the most?

  1. Run, doggie, run! The further the better
  2. A gentle stroll around the park will be fine, thanks
  3. I’m only small. A short walk followed by snuggles please.
  4. A simple stroll around the neighborhood for us!
  5. The muddier the better. A cold swim would be a bonus!


  1. Which breed is your dog most like in personality?

  1. A dashing dalmatian
  2. A pampered poodle
  3. A snuggly pug
  4. A sleek saluki
  5. A water-loving spaniel


  1. What would you find most useful in a bed?

  1. A bed that gives them a lot of support and allows them to rest fully
  2. A luxury material but that’s also easy to clean
  3. Something that creates a den-like environment
  4. A sleek and stylish bed that matches your home
  5. A practical bed that helps to clean and dry after dirty walks


  1. Where is your dog’s favorite place to sleep?

  1. Somewhere squishy they can really bury into
  2. Only the softest of blankets, preferably by the fire
  3. In a cozy corner somewhere away from the noise
  4. Somewhere they can really stretch out and relax
  5. Anywhere they can dry themselves off and snuggle in


  1. On a scale of 1 to fox poo, how clean is your dog?

  1. As long as there’s a big walk with a nap at the end, they don’t mind mud!
  2. Very clean, wouldn’t put a paw near a puddle
  3. I think they would rather stay fresh and clean in their den
  4. Clean, but loves a dash about in the park
  5. They LOVE mud. They LOVE swimming. Bring on the dirt!


  1. What is your favorite color palette within your home?

  1. I love a mustard yellow. The brighter the better.
  2. Creams and whites please.
  3. Cool, soft greys are perfect for my home
  4. Stylish mints and subtle greens really suit me
  5. Brown is great to cover muddy pawprints



A brown dachshund lying on a Topology bed with a yellow bean bag topper

Mostly A’s: Beanbag topper!

This super squishy beanbag molds around your dog’s body for a sublime night’s sleep. The extra support is great for relaxing after a long walk, and the bright pop of mustard yellow looks stylish in any home! Plus, the beans inside can be easily removed to wash the cover.

A brown dachshund sleeping on a Topology bed with a sheepskin topper

Mostly B’s: Sheepskin topper!

The luxurious, super soft sheepskin topper in sophisticated white offers premium comfort to pampered pooches who desire the very best for bedtime. Don’t worry about fur and dirt, the sheepskin topper can be unzipped from the mattress and thrown in the washing machine!

An Afghan hound lying on a grey Topology bed

Mostly C’s: Bolster topper!

The cushioned bolster topper is deep filled around the sides and designed to support your pet’s head, just like a pillow. This bolster shape also helps create a secure feeling of protection around your dog. The Bolster cushion can be removed from the cover for washing too!

A brown dachshund lying on a Topology bed with a quilted topper

Mostly D’s: Quilted topper!

Simple and sleek, the quilted topper is a great choice for dog’s who love to stretch out after a long day. The stylish, blue-grey hue fits nicely in all homes, and the super soft material on the memory foam mattress provides ultimate comfort. Easily unzip and clean in the washing machine.

A brown dog asleep on a Topology bed with a Microfiber topper

Mostly E’s: Microfibre topper!

The microfiber topper is perfect for dogs who love long, muddy walks. Puddles aren’t a problem for your dog, and they’re not a problem for this topper either. The brown tassel design absorbs moisture from your dog’s fur and camouflages muddy paw prints. Simply unzip and throw in the washing machine ready for your next adventure!


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Does my dog really need a bed?

French Bulldog lying on Omlet Nest dog bed in Pawsteps Electric print

It’s true that dogs can sleep pretty much anywhere! But, when you think about it, so can we – in a tent, on a long train journey, or in front of the TV. However, by choice we would prefer to be tucked up in our own comfortable, warm beds, waking up feeling refreshed and as though we’d had a good rest, rather than grouchy and with a crick in the neck. Dogs are just the same, which is why it’s so important for us to provide our pups with the bed they deserve.

The Importance of a good dog bed

Provides your dog with a better night’s sleep

If your dog is comfortable in their own bed at night, this inevitably goes hand in hand with them having a better-quality sleep. Just as it is to me and you, sleep is crucial to our furry friends for a number of reasons. A good night’s sleep helps with your dog’s brain development, immune system, as well as with their mood. Who said that it was just humans that got grumpy after getting out of the wrong side of the bed in the morning?

And just like us, when it comes to dogs, one bed size does not fit all. That’s why we created the exclusive Omlet Dog Walk Collection designs in three different bed styles so you can suit the needs of your dog at whatever stage of life they are in. Whether they like the supportive feel of a bolster dog bed, the plump cushioning of a nest dog bed, or the versatility and comfort of a cushion dog bed, Omlet has the bed that will suit your dog’s sleep.


Dogs are territorial animals, meaning that they like to claim certain places as their own, with the areas they deem the “most special”, i.e. where no one else should go, the most important parts of their territory. For many dogs, this special place is their bed, where they should be able to comfortably lie and relax in peace, without being disturbed by any other members of the family – the ultimate safety zone for your pet.

However, one mistake that some dog owners make is to send a “naughty dog” to their bed as a punishment. Needless to say, this creates a negative association with the bed for the poor dog, which of course will not make them feel as though their bed is somewhere they can feel safe.

Something else to note here is if you have more than one dog in the household. Your dogs will usually insist on having their own, separate sleeping arrangements, so it’s fundamental that one dog’s bed is not treated to the canine equivalent of sofa surfing. A dog that shows interest in another dog’s comfy mattress should be firmly discouraged.

Afghan Hound dog on Omlet Topology dog bed with its log hair flowing

Supports joints

If you don’t provide an actual dog bed, your furry companion will improvise. A favorite spot on the rug, on the chairs, a comfy corner away from all the noise, or an old towel or blanket. These can all be roped in as beds, and the dog will retire there whenever he needs some downtime. However, the problem with this is that it could actually be having a negative impact on their joints.

As a dog gets older and their joints become stiffer, it will appreciate the comfort of a good dog mattress even more so. Older dogs especially are prone to suffering from joint issues such as arthritis and hip dysplasia, with certain larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Great Danes being more susceptible to these than others. A high-quality, memory foam dog bed like the Topology from Omlet will help keep your dog’s joints supported, by minimizing stress and preventing any unnecessary muscle pain. Dog beds can also prevent sores, calluses and bald patches – all things that may affect dogs who sleep on wooden or stone floors, or rough carpets.

Encourages your dog to sleep in their own bed

The spot your dog chooses, given half a chance, may be your own bed. Unless you’re firm with him, he’ll be there to stay. In a previous blog, we discussed whether it was a good idea to let your pet sleep on your bed at night. While it was agreed that there are some benefits of doing so, this may not be the appropriate scenario for everyone. In this case, providing your own dog with a comfortable bed will work out in your favor even more so, encouraging them to sleep there as opposed to in yours. This is yet another reason why buying a comfy dog bed makes sense.

But why not take their comfort to another level and give your dog a sense of familiarity and peace with the style of the bed as well. With the Dog Walk Collection designed by Omlet you can do just that. An exclusive collection of 8 designer prints, this signature collection includes patterns and prints that reflect the beauty and collective joy of the walks we take with our dog. Your dog will find their own peace and comfort on a dog bed that is as beautiful as the scenery they enjoy with you each day. And your home decor will be enhanced by it!

How Omlet supports your dog

Sleep is one of the most important parts of your dog’s life. At Omlet, we asked how we could support this essential need and then got to work designing. We engineer all of our dog beds with high-quality comfort, superior support and detailed qualities that enhance your dog’s health and happiness. And with our exclusive Dog Walk Collection dog beds, we even found a way to make boring beds beautiful. Supporting your dog’s sleep isn’t just a product we make. It’s a mission we take seriously to create what matters most for your dog that matters.

German Shepherd lying on Omlet Bolster dog bed in Midnight Meadow print

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Share A Bed with Your Pet-Yes or No

Photo of a shaggy dog laying on the bed

We all love our pets, and sometimes it simply seems far too difficult being apart for just a few hours, even at night. Surveys have shown that up to two thirds of people with cats or dogs now sharing a bed with their furry friend, so it’s clear that the prospect of snuggling up with the cat or dog at bedtime can sometimes be impossible to resist. Many pet owners would agree that co-sleeping with a beloved pet seems harmless. However, with sharing the bed also comes drawbacks. First of all, though, let’s talk about the main benefits of letting your pet sleep on the bed.

Benefits of Sharing a Bed with Your Pet


Sleeping with your pet can be a great bonding experience for both parties. Dogs and cats provide their owners with physical comfort and support, strengthening your bond and relationship, which can help your pet to feel more at home.


For dog owners in particular, sharing your bed with your pet every night can be a great security measure if you have any concerns about break ins. Regardless of how your dog would react to any intruders, they’re a great deterrent to any burglars and provide you with a sense of safety at night. Although your cat might not be able to put up much of a fight against any intruders, they’re highly sensitive creatures and can alert you of anything that appears suspicious, such as unusual smells or sounds.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Studies show that co-sleeping with your pet can help elevate your mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels. When you cuddle with your dog or cat, having that contact releases the happy hormone of oxytocin. Reduced levels of stress and anxiety levels may also help you to get a better night’s sleep.

Personal Alarm Clock

Like humans, cats and dogs sleep at night and are awake for the day (well, for the most part!). They’re both creatures of habit and love routine so don’t be surprised if you get a very personal wakeup call from your pet at 6am every morning. Look on the bright side though, you might never have to set an alarm for work ever again!

Drawbacks of Sharing a Bed with Your Pet

Fleas and Parasites

Unfortunately, cats and dogs are notorious for fleas. If you regularly welcome your pet into bed for a snuggle at night, then you may also be welcoming their fleas too. Although easily treated, having fleas is an unpleasant experience for both you and your pets. More worryingly, co-sleeping with your pet could actually be putting your health at risk. Both dogs and cats can spread parasites such as tapeworm, that can make us sick.


If your cat or dog is prone to shedding, then don’t expect your bed to escape from the mess! It’s no secret to most pet owners how much of a nightmare it can be to forever be hoovering up your dog or cat’s fur from around the house, so if you don’t fancy adding another chore to the list then maybe it’s best to avoid sleeping with a dog or cat.


It’s not a good idea to share the bed with your pet if you suffer from allergies, even if they’re not pet related. Those who suffer from asthma or are sensitive to pollen and dust for example, may find their allergies being triggered from sharing the bed with a dog or cat.

Behavioral Problems

When you allow your animals to share the bed, you run the risk of facing behavioral problems. For dogs that are prone to separation anxiety or territorial aggression, allowing them to sleep on the bed at night could only be worsening these issues. Cats can also suffer from issues such as territorial behavior, so if you’re met with a hiss or lash out from your cat when you attempt to move them off the bed then it’s probably not a great idea to continue sharing.

If you (or your pet) do decide to sleep alone, it’s important to make sure that you provide them with a safe and cozy bed at night. Omlet stock a wide range of pet beds for dogs and cats that optimize comfort and hygiene, so that your cat or dog will be just as snug in their own space.

If you (or your pet) do decide to sleep alone, it’s important to make sure that you provide them with a safe and cozy bed at night. Omlet stock a wide range of pet beds for dogs and cats that optimize comfort and hygiene, so that your cat or dog will be just as snug in their own space. The new Maya Donut Cat Bed offers first class comfort, made with a luxurious faux fur fabric your cat will love. Or how about trying the Topology Luxury Dog Bed for your pet pooch. With a memory foam mattress base, your dog will be in their element with a number of customizable toppers to fit their personality.

 French Bulldog laying on a Topology Dog Bed  
 Cat grooming itself on the Maya Donut Cat Bed 

So, as amazing as it can be to share the bed with our favorite furry friends, with risks such as behavioral issues and allergies to consider, the decision really is a matter of personal choice. Either way, it’s always worth investing in your pet’s own bed to give them the option to have their own safe space (however little or often it may be used!). 


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The Perfect Christmas Gifts for Dogs and Their Owners

The Omlet Christmas Market is now open! With plenty on offer for dogs this year, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to get some great deals on gifts for any pampered pooches (and their owners!) that you have in your life. 

Topology Bed

The Topology dog bed is a must-have for any pup who loves to put their feet up after a long day! With a high performance memory foam mattress base, this bed is also an amazing gift for any dogs who need that extra bit of support and comfort for their joints. Available with a number of luxury toppers, including a dreamy faux fur sheepskin, the bed is great for keeping your four legged friend snug over the holiday season! 

Bolster Bed

If you know someone who’s looking to upgrade their dog’s bed for the new year, the Bolster Bed is an ideal choice. The zip-on, machine washable covers make them ideal for any puppy accidents or muddy paw prints as well.

With a range of 15 different beautiful colors and a range of designer feet to choose from, the Bolster is perfect for any dog parents who want a stylish bed to match the interior of their home! How about opting for the Sage Green or Merlot Red to really fit in with the Christmas decorations?

Luxury Super Soft Dog Blanket

The irresistible Luxury Super Soft Dog Blanket will be a real treat for any pups to find under the tree this year! The ultra cozy, Sherpa blanket can be placed anywhere in the home to help your dog get a great night’s sleep. You can even position the blanket in your pup’s bed for even more warmth and comfort. Now also available in a very festive poinsettia red and cream design, your dogs can get into Christmas spirit with the rest of the family!

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Cleaning Tips For Dogs Who Love Mud!

A brown dog shaking itself dry on the Topology bed

It’s no secret that most dogs absolutely love getting muddy, rolling around in dirt and jumping in the biggest puddles they can find! This can unsurprisingly result in a very muddy pup and several trips to the dreaded bath! While we can try and prevent our dogs from getting too dirty by discouraging digging and diving into puddles, it’s inevitable that some pups just can’t help getting their paws and fur muddy. Fortunately for us though, we don’t have to let our furry friends get in the way of a clean house. Here are our tips on how exactly you can keep your house clean with a dog that loves mud.

Tips For Cleaning Around Your Home

Daily Floor Cleaning

It may seem obvious but with a pet comes more cleaning around the house! It’s a good idea to purchase a vacuum or floor cleaner  that has been specifically designed with our pets in mind. These are perfect for helping to remove a buildup of dirt left around the house from your dog and any hair that is stuck in difficult to reach spots. If you’ve got hardwood floors, you can then use a high quality, pet safe surface cleaner to mop over any leftover dirt or potential muddy paw prints.

Plenty of Throws!

Not only do throws look great around the home during this time of year, creating a cozy Fall feel, they can also help with keeping your furniture in tip top shape! Using throws or blankets on your furniture will save you a lot of time (and money), over attempting to clean your fabric sofa. Be sure to use easy to clean throws that can simply be put in the washing machine once they get smelly or accumulate any dirt or mud. You can also get your dog their own blanket like the Omlet Luxury Super Soft Dog Blanket, which can be placed on your furniture or their bed. Not only does the blanket provide ultimate comfort, it’s also double sided, allowing you to choose a style to best suit your interior.

Consider Dog Bed Choice

There are several dog beds on the market and sometimes it can be overwhelming attempting to choose which will be best for your pet. Something you should consider however, is how it will affect the cleanliness of your home. Without regular washing, it’s easy for your dog’s bed to quickly become dirty with hair, dust, and mud as your pup returns from the backyard or a walk. Dog beds with removable covers are a good choice, making for much easier cleaning than those without. Furthermore, dog beds with feet such as the Topology bed can help with keeping your dog’s bed cleaner for longer, as well as keeping the floor beneath the bed clean, minimizing a build up of debris compared to dog mattresses that sit directly on the ground.

Tips For Cleaning a Muddy Dog

A Labrador lying on a Topology bedRegular Grooming

Regular grooming for your dog is essential, regardless of whether your dog has become visibly muddy or not. While some dog breeds require a lot more grooming than others and are recommended to take regular visits to a professional groomer, you can also keep on top of their regime while at home. Between baths, you can use a dry shampoo to get rid of dirt and odors. You can also maintain your dog’s coat using a brush, suitable for their breed to help keep their fur healthy.

Muddy pug in the woodsWipe Your Dog’s Paws After Walkies

Dog paws can of course bring in dirt and mud into our homes, so wiping down your dog’s muddy paws after they come back from a walk is one way to prevent them from bringing this inside. To clean muddy dog paws and get the mud gone you can use paw wipes, specifically designed for dogs, gently rubbing away any dirt. Another great tip is to rub in a bit of natural coconut oil to your dog’s dirty paws after paw cleaning. This will help to hydrate and soothe sore or itchy paw pads.

Leave a Towel or Mat by The Door

You can leave a towel or mat by your door as another solution to keep your dog from leaving their muddy paw prints across the home. The Wet Paws Mat for example can simply be placed at the door where your dog enters the house. The mat is highly absorbent, cleaning muddy feet by absorbing the mud from your dog’s paw pads. As you would with a towel too, you can then shake off the mat outside or throw it in the washing machine.

Having a dog that loves the mud doesn’t have to ruin your home. Hopefully after reading these tips you’ll be a lot more prepared on how you continue to enjoy your dog walks without fearing for your house!




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Asparagus, Leek and Pea Frittata

asparagus pea and leek frittata in pan

Elise Pulbrook is an Australian chef, baker, Australian Masterchef 2021 semi finalist and, as of recently, – chicken keeper! She’s sharing one of her favorite ways of using those lovely fresh eggs on the Omlet blog, a scrumptious asparagus, leek and pea frittata!

My favorite egg recipe of all time is my Zia Maria’s asparagus frittata. I’ve changed her recipe slightly, adding leek and peas. Sometimes Zia Maria adds chopped boiled potato. At the start of Spring, there has never been a shortage of asparagus in my family. Koo Wee Rup is Victoria’s asparagus country and my large Italian family has roots there. Zio Frank would bring at least one large polystyrene box of asparagus down to Melbourne every year for his sisters to divide amongst themselves.

This is a recipe I make as soon as sweet stems of asparagus come into season. To make this with my own chicken’s eggs is deeply satisfying! This is a thin frittata that is flourless and it is often referred to as an omelet within my family.


  • 200g chopped leek
  • 200g chopped asparagus, woody ends removed
  • 200g baby peas
  • 10g chopped garlic, approximately 2 cloves
  • 230g whisked egg, approximately 4 large eggs
  • 30g fresh chopped parsley
  • 2 -3 pinches of salt, or to taste (every salt is slightly different in its saltiness, know your salt!)
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes, or to taste (some chilli flakes are hotter than others!)
  • 1-2 pinches dried oregano or zaatar
  • 40g grated pecorino cheese, or enough to cover the surface of your omelet
  • Light olive oil for frying (at least 100ml, remember to be generous with your olive oil and cook like an Italian!)


1 – Heat a large well-seasoned cast iron pan or non stick fry pan. If using a 30cm fry pan, the quantities in the ingredient list will allow you to make two omelets. I have used a 35cm cast iron skillet for the frittata pictured. A rule of thumb for the success of many recipes is to choose the appropriate pan for the task at hand.

2 – Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to your pan and begin to sweat your leek over a medium heat. Add two pinches of salt to help extract moisture from your leek and accelerate its cooking time. When your leek has softened and tastes sweet, add your garlic. Allow the garlic to soften and perfume the oil. Next, add your asparagus. Allow the asparagus to fry by slightly increasing the heat of your pan and allowing it to sizzle. Stir occasionally, avoiding any browning. We are aiming for a tender ‘just cooked’ asparagus with a slight crunch and bright sweetness. Add the peas and allow them to blister into radiant green jewels. The peas will only need a moment or two. If using frozen peas, you’re essentially just defrosting them in the pan. Taste the vegetables and, if they are all beautifully tender, remove them from the heat and into a large bowl.

ingredients for a pea and leek frittata

3 – Mix the vegetables with the whisked egg, parsley, chilli flakes, a pinch of oregano and a pinch of salt.

4 – Wipe out your pan, bring to a medium-high heat and then add a generous 5mm layer of olive oil. Don’t allow your oil to smoke but do allow it to be hot enough for your frittata to sizzle once poured into the pan. Once you do pour your frittata mixture into the pan, flatten it out quickly using a spatula, pushing the mixture completely and evenly cover the surface area of your pan. Sprinkle over the grated cheese and the remainder of your oregano.

5 – Turn on the grill function of your oven to preheat while you are waiting for the edges of your frittata to start to brown. Check the bottom of your frittata by using a spatula to peek underneath. Once it has begun to brown, transfer the pan to the oven and leave to grill until the cheese on top has melted and begun to brown. Remove from the grill.

6 – Serve cut into squares as part of an antipasti selection or wedged between buttered sliced bread for lunch. Enjoy!

closeup of finished asparagus frittata

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Did You Know How Dirty Your Dog’s Bed Is?

Little girl reading to her dog on topology bed

Topology Dog Beds give all dog’s that ‘clean sheet’ feeling.

It is estimated that 44% of Americans share a home with their canine companions but 1 in 20 of those dog owners never wash their dog’s bedding. A recent survey discovered that 22% of dog owners think that the dog bed takes 2 weeks to become unhygienic, yet 23% still leave it a month between washes! No wonder a dog bed is one of the 10 dirtiest spots in the home.

We’re known as a nation of dog lovers, but it has become clear that many owners do not give their dogs the sleeping experience they deserve. In fact, the survey showed that only half of dog owners wash their dog’s bed as frequently as dog and hygiene experts recommend: at least every other week.

The survey found the main reasons people struggle to keep their dog’s bed clean is that it’s time consuming and it leaves their dog without a bed while the cover is being washed and dried.

So how do we make it easier for the owners, and more comfortable and hygienic for the dogs? Enter Omlet’s newest innovation: Topology, the dog bed evolution our pets have been craving!

Topology Dog Beds feature patented, machine washable toppers that easily zip on and off a sturdy and supportive memory foam mattress. This allows owners to quickly swap to a new topper when the dirty one is in the wash. A range of designs from luxurious sheepskin to highly absorbent microfiber and even a beanbag version mean that you can find a topper that suits your dog perfectly, and looks great in your home.

After many days of rigorous play and nights of deep sleep, a worn topper can also be replaced without the need to throw away the rest of the bed. Economical, hygienic and kinder to the environment!

Another exciting feature of the Topology Dog Bed is the possibility to raise the bed with stylish designer feet. Not only does this make the bed blend beautifully in with the rest of your furniture, it also improves airflow around the bed without creating nasty drafts, minimizing dust and debris as well as unwelcome disturbances. Yet another improvement to dog bed hygiene, thanks to Omlet!

Omlet’s Head of Product Design, Simon Nicholls, says: “We wanted to combine all the things dogs and their owners find important into one ultimate dog bed, and what we ended up with was Topology. The combination of the base, the toppers and the feet provides extreme comfort and support, cleanliness and hygiene, and durability. It’s been really nice to see how different dogs tend to go for different toppers and how their favorites match their personalities!”

Golden Doodle on Topology Dog Bed with Microfiber Topper
Hand unzipping the Topology Topper
Dog laying on sheepskin topper on Topology Dog Bed

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What your dog needs this fall

two dalmatians playing in the autumn leaves

Most dogs love fall. The children are back in school, which means the house is quiet during the day, and their favorite parks and walking trails are calmer. They’re allowed back on the beaches, there’s no pollen in the air and the temperature is pleasantly cool enough to be able to run around without worrying about overheating. And we haven’t even mentioned jumping in piles of crisp raked-up leaves! Safe to say there’s a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks for both canines and humans, but to make this time of year as amazing as possible for your furry friend, there are some things you might want to invest in or stock up on. Here is some advice and a useful checklist of what your dog needs this fall.

A warm and comfy bed

When returning to the house after a rainy walk at this time of year, you’ll appreciate getting yourself comfortable with a cozy blanket on the sofa, or even under the covers in your bed. Your dog will feel exactly the same. Make sure your dog has a soft and supportive bed to rest on as the nights draw in. The Omlet Bolster dog beds have a high-performing memory foam mattress that will mold itself around your dog as they relax their bodies, and will provide them with a long, restful sleep all night.

Having a safe and warm space to return to after hours of fall play is especially important if your dog is still a puppy. Keep your pet’s bed close to the central heating or in a room with a wood burner so they can be in the same room as the rest of the family, and make sure it stays warm throughout the night.

Coats for dogs

Dogs of all breeds can benefit from wearing a dog coat on walks to give them extra warmth and comfort during fall and winter, but it’s extra important for small or short-haired dogs who are not naturally evolved to deal with lower temperatures.

Dog jackets are available in a wide range of styles and materials, and which you decide to go for is up to you, but we would recommend choosing a waterproof version that’s easy to clean.

If your dog is not used to wearing a coat it might take some time to get them comfortable. Start slowly by letting them sniff and explore the material, rewarding them with treats to give reassurance. Once they seem comfortable around the coat you can put it on for short periods in the house or in the backyard, slowly increasing the time.

Halloween costume

Although possibly not a fall essential, if the rest of the family is dressing up for Halloween you should of course include any furry friend as well. You can get super cute costumes online or in pet stores, or you could opt for a DIY version. A quick Google search should give you some inspiration. It’s important to never force your pet to wear a costume. If you see any sign of your dog being uncomfortable and stressed, immediately remove the clothing.

Reflective collar and lead

To make sure you and your dog are visible when you go for your early morning or evening walks, it’s a good idea to get a reflective collar and/or leash that will alert passing cars. Many walkers carry torches when walking in the dark, so reflective gear can be useful even if you’re not around vehicles. You can also get collars with LED lights that will make sure both you and others can spot your dog on country walks off the leash.

Controlling ticks and fleas

Don’t stop giving your dog tick and flea repellent treatments just because summer is over. Fleas and ticks can still be lurking when your dog is out for a walk and can find their way into our warm homes.

Dealing with mud

Even if your dog is not a fan of jumping in puddles, running through high grass or rolling in wet leaves, walks are going to get wetter and muddier as fall approaches, so it’s worth making sure that you have everything at hand to deal with a cold and dirty dog. If you’re driving home from walks, it’s a good idea to have a towel or a dog blanket to dry off your dog before they get in the car to make sure they don’t get cold. A waterproof seat cover is another solution.

Get a dog-friendly shampoo for bath time, and a good brush to get rid of dirt and debris from the coat. If you’re not meticulous about cleaning your dog, it’s ideal to have a dog bed that is easy to keep clean like the Omlet Bolster dog bed. With a removable cover, it can easily be zipped off and put in the washing machine when dirty. 

Grooming your pet

Your dog will start growing their winter coat in preparation for the colder season. To make sure it’s as healthy as possible, you can give your pooch a groom to get rid of dead hair and matted fur. This is especially important if your dog’s coat is very long or difficult to keep clean. You can start by just brushing through the hair, but if you’re able to it’s always good to let a professional groom your dog.

Keep your dog safe

Fall does unfortunately also come with some pet hazards. Be aware that antifreeze is highly poisonous to dogs, and can result in acute liver failure and even death. Signs that your dog might have eaten something they shouldn’t include vomiting, seizures and difficulty breathing, so call your vet immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. 

Rock salt used on the roads as grit could also be dangerous if ingested, so make sure you clean your dog’s paws thoroughly after walks.

Also, be aware that all sorts of dangers can hide under leaves and on muddy paths. Broken glass, toxic food or litter can seriously harm your pet, so to keep your dog happy and healthy it’s important to always keep a close eye on them when they’re exploring.

Omlet and your dog’s fall

If you come prepared, this time of year should be a real treat for both dogs and humans, ideal for spending quality time together walking, playing and snuggling. And with Omlet’s Bolster dog bed, dog blankets and dog accessories, this fall will be the best one yet.

Terrier asleep on Omlet Luxury Faux Fur Sheepskin Dog Blanket on sofa

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Meet the “Pawsome” Stars of Topology!

Meet five “pawsome” stars from our exciting new video, and find out more about their new favorite dog bed: Topology!

Topology is a super stylish, comfortable and practical bed that both dogs and owners will love! Machine washable toppers zip on and off the supportive memory foam mattress, so that your dog’s bed can easily be kept clean and hygienic. The range of five different toppers also means that you will be able to customize the bed to fit your dog and their personality.

We asked five of the canine characters in the Topology video to tell us which topper was their favorite and why:

Freddie love his Topology Dog Bed with a comfy Beanbag topper

Freddie is a boisterous Dalmatian with bundles of energy! He loves showing off his jumping skills, and will happily throw himself at his bed over and over again to burn off some steam. This isn’t a challenge for the robust fabric and stitching of the Topology Dog Bed, and Freddies favorite topper, the Beanbag, is both fun and super comfortable as it fully lets the dog’s body relax as they lie down on top of it.

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes even Freddie needs a good, long nap, and as much as the Topology dog bed can withstand his lively playing, it will also provide superb support for his resting body. Thanks to the memory foam layer in the base and the softness of the topper, the owners of Freddie have no doubt he’s fully relaxed and comfortable when he finally settles in for the night.

Woody could relax for days on his Topology bed with luxurious Sheepskin topper

Even if neither he nor his owner would admit to it, Woody the Goldendoodle is what many would describe as a pampered pooch. He won’t settle for anything but the most luxurious of dog beds after his strolls around the city’s parks, so it’s no surprise that his favorite topper is the sheepskin.

Positioned in the best position in the living room, Woody can stretch out on his Topology Dog Bed and feel the super soft fabric against his skin while the memory foam mattress molds around his body. Woody’s owner really appreciates how easy it is to remove and clean the topper.

Winston feels safe and supported on his Topology dog bed with Bolster topper

Little Winston is a Dachshund, and only six months old. With all the exciting exploring, learning, playing and chewing shoes he has to do all day, it’s extra important that he has a comfy bed to retreat to when he gets tired.

Winston absolutely loves the bolster topper. Not only does the perfectly padded bolster give his little head support when he snoozes, it also encloses the body to provide a den-like feeling that adds a sense of security.

Margot favors the elegance and extreme comfort of the Quilted topper

Margot is a classy Afghan Hound who appreciates the simple luxuries in life. She loves being comfortable, preferably curling up by the fire after a walk around the town when she enjoys meeting new dogs to sniff.

Margot’s favorite topper is the super soft quilted version. It stays cool against the body in Summer and has a warming effect in Winter, and the classic design oozes luxury and comfort. Additionally, Margot’s owners love the look of the soft minty grey against the rest of their furniture!

Esme can dry off and relax on the Microfiber topper on her Topology Dog bed

Esme is a perfectly sized terrier mix who loves nothing more than running over wide fields and chasing squirrels between trees on long country walks. Rain and wind won’t stop her – the muddier the better! That’s why the microfiber topper is her favorite. The structured fabric is nice to roll your wet back against, and it will speed up the drying process.

Esme’s owners also love that she’s got a space to dry off after inevitable hose-downs that isn’t the living room carpet! Leftover mud and moisture from walks will quickly and smoothly blend into the microfiber topper, and it can be washed over and over again, allowing for more lovely nature walks.

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How to Exercise Your Dog Indoors

A Dachshund Playing Indoors With Their Owner With A Fido Nook Dog Bed Behind Them

Come rain or shine our dogs need their daily walk… or two, right? But what happens when this just isn’t possible? Sometimes we can’t take our dogs outside for a number of reasons, be it extreme weather conditions, or maybe you’re in isolation. Regardless of your explanation, it’s a good idea to know how to keep on top of your dog’s physical health, as well as having an understanding of how to keep their brains engaged and stimulated while inside the home, even for when you’re able to take them for their regular walks again.

Although exercise with your dog inside most definitely does not substitute for your dog’s activity outdoors, there are a number of ideas to help you and your pup out, should you find yourselves in a situation when you can’t leave your home.

Physical Exercise Ideas

Tug of War

Tug of war is a great game to encourage your dog to exercise indoors. Before making a start it’s important that you’ve taught your dog the release command, to ensure they know how to drop their tug toy as soon as you ask them. Once they’ve mastered this, you can begin playing with a durable tug of war toy like the Triangle Tug toy on the Omlet site that comes in Blush Pink and Red, which you can use to tug back and forth with your pup.

Create an Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is a fantastic way to get your dog active around the house. You can make your course as simple or complicated as you want, and you’ll probably already have most of the equipment you need in your home! You can use a children’s play tunnel for your dog to run through, or even make your own using an old cardboard box, with treats to lure your pooch in. If you’ve got carpeted stairs, you can incorporate these into the course for your pet, or even use a hula-hoop or PVC pipes to have your pup jump through. You can really get creative here, as long as your dog is supervised at all times.

A Pug Playing Tug Of War IndoorsPlay Fetch in The Living Room

This is definitely one for a rainy day when it’s impossible to even play with your furry friend in the garden. This classic game is one form of indoor exercise that is bound to tire out your dog, but be wary of this one if you’re lacking the space inside (or a great aim!). Remember to always use a soft ball toy to play this game to avoid any damage.

Get a Treadmill

Treadmills aren’t just for humans! If you have a particularly active dog breed that you know is dependent on being outdoors for hours of running, a treadmill is a great way to get their physical activity in and tire them out. It’s not advisable to use a treadmill built for us to take your dogs on, so if you’re considering this option to exercise your dog, you can invest in a purpose built dog treadmill. That way you can be assured that your pup will stay safe, knowing the machine is suitable for their weight and joints.

Mental Exercise Ideas

Try Out Puzzle Toys

Exercising your dog isn’t all about physical activity. Physical and mental stimulation are both incredibly important, with mental stimulation being able to use as much energy as physical exercise for dogs. Invest in a puzzle toy or treat maze, a brain game that will really get your pup thinking, providing them with plenty of mental stimulation. Watch as your dog uses up their energy as they work out how they can get to their treats.

Play Hide and Seek

Although hide and seek can involve a lot of physical exercise, it also requires a lot of brain power from your dog. Find a hiding space and have your dog wait until you call their name to find you. When your pup finds your hiding place, give them lots of praise or reward them with a treat.

Teach Your Pup New Tricks

Teaching your dog new tricks is an activity you can do without hardly any space, and something that will keep them mentally engaged. You can begin teaching your puppy basic commands as soon as they arrive home, usually at eight weeks old. However, as your pup gets older these can become more complex and fun.

You can try hiding some of your dog’s favorite treats to really get their nose (and brain) working. This game is perfect for mental enrichment for your pup, and also one you can try to incorporate into your obstacle course. Before hiding your pup’s treats, teach them the “find it” command, so they know what to do when you release them to go on their scent hunt. You can first hide a treat under a towel and then build this up to hiding treats around the house.

Being stuck indoors is no fun for you or your dog, but hopefully after a bit of inspiration you’ve been able to pick up helpful tips to make it a lot less boring before you can be out and about again.


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Everything You Need For Your New Cockapoo

Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash

Getting a new puppy is such an exciting time for everyone involved (even if it means a manic few months ahead of you!). A cross between a poodle and cocker spaniel, cockapoos have soared in popularity over the past few years, with their hypoallergenic coat and undeniably cute looks both playing a huge part in this! With such a loving and fun temperament, it’s hardly surprising that they have become a new firm family favorite. So, now you’ve decided that a cockapoo is the right puppy for you, where exactly do you start? Writing a puppy checklist is a good idea to get prepared before you bring your pet pooch into their new home.

Essentials for Before They’re Home

The first few days with your new puppy might be tough, as they adapt to your life and you become familiar with your four legged friend. Every dog is different but there are some essentials that we recommend for your cockapoo before even bringing them home that will make for a much easier start.

Food and Water (Including Bowls)

Puppies, of course, need a fresh supply of food and water (along with appropriate sized bowls for each). A reliable cockapoo breeder will tell you know what food your cockapoo puppy has been on before they come home, to make for a less stressful transition. Be sure to also purchase treats for your new furry friend. They’re a fantastic way to start the training process and will keep your puppy motivated.

Collar and Leash

When you pick your puppy up, they’ll probably have had a collar on to differentiate them from their litter-mates. However, you’ll want to purchase your own, even before they are able to go for their first walk. This will help to train them to get used to the feeling of a leash and collar. For size reference, cockapoos are generally medium sized dogs but this can range depending on what type of poodle they are mixed with. The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to fit two fingers under your cockapoo’s collar. Alternatively, you may wish to opt for a harness. Whichever you decide for your new cockapoo pup, make sure they are fitted with an ID tag, which states your name, first line of your address, postal code, contact number, and a message that indicates that your dog has been microchipped i.e. “I’m microchipped”.

A Crate and Bedding

When you bring your puppy home you should introduce them to a crate. A crate should never be used as a cage or to punish your dog, but should work as a den for your new cockapoo. The Omlet Fido Studio Dog Crate allows your dog to have their own private and safe place in the house, while the modern design will complement your home. Happy owner and happy pup!

Puppies need sleep, and a lot of it! So comfortable bedding for your cockapoo puppy is essential. Your Fido Studio Crate can also be very easily fitted with a wide range of dog beds. The easy clean Bolster dog bed is perfect for puppies and it’s quick and easy to zip off the cover to throw in the washing machine when it’s time for a freshen up!

A Few Extras For Your Cockapoo

Photo by FLOUFFY on Unsplash

Puppy pads

Cockapoos are remarkably intelligent and many puppies take to toilet training within the first few weeks. For when your pup arrives home it really is a personal preference as to whether you’d like to use puppy pads for toilet training or not. Puppy pads are massively convenient, especially to those with limited outdoor space. However, if getting up in the middle of the night to take your puppy to the bathroom isn’t a problem for you then you may wish to avoid this product as your pup may find it difficult or confusing to transition between the pads and outdoor peeing.


Pups love to play and cockapoos are no different here. Known for their outgoing, playful personalities, you’ll need to be stocked up with plenty of puppy toys to keep their minds occupied. Toys are also great for when you have to start leaving your puppy alone. Do make sure however, that any toys you leave with them are safe, age appropriate, and cannot be consumed! Puppies also love to chew, especially as they get into the teething stage. Be sure to explore different styles of dog toys to see how you can keep your cockapoo entertained and help with their chewing.

Grooming Kit

Although it’s wise to take your cockapoo to a professional groomer now and again, it’s also important to upkeep their grooming at home too. Purchasing a brush, comb, dog shampoo, and nail clippers is a great place to start. However, as cockapoos are of course a mixed breed, their coat type may vary. When your puppy reaches around seven to nine months old, they’ll develop their ‘adult coat’ and you will have a better indication of the best way to groom your dog.

Hopefully all the time spent preparing to bring your new puppy to their new home will help your family to transition better to life with your new furry friend!


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