The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Dogs

20 signs of a pampered pooch 

It’s the year 2025 — of course we’ve all become our dogs’ personal butlers. From homemade treats to pet store dog toy sprees, we would do anything for our pups. Do we spoil our dogs? Probably. Does it matter? Probably not. But for those of us taking stock, here are 20 signs of a pampered pooch

Dog sleeping on Omlet Bolster Bed - what is affecting my dogs sleep

20 tell-tale signs that you’re spoiling your dog 

Dogs appreciate a good spoiling, and as long as it doesn’t jeopardize their health and wellbeing — why not? We all indulge our dogs’ deepest (or even fleeting) desires, but there are some signs that your doggie-devotion is over-the-top. Think you’re in this “extra” category? Here are the signs. 

  • Here for the snacks 

Open your pantry to find nothing but pup treats? The good news: that means you’re rationing your dog’s intake — bravo! The bad news: now you have to go to the store for human-fare. 

  • Pet store shopping sprees  

Taking your dog to the pet store is one thing. It’s another thing entirely to line up an assortment of toys to let them pick one (or 5) out to bring home. 

  • Sprinkler splurges 

If you buy a new sprinkler for your backyard just because your dog enjoys them — and not because your grass needs watering — your dog might have you wrapped around their little paw. 

  • Novelty toys 

With novelty shapes, character themes, and tantalizing textiles, who can’t resist a new dog toy? It’s really more for you than for them anyway…

  • Grooming goals 

You look forward to your dog’s spa days as much as your own. Now that’s devotion. 

  • Healthy (dog) treats 

Your dog’s treats are all organic, sustainably sourced, and packed with vitamins and minerals — while yours are decidedly not. 

  • Pup plans 

Your afternoon of DIY projects has disappeared, dedicated instead to doling out belly rubs, playing fetch, and going for a walk to say hello to the park ducks. 

  • Inverted inventory 

The freezer is full of yummy offerings — for your dog. No ice cream or popsicles for humans are to be found. 

  • Biscuit baking 

You’ve spent two hours in the kitchens baking up the latest canine culinary creations for your dog and their closest friends. Looks like it’s store-bought cupcakes for your kids’ next event. 

  •  Forfeiting furniture 

Your dog might not physically boot you from your favorite spot, but their adorable appearance curled up in your chair is enough to send you in search of another seat. 

  • Canine curations 

The show currently on the TV isn’t for you — it’s for your dog. That’s ok, you can use the time to catch up on your crochet project, which is of course a sweater for your pup. 

  • Pooch presents 

You spend as much time and effort purchasing and hiding your dogs’ presents as you do your human family members. 

  • Pup-themed priorities 

When you have a lull during your business trip, you call to check-in with the dog sitter — which may coincidentally be your significant other or best friend — and the first thing you ask is “How’s the dog?” 

  • Self care for canines 

You’re a master at doggie-massage and homeopathic remedies, but rely heavily on coffee and a prayer for your own self-care. 

  • Doggie dinner times 

Planning dinner? Of course you’ve already thought about your canine companion eating first so you can both sit and enjoy the latest dog documentary. 

  • Beauty budget 

Your dog’s yearly salon expenses are more than your own. 

  • Dog-friendly dining 

You know all of the restaurants that allow pups on the patio, and make a list of dog-friendly dining options for every town you visit. 

  • Your pup has a pad 

Your dog’s “room” under the stairs was planned and decorated with more care than your own bedroom. 

  • Canine confidant 

Like a true best friend, you don’t want to offload your drama onto your dog because you don’t want them to worry. But since your dog is your best friend, they listen with rapt attention — and won’t be the least bit bothered by any embellishments.  

  • Dog-friendly destinations 

You’ve taken yet another trip that catered to canines. But it’s hard to find a better travel buddy when your dog is up for any adventure. 

Omlet and your dog 

The moral of the story is that as long as it doesn’t result in overeating, over-stressing, or over-exercising, does it really count as spoiling? Your dog won’t feel spoiled by these acts of devotion — only loved. Top off your pooch’s preferential treatment with dreamy dog beds, comfortable canine crates, and other dog products that show them just how much they mean to you. 

Big dog on the Omlet Topology dog bed

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Everything you need for a happy and healthy dog

Researching everything you need for a happy and healthy dog? You’re in good company. Dogs are the most popular pets all around the world, with an average of one-third of households globally containing at least one canine. There’s a reason why they’re called man’s best friend, but how can we be sure they’re getting everything they need from us? Here’s a guide to what dogs need to live long, happy lives, and how to spot a dog that isn’t thriving in their environment. 

Toddler with dog on the Omlet Topology bed

Every dog should have its day — everyday 

Dogs are well known for radiating positivity and love. But to foster this eternal optimism, we have to ensure our dogs’ basic needs are met. While there are a multitude of ways to accomplish this, here are the basics of canine care: 

  • Safe, supportive, and sanitary living conditions with a comfortable dog bed or dog crate, a leash and collar or harness for walks, and items to clean up after them.
  • Quality food and fresh water served in easy to clean dog bowls.
  • Exercise and enrichment in the form of quality time spent with you, a variety of toys, and time spent training basic commands and tasks. 
  • Routine veterinary care and checkups to receive necessary vaccinations and maintain overall and long-term health. 

When all of these needs are fulfilled, dogs are able to live long, happy lives — bringing us joy and companionship that is unique to the canine species. Here’s an in-depth look at how to practically provide your dog with their basic needs. 

Conditions fit for a canine 

Dogs deserve a supportive environment — in fact, it’s essential to their well-being. Most dogs thrive best inside with their owners, and should have their own designated spaces for eating and sleeping. Feed your dog in the same place each time they’re fed, and place their dog bed in a common area for them to catch a nap where the rest of your family relaxes. Orthopedic, comfy dog beds support growing puppies and aging dogs alike, giving them the deep, relaxing sleep they need for their overall health. 

With some exceptions, many dogs find comfort in having a dog crate. Dogs are den animals by nature, and they like having a space that they can call their own. In addition to appealing to your dog’s nature, dog crates also provide a safe, practical space for dogs to stay in while their owners are away from home. And, since dogs don’t like to go to the bathroom where they sleep, crates can be a valuable potty training tool. 

Other tips for making your home more dog-friendly include: 

  • Keeping noise levels down, as dogs have much keener hearing than we do. 
  • Laundering their dog bed cover routinely to keep it fresh. 
  • Make sure visitors know about your dog and can follow your guidelines for safe interaction. 

Your dog’s diet 

We may think that eating the same food every meal would be boring, but for your dog, this routine keeps their digestion and overall health in order. Dogs should be exclusively fed quality food formulated for their size and age range. Some dogs can be offered treats as a reward during training sessions, but treats should always be given sparingly to prevent your pup from becoming overweight or experiencing digestive upset. 

Choose a dog food that doesn’t contain too many fillers like corn, and make sure it’s an appropriate formulation for your dog. Puppies need puppy food to receive adequate nutrition for their growth, while mature dogs need a different ratio of nutrients to support a healthy weight and joint health. Large breeds need additional nutrients that support their bones and joints that regular or small breed dog food may be lacking in. 

Your veterinarian will be able to help you make the best dietary decisions based on your dog’s age, size, and overall health needs. And remember, if you’re switching up your dog’s food, do so slowly over the course of 2 weeks to avoid upsetting your pup’s stomach. Feed your dog according to their waistline — not the recommendations on the bag — and wash their bowls weekly to prevent bacteria from building up. Always have fresh water readily available, kept out of direct sunlight and in the same location for your dog to find easily. 

Attention, training, and quality time 

One of the best things about having a dog is that you have a companion that’s ready for adventure at a moment’s notice. Most dogs are thrilled at the prospect of a walk, playtime, or even just a quick pat on the head in passing. It’s part of what makes dogs such amazing pets. 

But as much as we enjoy time with our dogs, most dogs crave time with us. It’s important to give ample attention to your dog, and provide them with plenty of outlets to expel their energy. Some dog breeds and individual dogs are more high strung than others, requiring a “job” or additional training to keep their active minds engaged. 

Aim to spend a set amount of time each day with your dog. This could be in the form of a walk, a training session, or playtime. Time spent with your canine companion not only strengthens your bond, but also gives your dog a sense of purpose and belonging. Even just 15-30 minutes a day spent interacting with your dog will go a long way in keeping their minds sharp and energy expelled. 

Veterinary care 

Shots are no fun — but getting sick is a lot worse. It’s important that puppies complete all of the recommended rounds of vaccinations, usually 3-4 sets spaced out in 3-4 week intervals. Some of these vaccinations, like rabies vaccinations, are required by law, while others are to prevent canine-specific diseases. Don’t take your puppy to public places where dogs frequent, like the dog park or pet stores, until they are fully vaccinated. 

Regular checkups are important throughout your dog’s life. These visits should occur at least once or twice a year depending on your dog’s age and overall health. Spaying or neutering your dog is recommended starting at 6 months of age, but large breed dogs may benefit from delaying this procedure by a few months to help their musculoskeletal development. Your veterinarian may recommend bloodwork to make sure your dog is aging gracefully, or a dental cleaning to keep their oral health on track. 

Like human health, our dog’s health is a journey. Follow your veterinarian’s guidelines, and work to keep your dog at a healthy weight to prevent health conditions from developing. Plenty of exercise, a good diet, routine vet visits, and a loving home are a winning combination to a happy, healthy dog. 

How can I tell if my dog is happy and healthy? 

Subtly isn’t a trademark of the canine species. Dogs wear their positive emotions on their metaphorical sleeves, and a happy dog is a sight to behold. Here are the signs of a happy, healthy dog: 

  • Shiny coat, and bright, clear eyes 
  • Wagging tail, and alert expression when spoken to 
  • Their ribs can be felt with soft palpation, but not seen, and they have a defined waistline
  • They move evenly and surely on all four legs
  • Their water and food intake is consistent
  • Regular potty breaks with formed stool that’s easy to pick up 
  • No noticeable breathing sounds (with the exception of brachycephalic breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs or Boston Terriers)
  • They seem at ease in their surroundings, without displaying nervous behaviors like shaking, hiding, or tucking their tail
  • No deviations in normal personality or behavior 

Some dogs are naturally more reserved than others, and some pups may prefer a quiet movie night with you over a game of fetch. What’s important is consistency in your dog’s demeanor and appearance.

Here are some signs that your dog is not happy, or may be experiencing issues with their health: 

  • Dull or flaky hair coat 
  • Shaking their head repeatedly, especially with smelly or red ears
  • Tucked tail, or hunched back 
  • Skittish behavior, or constantly hiding 
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting or loose stool 
  • Inappropriate or increased urination, especially with increased drinking
  • Noticeable sounds when breathing
  • Limping, difficulty standing, or trembling legs 
  • Obsessively licking paws or forelegs
  • Increased vocalizations, particularly in response to sounds 
  • Nipping or other behavioral issues 

If you notice any changes in your dog, or are concerned about their behavior, contact your veterinarian. Some changes may have a simple solution such as missing nutrients or minor environmental changes. 

Omlet and your dog 

Dogs share a remarkable bond with humans that spans centuries. That’s why we create remarkable dog beds, dog crates, and dog accessories that celebrate our unique relationship with these canine companions. Long live happy, healthy dogs. 

Dog on the Omlet Nest bed from the great outdoors collection

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Winter tips for you and your dog

In need of some winter tips for you and your dog? All dog owners differ on how they weather this season. Do you dash out and back in as quickly as possible, leading to frequent trips throughout the day? Or do you add layer upon layer to stay warm during the fewer, but longer, treks out into the cold? Whether you and your dog thrive in the chilly air or dread the inevitable outings — here’s how to make winter easier on you and your canine companion.

Girl taking dog for a walk

What’s winter with your dog like?  

Not all dogs and their owners will experience frigid weather during the winter. Snow and ice may pose the biggest hurdle for some dog families, while the earlier nights and dark walks may be the biggest challenge for others. No matter where you live, here are some tips to keep in mind for a safer, more enjoyable winter for you and your dog. 

Safety first 

It’s important to prioritize you and your dog’s safety during the winter. Here are some common safety concerns for dog owners during the winter: 

  • Freezing weather can cause hypothermia in humans and dogs. This includes wind chill temperatures when the ambient air may not be below freezing, but wind gusts or humidity levels make it feel much colder. 
  • Walks in the dark are sometimes inevitable, but should be avoided when possible. If you must walk your dog after dusk, be sure to outfit yourself and your dog with reflective elements, and stick to low-traffic routes. 
  • De-icers and antifreeze are used in abundance during the winter. Don’t let your dog lick any surfaces that may have these compounds on them, and wash their paws immediately after a walk to remove any potentially harmful substances. 

Easing your dog into winter is one of the best ways to avoid cold weather mishaps. Most dogs that spend the majority of their time indoors are unlikely to experience winter emergencies. But, as always, it’s a good idea to have your veterinarian’s number saved for any questions or concerns. 

Business in the backyard 

If you have a fenced backyard, it may not be necessary to go out with your dog for them to do their business. But puppies, or dogs with high-energy will need their human companion outside with them for praise and playtime. If your backyard is dog-friendly, here are some tips: 

  • Keep a clean towel by the door for quick cleanups when your dog is ready to come inside. Wet coats and muddy paws can be remedied quickly when you intercept your pup at the door.
  • Set a timer on your smart device if it’s really cold as a reminder to check and see if your dog is done. This is especially true if your dog doesn’t scratch or bark at the door to come back inside.
  • Periodically check your backyard for winter hazards like large icicles hanging from the roof or broken tree limbs that could potentially fall and harm your dog. 

For backyard playtime in the snow, choose an owner-led activity like fetch or tug-of-war to get both you and your dog’s blood pumping. This will also give you a chance to assess how cold your dog may be in the event they become too preoccupied with the game to recognize the need to head inside. 

When walks are necessary 

Walking your dog in the winter can pose several challenges. Some owners enjoy a brisk walk in the crisp air, while others may dread the deed. But if you don’t have access to a fenced yard, or if your dog is the type that requires at least a daily walk around the block, here are some things you can do make winter walks more enjoyable: 

  • Invest in cold-weather gear, particularly those that appeal to you. Just like getting a new outfit for the gym to motivate your workouts, donning a new coat, hat, or scarf that you adore can make the trek outside a little less daunting. 
  • Bring some entertainment along in the form of an audiobook, podcast, or music to help pass the time. Bonus points for winter-themed or dog-related content. 
  • Be mindful of your mind — keep calm and positive (despite the cold) so your dog doesn’t pick up on negative emotions or get the feeling of being rushed. This can make them take longer to do their business, or make them anxious on the leash. 

If temperatures are well below freezing, try to keep walks as brief as possible. Always keep your dog on leash to prevent them from encountering hazards like frozen bodies of water or dangerous chemicals like antifreeze. 

Does my dog need a coat?

Dog owners will often adorn their pets with winter coats or jackets. While these are often an expression of style, there are times when coats for dogs aren’t just meant to be a fashion statement. Some dogs need an additional layer of protection against the cold during their outdoor excursions. These include: 

  • Dogs with short hair may need additional layers when venturing outside. As a general rule for these dogs: if it’s too cold for you to go without a winter coat, it’s too cold for them. 
  • Older dogs and puppies, as they can’t regulate their body temperature as well as dogs in their prime.
  • Cold, wet precipitation like sleet or rain can quickly chill humans and dogs alike and quickly escalate the risk of hypothermia. 

Dog breeds with undercoats like Huskies or German Shepherds likely don’t need a coat. Their dense, dual-layers keep them well insulated against the cold. For dogs in need of a coat, choose a level of insulation appropriate for their activity and climate. Waterproof dog coats are a good option, as they keep your dog warm and protected from damp weather. 

The post-cold nap 

After any amount of time outside in the cold, your dog will be just as ready as you are to snuggle into something cozy. An Omlet dog bed is just what your dog needs after a chilly trip outside. Warm, supportive, and wipeable, these beds are perfect for post-adventure naps. And, with orthopedic cushioning, they’re ideal for aging or arthritic dogs. Add a dog bed topper for ultimate coziness, or a dog bed cover for even easier washing. 

While your canine catches a nap, take this time to observe their pads. The dry winter air combined with the frozen ground can sometimes cause your dog’s pads to crack, which can lead to discomfort when walking. Apply a canine-safe balm or petroleum jelly to any affected pads to moisturize and prevent cracks from worsening. 

When the weather outside is frightful 

If the weather is too cold to go out for anything more than a quick potty break, you may need to get creative to avoid boredom in your dog. Here are some dos and don’ts to help weather the winter from an indoor standpoint: 


  • Invest in new interactive or chew toys to add into your dog’s rotation. 
  • Encourage playtime several times a day to exercise your pup’s mind and body. 
  • Try out new activities like making homemade dog treats, teaching your dog new tricks, or spending time grooming them. 


  • Rely on toys to be the sole source of entertainment and enrichment for your dog. 
  • Try to bust canine boredom with food and treats. Choose healthy, homemade recipes to offer in moderation, or use their regular kibble as a reward during training sessions. 
  • Overgroom your dog by brushing out their undercoat or having them trimmed too short. 

Omlet and your dog 

Winter will be over before we know it, giving way to a sunnier, warmer spring. Until then, give your dog the most comfortable, support sleep of their life with a Bolster Bed, Topology Bed, Nest Bed, or Cushion Bed. With a size and color to fit every dog, home, and style, our dog beds will warm your dog’s body, and your heart, on even the coldest of days.  

Labrador on green Omlet Nest bed



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Everything you need for a happy dog

A happy dog is a healthy dog, and as pet parents, we all want to provide the best for our canine companions. Dogs thrive when their physical and mental needs are met, and just like humans, they benefit from a comfortable environment, engaging activities, and plenty of love. In this guide, we’ll dive into everything your dog needs to stay happy, from the importance of enrichment and staying active to creating a cozy sleeping space.

Dog on the Omlet Nest bed from the great outdoors collection

Why is enrichment important for dogs?

Enrichment is a key component of your dog’s overall well-being. Much like us, dogs can get bored when they don’t have enough to do, and that boredom can lead to anxiety, destructive behaviors, or even depression. Simply put, enrichment is any activity or object that stimulates your dog’s mind and body, helping them engage in their natural behaviors like sniffing, chewing, and playing.

For example, giving your dog a new chew toy or a Kong filled with treats encourages them to problem-solve and keeps them entertained for hours. Enrichment is not just about keeping your dog busy—it’s about providing them with opportunities to express their instincts in a healthy and satisfying way.

Health, love, and care tips for your dog

Caring for your dog goes beyond feeding and walks. To ensure your dog stays happy and healthy, you have to care for the entire well-being of your dog from mental to physical and everything in between.

Health check-ups: Routine vet visits are essential for your dog’s long-term health. Even if your dog seems perfectly fine, these check-ups can catch potential health issues before they become serious. Your vet will check everything from dental health to joint movement, ensuring your dog is in peak condition. Keeping up with vaccinations, flea treatments, and heartworm prevention is just as important, even during the winter months when you might not think about parasites as often.

Balanced diet: A well-balanced diet is the foundation of your dog’s health. Consult with your vet to ensure you’re feeding your dog the right mix of nutrients, based on their age, size, and activity level. And don’t forget, how you feed them can also be an enriching experience. Slow feeders or treat-dispensing toys can make mealtime more stimulating and help prevent overeating.

Daily love and attention: Dogs are social animals and thrive on companionship. Make sure to set aside time every day for quality interactions, whether it’s playtime, snuggling on the couch, or a walk around the neighborhood. Your presence, affection, and attention are just as important to their happiness as any toy or treat.

How to give your dog the best

Your dog deserves the best in comfort, health, and enrichment. So here are a few tips to ensure your dog stays happy, healthy, and well-rested:

  1. A cozy, supportive dog bed

Your dog needs a bed that’s not only comfortable but also supportive for their joints, especially if they’re getting older. Omlet’s Topology dog beds offer superior comfort, easy cleaning, and stylish designs that fit seamlessly into your home. Whether your dog loves to curl up or stretch out, there’s a bed that’s just right for them.

  1. Keep bedding fresh and clean

Maintaining clean bedding is essential for your dog’s health. So choose a bed with a removable, machine-washable cover to ensure your dog’s sleeping space is always fresh and hygienic. A clean bed means fewer allergens, better sleep, and a healthier environment for your furry friend.

  1. Keep them active with enrichment toys

Dogs need both mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. Enrichment toys like food puzzles, chew toys, and interactive games provide your dog with hours of entertainment, helping them burn off energy and stay mentally sharp.

  1. Winter gear for outdoor adventures

For dogs that love the cold, make sure they have the right winter gear. A warm dog coat and booties can make all the difference when braving the elements. Keeping them comfortable ensures they can enjoy their time outdoors, even in colder months.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we believe the key to creating products that truly enhance the lives of both pets and their owners starts with understanding the unique bond you share. By asking the right questions—what does your dog really need for comfort, health, and happiness?—we’ve designed products that celebrate the connection between you and your furry friend. From our supportive dog beds to enriching toys and practical solutions, our mission is to create items that make you both happier and healthier. 

Girl taking dog for a walk

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Coping with the changing seasons: Dogs and Cats

As the seasons shift, so do the needs of our furry companions. Whether you’re a dog lover, a cat enthusiast, or both, you may notice that your pet’s habits and preferences evolve with the changing weather. From chilly mornings to muddy paws, darker days to cozy nights, adapting to these changes can help your pets remain comfortable and happy all year round. Let’s explore the ways dogs and cats respond to seasonal changes and share practical tips on how to keep them thriving no matter the weather.

Two cats on Maya donut beds.

Dogs and the changing seasons

When the seasons change, dogs are some of the first to feel the difference. Cooler temperatures, shifting daylight hours, and unpredictable weather can all impact their routines and comfort. While some dogs are more adaptable, others may need a little extra attention to stay cozy and active. Fortunately, with a few tweaks to their daily schedule and environment, you can ensure that your canine companion is comfortable through every season.

Changing walk schedules

With the shorter days of autumn and winter, you might find it harder to fit in your dog’s daily walk during daylight hours. Early mornings and late evenings tend to be dark and potentially less safe, but there are ways to adjust. Consider moving your walks to midday when the sun is at its peak, or use reflective gear and LED lights on your dog’s collar and leash for those darker strolls. These small changes not only keep you and your dog visible but also help maintain a consistent walking routine. If you’re limited to walking after work or before sunrise, find well-lit areas or parks to keep both you and your pup safe.

Bath rituals

Wet weather often means muddy paws, and while some dogs adore running through puddles, it’s important to have a clean-up plan after rainy walks. Many dogs aren’t huge fans of baths, but making bath time a positive and relaxing experience can change that. Have warm towels and gentle, dog-safe shampoo on hand, and consider using a hose attachment in your shower or a pet-specific bath setup for easy rinsing.

After walks, quickly wipe down muddy paws and coats to avoid tracking dirt through the house. Does your dog mind the rain? It depends on the dog breed and their personality. Some dogs may be indifferent or even love the rain, while others will stubbornly avoid it. In either case, a good raincoat for dogs can help minimize the mess.

Regulating your dog’s temperature

As the temperatures drop, keeping your dog comfortable is essential. Some dogs, especially those with thicker coats, love the cooler weather and might even prefer the cold to heat. However, smaller or short-haired breeds may need a little extra help. If your dog shivers or seems uncomfortable during walks, try a well-fitted coat or sweater to keep them warm. Indoors, make sure your pet has a cozy dog bed that provides insulation from cold floors. Heated pet beds or orthopedic mats with added cushioning can make a world of difference. If you live in a particularly chilly area, consider limiting your dog’s time outside on freezing days.

Indoor games for rainy days

When bad weather strikes, outdoor play may not be an option. But don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to keep your dog entertained indoors. Interactive toys, like treat-dispensing puzzles, can engage your dog’s mind and stave off boredom. Tug-of-war, fetch down a hallway, or even teaching your dog new tricks are great options when you can’t head outside. Keeping your dog physically and mentally active, even when the weather isn’t ideal, ensures they stay healthy and content.

Cats and the changing seasons

While cats may not experience seasonal shifts as dramatically as dogs, they are still sensitive to changes in temperature, light, and even humidity. Cats are creatures of habit, and they often adjust their behavior as the environment around them shifts. As the seasons change, here’s how you can help your feline friend remain happy, healthy, and comfortable.

Enrichment ideas

With colder or wetter weather, many indoor-outdoor cats might prefer to spend more time inside, while fully indoor cats might experience fewer daylight hours for their regular activities. To keep your cat stimulated indoors, consider adding new enrichment toys or cat climbing structures. Omlet’s custom-designed Freestyle cat tree or LED lit Switch cat scratching post can turn any room into an adventure. Engaging your cat with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or laser pointers will help them stay active and entertained even on the dreariest of days.

Seasonal changes in cat behavior

As the seasons change, you might notice subtle shifts in your cat’s behavior. Some cats may become more lethargic or seek out warm spots in the house during the colder months. Others may have a stronger hunting instinct when it gets dark earlier. Be mindful of these changes and adjust their routine accordingly. More frequent play sessions, cozy cat beds for napping, and a little extra love can make all the difference in keeping your cat content.

Increased grooming

When it comes to grooming, many cats will begin shedding their summer coat in the cooler months, which can lead to more hair around the house. Regular brushing can help reduce shedding and prevent hairballs. If your cat is prone to matting, keeping up with grooming is especially important as their winter coat thickens. Using gentle tools like a slicker brush or comb can help your cat stay clean and comfortable as the seasons shift.

Regulating your cat’s temperature

While cats generally handle cold weather better than some other pets, they still appreciate a warm, cozy environment. As your home’s temperature fluctuates, make sure your cat has plenty of comfortable places to snuggle. Raised cat beds allow your cat to avoid any cold, drafty air and cozy cat blankets help to keep them warm on colder days. If your cat loves to bask in the sun, find them a sunny window perch where they can nap in comfort, even as the days grow shorter.

Omlet and your pets

At Omlet, we believe that pets and their owners deserve comfort, practicality, and joy no matter the season. Our thoughtfully designed products—from cozy dog beds to interactive cat climbing towers—are here to help your pets thrive year-round. By asking the right questions, we’re able to create innovative solutions that bring you and your pets closer together. With Omlet’s range of pet-friendly products, you’ll be ready to tackle any weather with ease. Because when your pets are happy, you’re happy—and that’s what matters most to us.

Labrador on green Omlet Nest bed

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10 ways you know your dog loves you

Our dogs are more than just pets; they’re family members, confidants, and companions who show us unconditional love every single day. But how do you know if your dog loves you back? Dogs may not express their feelings in words, but their actions speak volumes. Understanding the signs of your dog’s affection can deepen the bond you share and make your relationship even more special. So, let’s take a look at 10 ways you know your dog loves you.

Dog sat in the Omlet nest bed looking out

  1. The wagging tail

One of the most obvious signs of a dog’s love is a wagging tail. But it’s not just any tail wag that counts; a dog’s tail can communicate a lot of different emotions. A wagging tail that is loose and sweeping back and forth, sometimes even in a circular motion, is a sure sign that your dog is happy to see you and is feeling affectionate. You may see this behavior exhibited most often when you arrive home after work, grab their dog leash and collar for a walk, or just when you re-enter a room where they haven’t seen you for 5 minutes. 

  1. Following you everywhere

Does your dog follow you from room to room, even to the bathroom? This shadow-like behavior is actually a sign of deep attachment and love. Dogs are pack animals by nature, and following you around is their way of appointing you as their “pack leader.” It’s their way of showing that they feel safe and secure in your presence and that they enjoy being close to you at all times. So place their dog bed next to yours or put a cozy dog blanket on the couch and spend some extra time giving and receiving that affection with your furry friend.

  1. Bringing you their favorite toys

When your dog brings you their favorite dog toy, it’s not just a request for playtime—it’s also a sign of love and trust. Just like people, dogs will often share their prized possessions as a way of showing that they value you. Not only is your dog trying to include you in their fun, but they want to make you happy. So the next time your pup brings you their favorite toy, get down and play with them to let them know you receive their love and give it right back as well.

  1. Leaning against you

Has your dog ever just sat on your feet when you’re standing in the kitchen or leaned up against you as you watched TV? This means they love you. When your dog leans against you, it’s a physical way of saying, “I trust you, and I feel safe with you.” This gesture, whether they’re resting their head on your lap or leaning their whole body against you, is a clear sign of affection. Your dog is seeking closeness and comfort from you, which indicates a strong bond of love and trust. 

  1. Making eye contact

Dogs don’t naturally make eye contact with just anyone—it’s a behavior that’s usually reserved for those they trust and love. So when your dog gazes into your eyes with soft, relaxed eyes, it’s a sign of their deep connection with you. Prolonged eye contact actually releases oxytocin (the love hormone) in both you and your dog, reinforcing your bond. So the next time you see your furry friend staring your way, stop and engage in the stare – you will show them how much you love them in return.

  1. Licking you

Did you know dogs can kiss? While they may do it differently than humans, licking is often seen as a dog’s way of giving you a kiss. Most people associate a dog’s licking to be a sign of submission or grooming. However, when your dog licks your face or hands, it’s often an affectionate gesture. Just as mother dogs groom their pups out of love, your dog’s licking is a way of showing that they care about you and want to keep you clean and healthy. 

  1. Cuddling with you

Dogs are naturally pack animals, and cuddling is a way that they reinforce bonds with their family. In the wild, dogs would create a ‘den’ made of leaves and brush to cuddle with one another for sleep and comfort. So if your dog loves to snuggle up next to you, whether it’s on the couch or in bed, it’s a clear sign that they feel comfortable and safe with you. This close physical contact is a way for your dog to show that they love you and want to be near you. So to show your love in return, try adding their favorite dog blanket to the couch or creating the perfect dog bed den next to your bed so they can feel close to you all the time.

  1. Greeting you excitedly

Is your dog always thrilled to see you when you come home, even if you’ve only been gone for a short time? This excited greeting is a sign that your dog loves you and misses you when you’re not around. Your dog may show this excitement through fast movement of the tail-up wagging, jumping in place or on you, or even with an excited bark. Regardless of what they do to show their excitement, you can know that the fact that they are greeting you this way is a sure sign that they love you. 

  1. Bringing you “gifts”

Sometimes, dogs show their love by bringing you “gifts”—like sticks, leaves, or even things they find around the house. While these gifts may not always be something you want, it’s the thought that counts. By bringing you these items, your dog is showing that they care about you and want to share their findings with you. So the  next time your dog’s favorite toy shows up in your shoes, know that it is a gesture of love. 

  1. Sleeping near you

Dogs are vulnerable when they sleep, so if your dog likes to sleep near you or even in your bed, it’s a sign of deep trust and love. They feel safe and secure in your presence and want to be close to you even when they’re at their most relaxed. This is one of the ultimate signs that your dog loves you and considers you a part of their pack. Invest in a durable and long-lasting, comfortable dog bed so you can show your dog just how much you love them too. 

Omlet and your dog

 At Omlet, we understand that the bond between pets and their people is something truly special. That’s why we design products that celebrate this connection and make it even stronger. Whether it’s a cozy dog bed for them to sleep next to you or a soft, cuddly dog blanket that you can share together on the couch, Omlet’s thoughtfully designed products are made to enhance the love you share with your furry friend. Because at the end of the day, our pets aren’t just animals—they’re family.

Toddler with dog on the Omlet Topology bed

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Getting your dog back into a routine after the holidays

As the summer fades and the holiday season comes to a close, many of us are returning to our regular routines—school runs, work schedules, and daily responsibilities. While we might feel the effects of this shift, our dogs are feeling it too. Just like us, they thrive on routine, and the disruptions that come with holidays and summer breaks can leave them a bit out of sync. Getting your dog back into their usual routine is essential for their well-being and happiness.

Couple sat outside with their dog on Omlet's Nest Dog Bed

Why dogs fall out of their routine

Summer is a time of fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time when schedules can go haywire. Whether it’s late-night barbecues, impromptu weekend getaways, or kids being home all day, the regularity of life tends to take a backseat. Dogs, who rely on consistency, might have found themselves eating meals at odd hours, sleeping in unusual spots, or going on walks at different times. These changes, while temporary, can disrupt their sense of stability. As we gear up to return to normal life, it’s important to understand why your dog may have fallen out of their usual routine so you can help them transition smoothly.

Signs your dog has fallen out of their routine

It’s not always easy to tell if your dog is feeling the effects of a disrupted routine, but there are a few signs to watch for. Your dog might seem more anxious or restless, pacing around the house or whining when left alone. You might notice changes in their behavior, such as becoming more clingy or, conversely, more aloof. Sleeping patterns can also be affected; if your dog is waking up in the middle of the night or sleeping much more during the day, it could be a sign that they’re out of sync. Even digestive issues, like irregular bowel movements, can indicate that your dog’s routine has been disrupted.

Top tips for getting your dog back into a routine

  • Re-establish regular meal times

Start by setting a consistent schedule for feeding times. Dogs love knowing when to expect their meals, and this can be a comforting anchor in their day. Gradually ease them back into their normal eating times if they’ve been snacking throughout the day or eating at irregular hours. If possible, try to stick to the same location for feeding as well—whether it’s the kitchen or a specific spot in the house, consistency is key.

  • Resume walks and playtime on a schedule 

If your dog’s walks or playtimes have been irregular, begin to reintegrate these activities into a set routine. Dogs need physical exercise not just for their health, but also for mental stimulation. Try to take them out at the same times each day, whether it’s a walk before you leave for work, during lunch, or after dinner. Consistent playtime, whether it’s a game of fetch or tug-of-war, can also help re-establish a routine and burn off any extra energy they may have accumulated over the summer.

  • Practice leaving the house

If your dog has grown accustomed to having everyone around all the time, the return to school and work can be a shock. Start practicing leaving the house for short periods to get them used to being alone again. Gradually increase the time you’re away to help them adjust to the quiet house. This practice can help reduce anxiety and make the transition smoother when you eventually return to a full day of work or the kids go back to school.

Addressing separation anxiety 

For some dogs, especially those who have spent the summer with constant company, the return to a quieter house can trigger separation anxiety. This condition can manifest in various ways, from destructive behavior to excessive barking or even depression. To help manage separation anxiety, create a comforting environment for your dog when you’re not home with a comfortable dog bed for them to retreat to. 

Leave them with toys that stimulate their mind, like puzzle feeders, or consider leaving the radio or TV on for some background noise. Establish a calm and reassuring goodbye routine, and avoid long, drawn-out departures that can heighten their anxiety. In severe cases, you may need to consult with a vet or a professional dog behaviorist for additional strategies.

Getting new dogs into a routine

If you’ve recently welcomed a new dog into your family, now is the perfect time to establish a routine. Dogs, especially those new to a home environment, crave stability. Start by setting clear and consistent times for meals, walks, and sleep. Keep their living space tidy and predictable, with their bed, toys, and dog bowl in the same spots each day. Introduce them to the routine gradually, giving them time to adjust without overwhelming them with too many changes at once. The earlier you establish these habits, the more secure and settled your new dog will feel in their new home.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand the unique bond between pets and their people, and we’re here to help you navigate every phase of life with your dog. From cozy dog beds that offer a sense of security to toys that keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated, Omlet celebrates the connection between you and your pet, making every day easier and more enjoyable.

As you transition back into the rhythm of daily life, remember that your dog is adjusting too. With patience, consistency, and the right support, you can help them get back on track and thrive in their routine once again.

Cockapoo on the Omlet Bolster bed from the great outdoors collection

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10 commonly asked questions about dogs

As dog lovers, we often find ourselves marveling at the quirky, lovable behaviors of our furry friends. From their enthusiastic tail wags to their mysterious grass-eating habits, dogs never fail to keep us guessing. Whether you’re a seasoned pet parent or a new dog owner, you’ve probably wondered about some of the peculiar things dogs do. In this blog, we’ll dive into ten commonly asked questions about dogs, shedding light on why they do what they do and helping you better understand your four-legged companion. 

Dog on the Omlet Nest bed from the great outdoors collection

  1. Why do dogs love to fetch?

Dogs’ love for fetching can be traced back to their ancestry. Many dog breeds were originally bred for hunting and retrieving game. Fetching a ball or a stick mimics this natural hunting behavior, giving dogs a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Additionally, fetch provides physical exercise and mental stimulation, both of which are essential for a dog’s well-being. The excitement of the chase, the thrill of catching the object, and the joy of returning it to their owner create a rewarding cycle that most dogs find irresistible.

  1. Why do dogs pant?

Panting is a crucial way for dogs to regulate their body temperature. Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat through their skin. Instead, they have sweat glands in their paw pads and rely heavily on panting to cool down. When a dog pants, it evaporates moisture from its tongue, nasal passages, and the lining of its lungs, helping to dissipate heat. Panting can also indicate stress, pain, or excitement, so it’s important to observe the context in which your dog is panting to understand what they might be feeling.

  1. Why do dogs wag their tails?

A wagging tail is often seen as a sign of a happy dog, but a flap of fur can convey a range of emotions. Dogs use their tails as a communication tool. The speed, height, and direction of the wag can indicate different feelings. A broad, sweeping wag usually means happiness and friendliness, while a slow, stiff wag might signal caution or insecurity. Understanding the nuances of tail wagging helps us better interpret our dogs’ emotions and respond appropriately to their needs.

  1. Why do dogs love walks?

Walks are a highlight of most dogs’ days for several reasons. Firstly, walks provide physical exercise, which is vital for maintaining a healthy weight and overall fitness. Secondly, walks offer mental stimulation as dogs encounter new sights, sounds, and smells. This sensory input is incredibly enriching for dogs, helping to keep their minds sharp. Walks also serve as a bonding activity, strengthening the relationship between dogs and their owners. The routine and predictability of daily walks can provide comfort and a sense of security for dogs. So, grab your dog’s favorite collar and leash and make walking the best part of your day together. 

  1. Why do dogs have wet noses?

A dog’s wet nose is more than just a sweet spot to give them a kiss. A wet dog nose enhances their sense of smell. The moisture helps to absorb scent chemicals, making it easier for them to detect and analyze different smells. And did you know a wet dog nose can aid in regulating a dog’s body temperature? The mucus glands inside the nose produce a watery fluid that, through evaporation, helps cool them down. While a dry nose isn’t always a cause for concern, a consistently dry nose can sometimes indicate dehydration or other health issues, so it’s good to monitor any changes in your dog’s nose moisture.

  1. Why do dogs scoot their bottoms on the ground?

Scooting is often a sign that a dog is experiencing discomfort or irritation around their anal area. This behavior can be caused by a variety of issues, including anal gland problems, parasites, allergies, or even infections. If you notice your dog scooting frequently, it’s important to have them checked by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. Regular grooming and a healthy diet can also help prevent some of the common causes of scooting.

  1. Why do dogs lick?

Licking is a natural behavior for dogs and can serve multiple purposes. It can be a way for dogs to show affection, as licking releases pleasurable endorphins that make them feel good. Dogs also lick to communicate, groom themselves, and explore their environment. Sometimes, excessive licking can indicate anxiety, boredom, or a health issue, so it’s important to observe the context and frequency of your dog’s licking to determine if there might be an underlying problem.

  1. Why do dogs howl?

Howling is an ancient form of communication that dogs inherited from their wolf ancestors. Dogs howl to alert their pack to their location, ward off intruders, or express anxiety and loneliness. In modern times, dogs might howl in response to certain sounds, like sirens or music, or to get attention from their owners. Understanding the reason behind your dog’s howling can help you address any potential issues, such as separation anxiety or boredom, that might be causing this behavior.

  1. Why do dogs stare?

When your dog stares at you, it’s usually a sign of affection and trust. Dogs use eye contact as a way to communicate with their owners, seeking attention, guidance, or even just to bond. Staring can also be a sign that your dog is trying to understand your emotions and intentions. Dogs are highly attuned to their owners’ body language and facial expressions, and maintaining eye contact can help them feel more connected and secure.

  1. Why do dogs eat grass?

There are several theories about why dogs eat grass. Some suggest that it helps with digestion, while others believe dogs eat grass to induce vomiting when they feel unwell. Eating grass might also be a way for dogs to get additional nutrients or fiber in their diet. Generally speaking, occasional grass eating is considered normal behavior. However, if your dog is eating large amounts of grass or showing signs of gastrointestinal distress, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

Omlet and your dog

Understanding our dogs’ behaviors and needs is key to ensuring they lead happy, healthy lives. At Omlet, we are dedicated to making life with your dog as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible. Our ingenious products such as our easy-to-clean dog beds and luxury dog crates are designed to cater to every aspect of your dog’s life, from their physical health to their emotional well-being. By addressing common questions and providing innovative solutions, Omlet helps you spend more quality time with your furry friend. Discover how Omlet can enhance your bond with your dog and make every moment together even more special.

Small dog sleeping on the Omlet cushion bed

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The great outdoors – benefits for dogs and people

Dogs have an innate love for the outdoors, and this passion can be a powerful catalyst for humans to embrace nature as well. From the moment they step outside, their senses come alive, and their enthusiasm is infectious. This love for nature is not just a passing interest but a deeply ingrained part of their being. Join us as we explore the reasons why dogs are so drawn to the outdoors and how this love can benefit both dogs and their owners. Let’s uncover how spending time outside with your dog can improve your mental and physical health, strengthen your bond, and encourage you to embrace nature. 

Dog on the Omlet cushion bed whilst on a camping trip

The call of the wild: Why dogs love the outdoors

Dogs are descendants of wolves, and despite thousands of years of domestication, they still carry many instincts from their wild ancestors. The outdoors provides a rich tapestry of smells, sights, and sounds that stimulate their senses and satisfy their curiosity. Here’s why the outdoors is a dog’s paradise:

  1. Sensory stimulation

The world outside your front door is a sensory playground for dogs. Every walk is an opportunity for them to explore new scents, sounds, and sights. Dogs possess a powerful olfactory sense, which is up to 100,000 times more sensitive than ours, and turns every walk into a thrilling adventure.The rustle of leaves, chirping of birds, and distant sounds of other dogs barking are like a symphony to their keen ears. This sensory stimulation is crucial for their mental health, preventing boredom and reducing stress.

  1. Physical exercise

Dogs are naturally active creatures who need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. The outdoors offers a space where they can run, jump, and play freely. Whether it’s a game of fetch in the park, a hike through the woods, or a swim in a lake, physical activity helps maintain their weight, strengthens their muscles, and keeps their cardiovascular system in good shape. Exercise is also an excellent way to burn off excess energy, which can help reduce behavioral problems at home.

  1. Social interaction

Outdoor adventures provide dogs with opportunities to interact with other dogs and people alike. These social interactions are vital for their development and well-being. Meeting other dogs can help improve their social skills and reduce fear or aggression and engaging with different people can make them more adaptable and well-rounded companions. The outdoors is a dynamic, social environment where dogs can express their natural behaviors and thrive in the company of others.

How dogs encourage us to embrace nature

Owning a dog can be a fantastic motivator to get outside and enjoy the benefits of nature. Here’s how dogs can help us reconnect with the great outdoors:

  1. Daily walks

Dogs need regular walks, and this routine can encourage even the most reluctant homebodies to step outside. In fact daily outings can turn into moments of mindfulness and relaxation, offering a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. So grab your dog’s favorite leash and go for a spin around your neighborhood or park – you both will enjoy the fresh air and the physical exercise.

  1. Exploring new places

With a dog by your side, exploring new trails, parks, and neighborhoods becomes a shared adventure. This exploration can lead to discovering hidden gems in your local area that you might have otherwise overlooked. Feeling more adventurous? Pack up your car with your dog’s travel bed and head out on a road trip together. Dogs are the perfect excuse to explore the world around you and them.

  1. Building a routine

Did you know consistent exercise can improve cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, and enhance overall fitness? Having a dog helps you establish a regular outdoor routine, which can be beneficial for your health. Whether it’s a walk before work or a scheduled trip to the dog park every afternoon, make outdoor time with your dog a routine and it will soon become one of your healthiest habits. 

Benefits of outdoor time with your dog 

Spending time outdoors with your dog is not just good for them; it’s incredibly beneficial for you too. Here are some of the ways it can enhance your life:

  1. Mental health benefits

Nature has a calming effect on the mind – if dogs could talk they would tell us just how much. And spending time outside with your dog can significantly reduce stress and anxiety in not only them but humans as well. The act of walking in nature can help clear your mind, and the companionship of a dog provides the emotional support that reduces feelings of loneliness.

  1. Physical health benefits

Regular walks and outdoor activities with your dog leads to improved physical health. Increased physical activity can help control weight, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. So don’t view walking your dog as a chore, but rather a gift to your health and happiness. 

  1. Strengthening your bond

Being outside in the sunshine and fresh air naturally creates shared experiences and adventures that inevitably strengthen the bond between you and your dog. These moments create lasting memories and deepen your connection, making your relationship even more special.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand the profound connection between pets and their owners. Our products are designed to enhance this bond by making it easier and more enjoyable to spend time with your furry friends. From innovative dog beds to interactive dog toys and stylish dog accessories, Omlet’s range of products helps you and your dog get the most out of your outdoor adventures. We celebrate the joy and companionship that pets bring into our lives and are committed to creating products that bring you closer together. So grab the leash, step outside, and let the adventures begin.

Dog on the Omlet Nest bed from the great outdoors collection

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6 Summer safety tips for your dog

Summer is a time of adventure and fun for both humans and their canine companions. However, the sweltering heat and unique challenges of the season can pose risks to our furry friends. As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to ensure our dogs remain safe, healthy, and comfortable during the hottest months of the year. Here are six essential summer safety tips to keep your dog cool, hydrated, and protected.

Dog drinking from the Omlet melamine dog bowl

Keep your dog cool

As pet owners, your primary concern during summer is preventing your dog from overheating. But unlike humans, dogs don’t sweat. Instead, they rely on panting and releasing heat through their paws and nose to cool down. So in order to help them stay cool this summer, try to limit outdoor play to dawn and dusk hours to avoid peak heat and temperatures. And when you are in the great outdoors, be sure to always provide your pup access to shady spots. 

One of the best ways to keep your canine cool this summer is by creating a cool retreat at home with fans or air conditioning. You can also use dog cooling mats or vests specifically designed for dogs. Frozen treats and ice cubes can also be a fun and refreshing way for your dog to cool off. Just place some frozen homemade treats in their dog bowl after an evening walk to enjoy as they cool down.

Adjust walk times and avoid hot pavement

Taking your dog for walks is essential, but during summer, the timing and surface can make a big difference. When the temperatures rise, pavement and asphalt can become dangerously hot, potentially causing burns to your dog’s sensitive paw pads. So how do you know if it’s too hot to take your dog on a walk? 

Before putting your dog’s favorite collar and leash on, first test the pavement with the back of your hand; if it’s too hot for you to touch for more than a few seconds, it’s too hot for your dog. Instead, opt for early morning or late evening walks when temperatures are lower. If walking on hot surfaces is unavoidable, consider protective booties for your dog’s paws or stick to grassy, shaded areas.

Keep your dog hydrated

Ensuring your dog stays hydrated during the summer months is crucial for their health and well-being. As temperatures rise, dogs can quickly become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health issues like heatstroke. To keep your furry friend hydrated, always provide fresh, cool water in their dog bowls and carry a portable water bowl or a water bottle with a built-in dispenser during walks or outings. During summer it’s important to pay attention to signs of dehydration, such as excessive panting, dry gums, or lethargy. If you notice any of these symptoms, offer water immediately and move your dog to a cooler area. 

To make hydration more appealing, you can also incorporate hydrating treats into your dog’s diet. Freeze chicken broth or water mixed with a bit of low-sodium beef broth into ice cube trays for a refreshing, hydrating snack. You can also offer fruits like watermelon, which is not only hydrating but also a favorite treat for many dogs. And during playtime, opt for water-based activities like sprinklers, lakes, or the pool, providing both fun and hydration. Just be sure to monitor them when in open bodies of water to ensure they don’t drink the water and make sure they are rinsed off with clean water after all swim activities.

Schedule a vet appointment

Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and dehydration. By scheduling a vet visit early in the season, you can get ahead of any potential health issues and receive professional advice tailored to your pet’s specific needs. Your vet can check for any underlying conditions that might be exacerbated by the heat, update vaccinations, and even offer tips on keeping your furry friend cool and comfortable during the hottest months. It’s also an excellent opportunity to discuss the best flea and tick prevention strategies, as these pests thrive in warmer weather.

Before the vet checkup, make a list of questions about summer care, like how much water your dog should be drinking or the best times for walks to avoid peak heat. Additionally, consider scheduling the appointment during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening, to make the trip less stressful for your pet. And don’t forget to bring along a favorite toy or treat to keep them calm and comfortable during the visit. Taking these steps not only prepares you for a productive vet visit but also demonstrates your dedication to your dog’s health and happiness throughout the summer.

Watch out for insect bites

Mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are more active during the warmer months and can cause discomfort or even health issues for your dog. Regularly check your dog’s coat and skin, especially after walks in wooded or grassy areas. Pay close attention to areas like the ears, belly, and between the toes where ticks often hide. A quick daily inspection can help you spot and remove ticks before they latch on. Remember, it’s not just about looking for insects; also watch for signs of bites, such as excessive scratching, redness, or swelling.

To protect your dog, consider using vet-approved insect repellents and preventatives. There are various options, including topical treatments, collars, and oral medications, so you can choose what works best for your dog’s lifestyle and needs. Keep your yard well-maintained by mowing the lawn regularly and removing any standing water, which can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Additionally, washing your dog’s bedding frequently can help minimize the risk of flea infestations. The Topology dog bed designed by Omlet offers easy to remove and wash covers, making it a great bed choice for your dog every month of the year.

Safe traveling in the car

Summer often means road trips and vacations, and bringing your dog along can be a lot of fun. However, it’s important to ensure they stay comfortable and safe during car rides. First and foremost, always ensure your dog is properly secured in the car, either with a pet seat belt or in a dog crate. This not only keeps them safe but also prevents distractions while driving. 

Remember to never leave your dog alone in a parked car. In summer, temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in just minutes, even with the windows cracked. Regularly stopping for water breaks and allowing your dog to stretch their legs will help keep them hydrated and comfortable during the journey. To ensure your dog’s comfort in the car during summer travels consider the Omlet cushion dog bed. This bed is not only lightweight and easy to transport but also provides a cozy and familiar spot for your dog to rest, no matter where your travels take you. Its durable design is perfect for outdoor use, whether you’re camping, visiting the beach, or stopping at a pet-friendly hotel. 

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand that your dog’s safety and happiness are paramount, especially during the summer months. Our team of pet enthusiasts and experts designs products with a deep understanding of what dogs need to thrive in any weather. From innovative dog crates to travel dog bed solutions, Omlet’s range of products is crafted to keep your pup safe and comfortable, no matter the temperature outside. Trust us to provide the best for your furry family members, ensuring both of you enjoy a fantastic, worry-free summer.

Dog relaxing on the Omlet Topology bed with bean bag topper

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How hot is too hot? Caring for your dog in the heat

As the mercury rises, it’s essential to consider not just our own comfort but also the well-being of our furry friends. Dogs, with their fur coats and limited ability to cool themselves, can struggle in hot weather. Understanding how to care for your dog during the summer months is crucial to ensure they remain happy and healthy. This guide will explore how to keep your dog comfortable in the heat, recognize when it’s too hot, and offer tips on cooling them down.

German Shepherd on the Omlet Bolster dog bed

How to know if it’s too hot for fido?

When the summer sun is blazing, it’s crucial to ensure your furry friend stays safe and comfortable. One of the best ways to determine if it’s too hot for fido is by feeling the pavement with your own bare feet. If the surface is too hot for you to stand on for more than a few seconds, it’s definitely too hot for your dog’s sensitive paws. 

Know the signs of overheating

Remember, dogs regulate their body temperature differently than humans and can quickly overheat, leading to dangerous health issues like heatstroke. So pay close attention to your pet’s behaviors and look out for these signs;

  • Excessive panting
  • Drooling
  • Lethargy 
  • Anxiety
  • General discomfort

These are all red flags that it’s time to get them indoors and cooled down immediately.

Another critical indicator is the ambient temperature and humidity levels. Dogs are more susceptible to heat stress when the temperature exceeds 85°F (30°C), especially if they have a thick coat or are a flat-nose breed like bulldogs or pugs. Ensuring your dog has access to shade, fresh water, and avoiding walks during peak heat hours are essential precautions. Additionally, consider their activity level—playful pups might not realize they’re overheating. By taking these steps, you can ensure Fido stays happy and healthy, ready to enjoy the summer by your side without the risk of heat-related ailments.

What to do with your dog when it’s hot

During hot weather, modifying your dog’s routine is essential to prevent overheating. Start by ensuring they have access to plenty of fresh, cool water at all times, and avoid taking them out during the peak heat of the day. Instead, opt for early morning or late evening walks when the pavement is cooler and the sun less intense. 

Consider investing in a dog cooling mat or vest, which can provide significant relief from the heat. If your dog enjoys water, a kiddie pool in the shade can be a fun and effective way to help them stay cool while getting some exercise.

Another great way to beat the heat is by creating a cool indoor haven for your furry friend. Keep the blinds drawn and the fans or air conditioning on to maintain a comfortable temperature. Engage your dog with indoor activities, such as interactive dog toys and brain games, to keep them mentally stimulated without overheating. Homemade frozen treats, like ice cubes with embedded dog-safe fruits, can be a delightful way to cool down. 

Remember, if your dog shows signs of overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy, it’s important to act quickly and consult a veterinarian. Keeping your dog cool during hot weather is essential for their health and happiness, and with a little creativity, you can ensure they stay safe and comfortable all summer long.

What to do if your dog is too hot

Preventative measures are crucial to avoid overheating in the first place. So when summer temps rise, avoid strenuous activity during the hottest parts of the day and provide ample shade and water. And never leave your dog in a parked car. But if your dog still shows signs of overheating, it’s critical to act quickly. 

  1. Move them to a cooler environment immediately. 
  2. Offer fresh, cool water to drink but avoid forcing them to drink if they aren’t interested. 
  3. Apply cool (not cold) water to their body, focusing on the paws, belly, and neck to help lower their temperature gradually. 
  4. Monitor your dog’s temperature and watch for signs of improvement or worsening.

Having read this guide you will be equipped to manage your pooch if they’re too hot, however, in cases where symptoms are severe, seek veterinary attention immediately. Heatstroke can escalate quickly and can be fatal if not treated promptly. While waiting for veterinary help, you can help cool your dog by wetting their coat with cool (not cold) water and using fans to increase evaporation. Avoid using ice-cold water or ice packs directly, as this can cause the blood vessels to constrict and reduce the cooling effect.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand that every dog is unique and requires special care, especially in extreme weather conditions. That’s why we ask the right questions to tailor our products to meet the needs of all dogs, no matter the temperature. Our innovative solutions, from dog cooling mats to designer dog beds for much needed rest, are designed to ensure your dog stays comfortable and safe. With Omlet, you and your dog can enjoy each other’s company to the fullest, even during the hottest days of the year.

German Shepherd drinking out of the Omlet dog bowl

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Common allergies in dogs

Imagine this: your beloved dog, a picture of playful vitality, suddenly starts scratching incessantly, develops red, watery eyes, or suffers from persistent sneezing fits. These could be signs of common dog allergies, an often overlooked but significant issue affecting our furry friends. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of canine allergies, uncovering the triggers, symptoms, and treatments that can help you restore your dog’s comfort and happiness. Whether it’s seasonal pollen, certain foods, or unexpected environmental factors, understanding and addressing these allergies is crucial for the well-being of your loyal companion.

Dog on the Omlet Topology dog bed

Can dogs get allergies?

Yes, dogs can get allergies, just like humans. But what exactly is an allergy in dogs? An allergy is simply an overreaction of the immune system to a typically harmless substance, known as an allergen. When the body encounters an allergen, it mistakenly identifies it as a threat and produces antibodies to fight it off. This immune response results in various symptoms that can range from mild to severe.

Canine allergies manifest when a dog’s immune system reacts to specific substances in their environment, food, or other factors. These allergic reactions can cause significant discomfort and health issues for our furry friends. So recognizing the signs and types of allergies in dogs is essential for managing their well-being effectively.

Symptoms of dog allergies 

Dog allergies can present in various ways, often making them challenging to diagnose. Here are some common symptoms to watch for:

  • Itchy skin: This is the most notable and common of all dog allergy symptoms. Manifesting through frequent scratching, licking, or biting at the skin, itchy skin can often lead to redness and irritation.
  • Skin rashes and hives: While similar to regular itchy skin, rashes and hives present more as red, inflamed patches on the skin. Typically these are a result of exposure to a specific allergen.
  • Chronic ear infections: Does your dog shake its head or itch their ears often? This could be as a result of an ear infection. Recurring ear issues are often associated with discharge and odor and are often directly related to some type of allergic reaction.
  • Runny nose and watery eyes: Just like humans, dogs who suffer from allergies often have runny noses and watery eyes. The clear discharge from the nose and excessive tearing is usually as a result of inhaling an allergen or sniffing too close to one.
  • Paw chewing/licking: Itchiness from allergies is not selective just to the skin – it can impact a dog’s paws, too. If you notice your dog persistently licking or chewing at their paws, they could very well be experiencing allergies.
  • Digestive issues: Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems are often directly related to a food allergy. Pay close attention to your dog’s reactions and notice if these digestive issues appear right after eating. If so, they likely have a food allergy.
  • Behavioral changes: Humans with allergies know all too well how uncomfortable these symptoms can be. The same is true for dogs. Increased irritability, restlessness, or lethargy are all common changes in behavior for dogs who suffer from allergies. 

Recognizing these symptoms early can help you seek appropriate treatment for your dog’s allergies and prevent further complications.

Types of dog allergies

Dogs can suffer from several types of allergies, each with its own set of triggers and symptoms. Understanding the type of allergy affecting your dog is crucial for effective management and treatment. Here are some of the main types of dog allergies:

  1. Food allergies: While food allergies are the least common of canine allergies, they can still cause severe issues. Reactions to specific ingredients in their diet, such as beef, chicken, dairy, or grains, can lead to digestive problems, skin irritations or other allergic symptoms. 
  2. Environmental allergies: Sensitivities to pollen, mold, dust mites, and other airborne allergens are some of the most common causes of canine allergies. While most dogs are impacted seasonally, indoor allergens can cause year-round allergies as well. 
  3. Skin allergies: If you’ve noticed any hot spots or bald patches on your dog, they are likely suffering some type of skin allergy. Often caused by flea bites or other direct contact, your dog will itch with such frequency it will result in flea allergy dermatitis.
  4. Contact allergies: Did you know dogs can be allergic to certain shampoos, fabrics or cleaning products just like humans? If you notice your dog itching a lot after coming in contact with a new product, refrain from using it to be sure you don’t cause any continued allergic reactions.

Breeds more susceptible to allergies 

Certain dog breeds are more prone to allergies due to their genetic predispositions and body makeup. Breeds like golden retrievers, bulldogs, pugs, boxers, and terriers are all dogs that are particularly susceptible to allergies. Factors such as breed-specific skin characteristics, immune system variations, and common hereditary conditions contribute to their increased risk of developing allergies.

For instance, bulldogs and pugs have more skin folds, which can trap allergens and moisture, leading to skin infections and allergic reactions. Whereas golden retrievers and boxers often have genetic predispositions to food and environmental allergies. Knowing your dog’s breed-specific risks can not only help you take preventive measures but also allow you to seek early intervention from your vet when needed.

Creating an allergy-free zone at home 

Maintaining an allergy-free environment is paramount for dogs suffering from allergies. This involves regular cleaning of their spaces to reduce allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and mold. Does your dog sleep in your room or find a sanctuary in their dog den? Using air purifiers near these spaces and keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons can help alleviate the allergens. Frequent bathing with hypoallergenic shampoos can also help minimize skin irritation and remove allergens from your dog’s coat.

Omlet’s line of dog beds can be an invaluable addition to your allergy management toolkit. Ingenious designs such as the Topology dog bed and Cushion dog bed come with easy-to-remove, machine-washable covers that help keep allergies at bay. Additionally, Omlet offers elevated dog beds that keep your dog off the floor, reducing their exposure to dust and other allergens commonly found on the ground. By incorporating Omlet’s dog beds into your home, you can create a cleaner, more comfortable space for your allergy-prone pet.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand the unique needs of dogs and strive to design products that enhance their well-being and comfort. Our commitment to quality and innovation is driven by our desire to make life with your pet as joyful and hassle-free as possible. Whether it’s providing easy-to-clean dog beds or safe haven dog dens, Omlet is dedicated to improving the bond between you and your furry friend. Explore our range of products today and discover how we can help you and your dog live a healthier, happier life together.

Big dog on the Omlet Topology dog bed

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Things you should know when rescuing a dog

Rescuing a dog can be a truly rewarding experience. Not only will you receive a loving companion in the process, but this selfless act gives a deserving animal a new lease on life. Like any big commitment, it’s important to be prepared for the journey ahead. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or an experienced pet parent, here’s things you should know when rescuing a dog, along with tips and products to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Terrier laying on the Omlet Bolster bed mischief collection

Assess your home and lifestyle

Bringing a rescue dog into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to assess your environment and lifestyle to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new four-legged friend. Start by evaluating your home’s physical design. Consider the size of your living space and whether you have a yard, patio, or nearby park for exercise. Depending on what dog breed you decide to rescue, your new furry friend may have different needs to consider.

If you live in an apartment or a rental property, be sure to check the pet policies to avoid any surprises. Additionally, think about the layout of your home—are there stairs, open balconies, or other areas that might be unsafe for a curious dog? It’s also a good idea to identify in advance the places where your new dog can sleep on their dog bed, eat in comfort, and have a secluded space where they can retreat in peace. 

Beyond the physical setup, reflect on your daily routine and social commitments. Do you work long hours, travel frequently, or have an active social life? Consider how much time you can dedicate to your dog’s needs, including feeding, exercise, and training. If you’re not home often, who will care for your dog, and what arrangements need to be made? Think about your social network—do you have friends or family who can help with dog-sitting in a pinch? 

And finally, consider your family’s dynamics and whether everyone is on board with the responsibilities that come with adopting a dog. By assessing both your home and lifestyle, you can ensure you’re creating a welcoming environment for your rescue dog and setting yourself up for a successful adoption experience.

Preparing your home for your new friend

Once you’ve decided to rescue a dog, it’s time to prepare your home for their arrival. Dogs thrive in environments where they feel safe and secure. A great way to provide this is by investing in high-quality dog products that will give your new furry friend comfort and longevity.

  1. Dog crate: Not only does a dog crate serve as a useful training tool, but it can double as a safe and comfortable hideaway where your rescue dog can rest with ease. The Fido Nook Dog House, designed by Omlet, is a perfect choice for rescue dogs as its sleek, modern design makes it feel more like furniture than a crate. The luxury inspired design not only creates a warm and inviting environment for your dog, but looks good in your home as well.
  2. Dog bed:  In addition to a crate, a comfortable dog bed is a must-have product for your new pup. If you’re rescuing an older dog, opt for orthopedic options to support their joints, like the Bolster dog bed from Omlet. For younger dogs, look for durable beds that can withstand their energy and occasional messes, like Omlet’s easy-to-clean Topology dog bed.
  3. Leash and collar: An essential part of being a dog owner is making sure your rescue dog gets exercise. So invest in a durable dog collar and leash that you can use on walks around the block, trips to the dog park, or even the occasional road trip. The Omlet designer dog collars and leashes allow you to match your dog’s personality to their wears, which adds flair and inspiration to your time together.
  4. Dog toys: No matter what age, breed, or size of your rescue, all dogs like to play with toys. So be sure to have plenty of interactive dog toys on hand for your new friend to play with and stay mentally stimulated. Set aside time each day to play with your dog as this will help to quickly strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Building trust and boundaries

Bringing a rescue dog into your life is like starting a new chapter with an old friend. The key to building trust is patience and consistency. Rescue dogs often come with a history of uncertainty, so it’s important to give them time to adjust. Start by establishing a routine that helps them understand what to expect from day to day. Feeding them at the same time, taking regular walks, and creating a designated sleeping area can help create a sense of stability. As they start to relax, you’ll notice their unique personality traits and preferences. 

Along with building trust, establishing boundaries is just as crucial and its success is in finding the right balance. Dogs feel more secure when they know what is and isn’t allowed.  But remember, this isn’t about strict discipline—it’s about guiding them with kindness. Use positive reinforcement to teach them acceptable behaviors, like sitting before crossing the street or not jumping on guests. If they’re not allowed on the couch, redirect them to their bed with a toy or treat. By creating clear, consistent boundaries, you’re not only guiding your dog but also showing them that you care enough to keep them safe.

Introducing family and pets

When it comes to introducing your rescue dog to family members and other pets, planning and patience is key. Start by having a designated space for your new dog where they can feel secure and get used to their surroundings without feeling overwhelmed. This could be a room or a quiet corner with their bed, toys, and food. When introducing them to family members, keep things low-key and avoid crowding the dog. Allow them to approach people at their own pace, and use dog treats to create positive associations with new faces.

If you have other pets, a gradual introduction is crucial. Start by letting them sniff each other’s scent through a closed door or baby gate. This helps both pets get used to the idea of a new companion without direct interaction. After a day or two, you can progress to short, supervised meetings in a neutral area, like the backyard or a spacious living room. Keep the interactions brief and positive, with plenty of treats and praise and watch for signs of stress or aggression. Over time, with patience and positive reinforcement, your rescue dog will start to feel like part of the family, and your other pets will adjust to the new addition. Remember, every dog is different, so take things at a pace that feels comfortable for everyone involved.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand that bringing a rescue dog into your life is a transformative experience filled with joy and immeasurable rewards. Our design philosophy is all about asking the right questions that help to better the connection between pet and person. That’s why our products are designed with both you and your dog in mind, offering smart solutions that make your journey together even more enjoyable. From cozy dog beds to innovative dog crates, our goal is to help you create a home where your rescue dog can thrive. So as you embark on this wonderful adventure, let Omlet be your partner in building a world where you and your furry friend can create memories that last a lifetime.

Dog sleeping on the Omlet Topology dog bed with microfibre topper

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The first few months with a puppy

Bringing home a puppy is one of the most exciting moments in a dog lover’s life. But the first few months with a puppy can also be a whirlwind of joy, chaos, and learning. From endless puppy cuddles to the not-so-glamorous potty training, these early days are full of surprises. Join us as we explore what to expect, tips for success, and how Omlet products can help you and your puppy have a smooth start.

Two puppies on the Topology dog bed

What you need to know about puppies

They have endless energy 

Puppies are a bundle of energy that can keep you on your toes. If you’re expecting a little ball of fur to lie at your feet all day, you might be surprised by their boundless enthusiasm. Puppies need a lot of exercise, and without it, they can become restless and destructive. So in the first few months with your new puppy you’ll want to prepare for frequent walks, playtime, and interactive dog toys to help them burn off energy.

Teething pains are real

Teething is a challenging phase for both puppies and their owners. As their teeth come in, puppies experience discomfort and will chew on anything to relieve the pain. This stage can last for several months, and it’s essential to have appropriate chew toys and teething solutions on hand to prevent them from destroying furniture, shoes, or other valuable items. A durable dog bed will also be in order to ensure your puppy’s sleeping quarters don’t become their chewing station.

Socialization is crucial

One key aspect of raising a puppy is socialization. During the first few months, puppies are more open to new experiences and people. This is the prime time to introduce them to a variety of environments, people, and other animals to ensure they grow up to be well-adjusted adults. Without proper socialization, they might develop fear-based behaviors or aggression. Just be sure to always consult first with your vet to make sure your new pup is up to date on necessary vaccinations and is allowed to be around other dogs

Training should start early

Training is another critical component of a puppy’s early development. The sooner you start, the easier it will be to teach them good behavior and basic commands. Early training not only helps with obedience but also strengthens the bond between you and your puppy. Consider starting with simple commands like sit, stay, and come. Consistency is key, so make training sessions short and fun.

Puppy love

One of the best parts of having a puppy is the sheer cuteness they bring into your life. Those big puppy eyes, tiny paws, and playful antics can melt anyone’s heart. You’ll find yourself taking endless photos and videos to capture every adorable moment. Puppies have a way of making even the most mundane activities feel special.

And it’s likely that cuteness overload that creates such a strong initial bond between you and your new pup. As you care for them, play with them, and train them, you’ll develop a unique connection that grows stronger over time. Puppies are incredibly loyal and affectionate, and the first few months are the perfect opportunity to create a lasting relationship.

Things to avoid to prevent bad habits

One of the biggest mistakes new puppy owners make is inconsistent training. If you’re not consistent with commands, rules, and rewards, your puppy will become confused and struggle to learn. It’s essential to establish a routine early on and stick to it. Avoid mixed signals and ensure everyone in your household follows the same guidelines.

And because these small bundles of fur are so cute, it’s easy to let things slide. However, improper puppy training can lead to problems down the road that will be harder to correct as an adult dog. Allowing bad behaviors like jumping on people, nipping, or chewing on inappropriate items can become ingrained habits. Nip these behaviors in the bud by redirecting their energy and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior.

Puppy products to the rescue

Omlet offers a range of products designed to make the first few months with a puppy as smooth as possible. These items can help with training, comfort, and keeping your puppy entertained. Here’s a look at some of our top products:

Topology Dog Bed: Let’s face it, puppies have lots of accidents – it’s part of their process. So you need a bed that’s easy to clean and handle the wear. That’s where the Topology dog bed comes on. This dog bed features easy-to-wash covers, making cleanup a breeze when your puppy has accidents or gets dirty. And the covers are so durable that even sharp puppy teeth are no match. 

Fido Nook Dog House: Being a puppy is a tough job. Everything is new and the first few months can feel overwhelming. That’s why having a secluded safe spot for your puppy to retreat to is essential for their well-being and development. The Fido Nook Dog House is a comfortable and stylish crate that’s perfect for training and providing a safe space for your puppy and give them their own space in adult life. Bonus – it will double as a piece of modern furniture in your home. 

Omlet Dog Blankets: One of the best ways to offer your puppy comfort and calm is with a soft, snuggly blanket. The Omlet dog blankets offer coziness and warmth for your puppy, whether they’re snuggling in their crate or lounging on the sofa. Try wrapping the dog blanket around you before placing it in your puppy’s crate so they have a familiar scent to help soothe them when you are away. 

Omlet Dog Toys: Just like toddlers, puppies love to play. So what better way to engage your little furball’s senses than with interactive and engaging dog toys. Omlet offers a wide variety of toy options to help keep your puppy entertained and can also be useful for training and socialization.

Omlet and your dog

Omlet understands that raising a puppy is both rewarding and challenging. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating products that make owning a puppy as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. By focusing on what makes the relationship between people and pets special, Omlet continues to design innovative solutions that support you and your puppy, from those first few months, through their senior years. With products such as our easy-to-clean dog beds and interactive dog toys, coupled with a little patience, you’ll find that having a puppy is one of the most delightful experiences you could wish for. 

Puppy stretching out by the Fido Nook Studio

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Top 7 dog training tips

Training your dog can sometimes feel like you’re navigating through a maze without a map. However, with the right approach and understanding, it can transform into an enriching experience for both you and your canine companion. Whether you’re teaching basic commands or refining behavioral issues, these top seven dog training tips will set you on the path to success. From puppies to seniors, these tips are universally applicable, fostering a strong bond between you and your beloved pet.

Puppy with the Omlet Topology bed

Consistency is key

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective dog training, much like the steady rhythm of a heartbeat. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, and it’s through consistent actions and expectations that they learn best. So whether you’re teaching basic commands like sit and stay or more complex behaviors, such as walking on a dog leash without pulling, maintaining a consistent approach is paramount.

To achieve consistency in dog training, consider establishing a set schedule for training sessions. Just like how we mark our calendars for important events, setting aside dedicated time each day for training reinforces the routine for both you and your pup. Additionally, use consistent verbal cues and hand signals for commands, ensuring clarity in communication. Dogs are brilliant at picking up patterns, so sticking to the same cues for desired behaviors helps solidify their understanding. 

Moreover, consistency extends beyond formal training sessions—it’s about applying the rules consistently in all interactions. Whether it’s not allowing your dog on the couch or insisting on sitting before meals, enforcing these boundaries consistently reinforces the desired behavior. Think of it as setting the stage for your dog’s success by creating a reliable framework within which they can thrive and learn.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the gold standard in modern dog training. With this essential component, it’s all about highlighting the good stuff – the behaviors you want to see more of – with rewards that make your dog’s tail wag with delight. Think of it as a canine high-five for a job well done. So, when your furry friend nails that perfect sit or finally masters the art of fetch without chasing squirrels halfway across the park, whip out their favorite dog treats and shower them with praise.

However, in a recent interview with Kieren Beckles, co-founder and editor of helloBARK! And LifeWithKleeKai, he described how food and treats don’t always work as motivators for all dogs. Speaking about his two Alaskan Klee Kai dogs, Kieran said, “We had different experiences training Copper and Skye. Skye isn’t food motivated so it required a lot of repetition and positive reinforcement. Copper is food motivated but easily distracted so we used treats and repetition.”

So positive reinforcement is not just about the treats. Sure, those tasty morsels work wonders, but it’s also about showering your pup with praise, scratches behind the ears, and maybe even a goofy victory dance. Dogs thrive on love and attention, and when they associate good behavior with all these good vibes, they’re bound to repeat it. When it comes to positive reinforcement, precision and timing are key. So make sure to dish out those rewards pronto, right when your dog performs the desired behavior. 

Patience pays off

Patience is not just a virtue; it’s the secret sauce in successful dog training. Much like us humans, our furry companions need time to understand, learn, and adapt to new behaviors. Rushing the process often leads to frustration for both the trainer and the pup. So when it comes to dog training, take a deep breath, and embrace the power of patience. As Kieran from helloBARK! says, “training is a way to connect to them (dogs) on a deeper level and understand their individual needs.”

It’s easy to get frustrated when your dog doesn’t grasp a command right away, but patience and persistence are your best allies. Break down each training task into manageable steps, rewarding incremental progress. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are well-trained dogs. So celebrate small victories along the way. Whether it takes a few weeks or a few months, trust that your patience will pay off in the form of a well-behaved and happy dog by your side.

Clear communication

Effective communication is vital in any relationship, including the one you share with your dog. Dogs rely on body language, tone of voice, and verbal cues to interpret commands and expectations. So when you’re doing any type of training with your dog, use clear and concise commands, accompanied by corresponding gestures or signals. And keep your body language open and inviting to convey confidence and authority without intimidation. 

For instance, when teaching your pup to sit, pair the verbal cue “sit” with a hand signal—a raised palm works wonders. Consistency is key; ensure everyone interacting with your dog uses the same cues and signals to avoid confusion. Remember, dogs don’t understand human language but can pick up on tone and body language effortlessly, so by keeping your signals clear and your demeanor positive you will better engage them in the training. 

Mental stimulation 

When it comes to dog training, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Much like humans, dogs need mental challenges to keep their minds sharp and engaged. Incorporating mental stimulation into your training routine not only prevents boredom but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Try incorporating puzzle toys or interactive dog toy games into your training regimen. These not only provide mental stimulation but also give your pup a chance to problem-solve and work out their cognitive muscles.

Another effective way to provide mental stimulation is through scent work. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and tapping into this natural ability can provide hours of entertainment. Hide dog treats around the house or in the backyard and encourage your dog to sniff them out. This not only engages their mind but also taps into their instinctual behaviors. By incorporating mental stimulation into your dog’s training routine, you’ll not only keep them mentally sharp but also strengthen your bond and have a happier, more well-rounded pup.


Socialization plays a pivotal role in dog training, much like how meeting new people broadens our horizons. Dogs thrive on interaction and exposure to various environments, sounds, and stimuli from an early age. So introducing your furry friend to a spectrum of experiences in a positive and controlled manner lays the groundwork for a well-adjusted and confident companion. Whether it’s a bustling city street or a tranquil park, each encounter shapes your dog’s understanding of the world, fostering adaptability and reducing anxiety in unfamiliar situations. 

Ideally you want to start socializing your pup when they are around three to fourteen weeks old, which is when they’re most receptive to new experiences. But no matter what age your dog is, keep all new interactions positive by pairing new encounters with treats, praise, and gentle encouragement. Kieran from helloBARK! advises, “While new dog owners might consider basic commands such as sit, lie down, stay and heel which are all important, I would encourage owners to do research about the dog they’re adopting, whether it’s purebred, mix or a rescue. Think outside the box!” It’s all about building positive associations and turning potentially scary situations into delightful discoveries. 

Seek professional help when needed 

Embarking on the journey of dog training can be both rewarding and challenging. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our dogs may exhibit behaviors that leave us scratching our heads. This is where seeking professional dog training help can make all the difference. Whether it’s mastering basic commands or addressing more complex behavioral issues, a skilled trainer can provide guidance tailored to your pup’s needs. Don’t be hesitant to reach out for assistance; after all, even the most experienced dog owners can benefit from a fresh perspective.

When selecting a professional trainer, consider their qualifications and methods. Look for certifications or memberships in reputable organizations, as these indicate a commitment to ongoing education and ethical training practices. Additionally, inquire about their approach to training. Positive reinforcement techniques, which reward desired behaviors, are widely regarded as the most effective in any dog training. Remember, the goal is to build trust and cooperation, fostering a strong relationship built on mutual respect.

Omlet and your dog

At Omlet, we understand the profound connection between pet parents and their dogs. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating innovative products that enhance the training experience for everyone involved. From interactive dog toys to stylish designer dog beds, we celebrate the wonder of sharing your space and life with your pet, and the joy of nurturing well-behaved, happy dogs. Embrace the journey of training your canine companion with patience, positivity, and the right tools, and watch your bond flourish into something truly extraordinary.

Puppy in fido Nook dog crate with green bolster dog bed

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New dog checklist

Whether you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new puppy or opening your heart and home to a rescue dog, the decision to bring a canine companion into your life marks the beginning of an exciting journey. When adding another furry member to your family, you need to ensure you’re equipped with the right essentials to provide a comfortable and loving environment for your new best friend. In this blog, we’ll walk you through a comprehensive new dog checklist covering everything you’ll need to consider when welcoming a new canine companion into your life.

Small dog on an Omlet cushion bed

Dog beds

One of the first items to consider when welcoming a new furry friend into your home is a cozy spot for your dog to rest and relax. Enter the world of dog beds, where comfort meets functionality in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit every pup’s needs. Whether you opt for a plush cushion, an orthopedic mattress, or a durable outdoor bed, choosing a bed that suits your dog’s size, age, and sleeping habits is essential. Be sure to consider factors such as washability, durability, and support to ensure your pup gets a good night’s sleep.

Omlet’s Topology dog beds stand out for their customizable design, allowing you to create the perfect sleeping space tailored to your dog’s preferences. With interchangeable toppers of varying style and design, you can adjust the bed’s configuration to accommodate your dog’s sleeping habits. These beds not only provide orthopedic support for joint health but also boast durable and washable materials, ensuring long-lasting comfort for your canine companion.

For the dog owner on the go, Omlet offers the ultimate solution with their Cushion dog beds, designed for easy transport and versatility. Whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or simply heading to the park for a picnic, these go-anywhere beds provide a familiar and cozy spot for your dog to relax wherever your adventures take you. With a waterproof base and soft, plush cushioning, the Omlet Cushion dog beds offer both comfort and convenience in one compact package. 

And let’s not forget the comforting embrace of Omlet’s Bolster dog beds, providing a sense of security and support for dogs who love to snuggle up against the raised edges. Made from premium materials and available in a range of stylish colors, these beds add a touch of luxury to your dog’s sleeping quarters while promoting a sense of well-being and contentment.

Dog crates

Dog crates are an indispensable addition to any new dog checklist, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the well-being and training of your furry companion. Beyond being a safe and secure space for your dog to rest, crates serve as valuable tools for house training and behavior management. By providing a designated “zen den” for your dog, you offer them a sanctuary where they can retreat when they need downtime or simply want to feel secure. This sense of ownership over their own space can help alleviate anxiety and stress, especially during times of transition or when faced with unfamiliar environments. Moreover, crates facilitate transportation, whether it’s a trip to the vet or a family vacation, ensuring your dog travels comfortably and securely while reducing the risk of escape or injury.

Investing in a quality dog crate is akin to providing your furry friend with their own personal haven within your home. When selecting a crate, consider factors such as size, material, and accessibility to ensure it meets your dog’s needs and complements your lifestyle. With proper introduction and positive reinforcement, your dog will come to view their crate as a safe haven rather than a confinement, fostering a sense of security and contentment. Ultimately, integrating a crate into your new dog’s routine not only aids in training and management but also strengthens the bond between you and your canine companion, laying the foundation for a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

Dog leashes/collars 

When it comes to essentials for your new furry friend, dog leashes and collars are at the top of the list. Think of them as the keys to unlocking adventures and ensuring safety during daily walks. A sturdy leash and well-fitted collar not only provide you with control and peace of mind but also give your dog the freedom to explore their surroundings safely. 

But it’s not just about functionality; choosing the perfect leash and collar can also reflect your dog’s personality and style. Whether you opt for a vibrant patterned collar to showcase your pup’s playful side or a sleek, minimalist leash for a touch of sophistication, these accessories can add a dash of flair to your walks together. With the right leash and collar, you’re not just taking your dog for a walk—you’re making a fashion statement while strengthening your bond with your furry companion. 

Dog bowls

When it comes to welcoming a new dog into your home, dog bowls are absolute essentials that should not be overlooked. These crucial items provide your dog access to fresh water and nutritious meals throughout the day. So investing in high-quality dog bowls not only ensures your dog’s basic needs are met but also promotes proper hydration and digestion, contributing to their overall well-being. 

Whether you opt for stainless steel, ceramic, or melamine dog bowls, choose ones that are tailored to your dog’s size and eating habits in order to foster a positive dining experience for your canine companion. With sleek, modern designs and stylish shades, there’s a dog bowl to suit every taste and décor preference.

Dog accessories

When it comes to preparing for a new dog, accessories play a vital role in ensuring their comfort and well-being. Dog blankets are not just cozy additions to their sleeping area; they offer a sense of security and warmth, much like a comforting hug. Whether it’s a plush fleece blanket for snuggling on chilly nights or a waterproof option for outdoor adventures, having a few blankets on hand provides your furry friend with a familiar and inviting space to rest and relax. Plus, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love wrapping their pup up in a soft blanket for some extra cuddles?

Similarly, dog cooling mats are absolute game-changers, especially during the hot summer months. These innovative accessories offer relief from the sweltering heat, providing a cool surface for your dog to lounge on and escape the rising temperatures. Whether placed indoors or outdoors, cooling mats help prevent overheating and ensure your pup stays comfortable and refreshed, even on the hottest of days. So, don’t forget to add these essentials to your new dog checklist – because every pup deserves to be pampered with the best in comfort and relaxation.

Dog toys

Just like humans, dogs need outlets for their energy and natural instincts, and dog toys  provide the perfect solution. From plush squeaky toys to durable chew bones and interactive puzzle feeders, the variety of toys available caters to different breeds, sizes, and play styles. Dog toys not only keep your dog occupied and entertained but also help prevent boredom and alleviate stress, especially during periods of alone time or when left at home. 

Additionally, interactive dog toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving skills can challenge your dog’s cognitive abilities, keeping their mind sharp and engaged. By including a selection of toys in your dog’s environment, you’re not just providing entertainment – you’re promoting overall well-being and enriching their quality of life.

Furthermore, dog toys play a significant role in strengthening the bond between you and your furry friend. Engaging in playtime activities together fosters trust, communication, and companionship, creating lasting memories and deepening your connection. Whether it’s a game of fetch in the backyard, a tug-of-war session indoors, or a relaxing chew session on the couch, these shared experiences strengthen the bond between you and your dog, building a foundation of love and mutual understanding. 


Omlet and your dog

As you prepare to welcome a new dog into your life, remember that each pup is unique, with their own set of needs and preferences. By equipping yourself with the right essentials and taking the time to understand your dog’s behavior and personality, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong bond and creating lasting memories together. At Omlet, we believe in asking the right questions to understand how to invent products that enhance the lives of both pets and their parents. From innovative dog crates to cozy dog beds and interactive dog toys, we’re dedicated to making life better for pets and pet owners alike and bringing the adventures with your new furry friend one step closer.

Omlet dog bowl new dog checklist


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Choosing the right dog to bring into your family

Welcoming a furry friend into your home is an exciting decision, but how do you know the right dog to bring that into your family? With countless breeds to choose from, finding the perfect match can seem daunting. However, understanding the different breed types and their characteristics can guide you towards a companion that complements your family dynamics as well as your lifestyle and preferences. From energetic outdoor adventurers to cuddly couch companions, there’s a dog breed suited for every household.

Dog sitting on the Omlet Topology dog bed

Hound breeds

Hound dogs are the quintessential embodiment of loyalty, charm, and an insatiable zest for adventure. With their characteristic droopy ears and soulful eyes, these four-legged friends bring a unique blend of affection and curiosity to any household lucky enough to welcome them in. Examples of dogs in this breed include the beagle, bloodhound, and greyhound. Renowned for their keen sense of smell and unwavering determination, hounds have historically been prized as hunting companions. However, their gentle demeanor and unwavering loyalty make them equally cherished as beloved family pets.

When considering adding a hound dog to your family, it’s important to understand their personality traits and the lifestyle they thrive in. These pups are known for their independent streaks, often following their noses wherever it leads them. This means they may not always be the most obedient of companions, but their playful antics and boundless enthusiasm more than make up for it. Hounds are social creatures who revel in the company of their human pack, making them ideal for families who enjoy spending time outdoors and engaging in activities that stimulate their curious minds. 

Whether it’s a leisurely hike through the woods or a lively game of fetch in the backyard, hound dogs thrive in environments where they can explore and unleash their natural instincts. So, if your family is seeking a loyal and adventurous companion to join in your escapades and add a touch of excitement to your everyday life, a hound dog might just be the perfect fit for you.

Working breeds

Working dog breeds encompass a diverse group known for their intelligence, loyalty, and strong work ethic. From the energetic Australian Cattle Dog  to the steadfast bernese mountain dog, each breed brings unique qualities shaped by their historical roles alongside humans. These breeds thrive on mental and physical stimulation, often requiring purposeful activities to channel their boundless energy. Families seeking a companion that doubles as a partner in adventure and exploration will find an ideal match within this dynamic group. Their unwavering dedication makes them invaluable additions to households willing to provide ample outlets for their natural instincts.

Understanding the nuances of working dog breeds is crucial when determining their compatibility with different family dynamics. For active households with an outdoor lifestyle, breeds like the anatolian shepherd dog or the Siberian Husky are well-suited companions, excelling in activities like hiking, running, or even dog sports. But before welcoming any working dog breed into your home, first assess your family’s lifestyle, commitment to training, and available space. Potential owners of this breed should also consider factors like grooming needs, shedding, and potential health concerns associated with these dogs to ensure a harmonious match for both family and furry friend.

Toy breeds

Toy dog breeds encompass a delightful array of pint-sized pooches, each packed with personality and charm. From the spunky chihuahua to the regal pomeranian, these compact canines offer big love in small packages. Their petite stature makes them perfect companions for various types of families, but understanding their unique traits is key to finding the best fit. 

For families seeking cuddly companionship and low-maintenance care, toy breeds like the affectionate Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or the gentle Maltese might be ideal. These breeds thrive on human affection and are often content to curl up on the couch with their loved ones, making them perfect for families with children or seniors looking for devoted companionship.

Sporting breeds

If you have a bustling household that is filled with laughter, play, and endless adventures then you have the perfect setting for a sporting dog breed. These furry athletes are like the MVPs of the dog world, ready to join in on any family fun with their boundless energy and unwavering loyalty. Whether you’re a thrill-seeking clan that loves hiking through rugged trails or a laid-back crew content with leisurely strolls in the park, there’s a sporting dog breed tailor-made for your unique vibe.

The labrador retriever, otherwise known as the social butterfly of the group, is always up for a game of fetch or a dip in the nearest body of water. Their friendly demeanor and eagerness to please makes them the perfect companions for families who crave constant companionship and plenty of outdoor activities. Then there’s the adventurous Brittany, a pint-sized powerhouse bursting with enthusiasm and intelligence. So whether you’re a high-energy household or a laid-back bunch, there’s a sporting dog breed out there waiting to become your family’s four-legged best friend.

Terrier breeds

Terriers, with their spunky personalities and boundless energy, are a spirited bunch that brings a whole lot of character into any home. From the feisty jack russell terrier to the tenacious Scottish Terrier, these small to medium sized powerhouses pack a punch of personality. Terriers are known for their intelligence, determination, and fearlessness, making them perfect companions for families who thrive on excitement and adventure. If you’re looking for a dog that’s always up for a challenge and eager to explore the world alongside you, a terrier might just be your perfect match.

When considering a terrier for your family, it’s essential to understand their unique traits and how they align with your lifestyle. Terriers are often best suited for active families who can keep up with their high energy levels and provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation. But their natural hunting instincts and strong prey drive mean they may not be the best fit for households with small pets like cats or rabbits. However, for families who enjoy outdoor activities, games, and interactive training sessions, terriers can be incredibly rewarding companions.

Small dog sleeping on the Omlet cushion bed

Herding breeds

From the iconic border collie to the spirited Australian Shepherd, the herding dog breeds excel at managing and controlling livestock with their innate herding instincts. Known for their intelligence, loyalty, and remarkable work ethic, these dogs thrive in environments where they have a job to do or tasks to accomplish. 

But beyond their herding prowess, herding dogs make fantastic companions for families who appreciate their sharp minds and unwavering devotion. If you’re a family with an active lifestyle and enjoy engaging your furry friend in stimulating activities, a herding dog could be your perfect match. With the ability to adapt to various living situations, herding dogs can bring endless joy, companionship, and a touch of adventure to your home.

Non-sporting breeds

The non-sporting dog breed group is a colorful collection of canines with a wide range of personalities and temperaments. From the dignified bulldog to the lively poodle, each dog in this breed brings its own unique charm to the table. While they may not all share a common purpose like hunting or herding, non-sporting dogs make up for it with their diverse array of traits and adaptability. 

For families seeking a four-legged friend that fits seamlessly into their lifestyle, understanding the personality traits of non-sporting breeds is key to finding the perfect match. Whether you’re a family that likes a cozy night in and leisurely strolls around the neighborhood or are a household of many children that are actively on the go, you’re sure to find a non-sporting dog that will complement your clan. These dogs thrive on companionship and are content to snuggle up on the couch with their favorite humans.

Rescue dog vs. puppy: The debate

When considering adding any dog of any breed to your family, the decision between adopting a rescue dog or bringing home a puppy is typically the next significant consideration. Rescue dogs offer the opportunity to provide a loving home to a dog in need while puppies allow families to shape their companion’s upbringing from the beginning.

Pros of rescue dogs:

  • Rescue dogs often come with established personalities and behaviors, making it easier to assess compatibility.
  • Adopting a rescue dog gives them a second chance at a loving home, providing a rewarding experience for the entire family.
  • Many rescue organizations provide support and resources to ensure a successful transition for both the dog and the family.

Cons of rescue dogs:

  • Rescue dogs may come with unknown backgrounds or behavioral issues that require patience and training to address.
  • It may take time for a rescue dog to adjust to their new environment and form bonds with their new family members.
  • Certain rescue dogs may have medical or behavioral issues that require ongoing care and attention.

Pros of puppies:

  • Bringing home a puppy allows families to shape their companion’s behavior and training from a young age.
  • Puppies provide an opportunity for families to bond and create lasting memories as they grow together.
  • Puppies typically have fewer health and behavioral issues compared to some rescue dogs.

Cons of puppies:

  • Raising a puppy requires time, patience, and commitment to proper training and socialization.
  • Puppies go through various developmental stages, including teething and housebreaking, which can be challenging for first-time dog owners.
  • The initial costs of vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and supplies can add up quickly.

Omlet and your dog

Choosing the right dog for your family is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors, including breed characteristics, lifestyle, and preferences. At Omlet, we understand the importance of this decision and strive to create innovative pet products that enhance the bond between pets and their owners. From cozy dog beds to interactive dog toys, we’re here to support you on your journey to a fulfilling and enriching companionship with your dog and celebrate the wonder of your bond together.

German Shepherd drinking out Omlet dog bowl

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7 fun exercises for you and your dog

Keeping your furry friend active is essential for their physical health and mental well-being. While walks around the block are great, sometimes you and your dog need a little variety in your exercise routine. That’s where these 7 different and fun exercise ideas for your dog come in handy. Whether rain or shine, indoor or outdoor, there’s something here for every pup, and human, to enjoy.

Girls looking at dog on the Omlet Topology bed

Outdoor adventure walks

Take your routine walks around the neighborhood up a notch by seeking out new adventure walks. Yes, dogs like routine, but they also like new smells and experiences too. So instead of sticking to the same old path, try exploring new trails, parks, or nature reserves. An entire oasis of new sights and smells is ready for you and your dog to discover when you venture out into the wild.

Setting it up: Start by researching dog-friendly trails or parks in your area. You likely won’t have to drive too far to find some pretty cool new trails or parks to explore. Because you’ll be checking out new surroundings, be sure your dog is wearing their favorite dog collar and leash with proper identification. Bring water and snacks for both you and your pup and maybe even a travel-easy dog bed so they can rest well on the way home.

Why it’s good: Outdoor adventure walks provide loads of mental stimulation for your dog and allow them to engage with their natural instincts. Exploring new environments keeps a dog’s mind sharp and promotes overall happiness.

Fetch and retrieval games

Fetch is a classic game that never gets old and is a guaranteed way to exercise your dog. And the best part is it doesn’t take a lot of work to play this fun game together. Simply find an open space, like a backyard or a dog park, and let your dog chase after a ball or a frisbee. Retrieval games are not only fun but also great for improving your dog’s agility and coordination.

Setting it up: Choose a safe area that is free from obstacles or hazards. Be sure it’s a space that allows dogs to be off leash and is safe for them to be running free. Start with short throws of a ball, frisbee, or even their favorite dog toy and gradually increase the distance as your dog gets more comfortable. And don’t forget to bring a dog bowl with water as your dog will need to rehydrate often. 

Why it’s good: Fetch and retrieval games are a great form of dog exercise as they provide excellent cardiovascular health for your dog while also strengthening their muscles. But perhaps the best part of a game of fetch is the bonding experience between you and your pup, which is priceless.

Outdoor agility course

Have you ever watched dog agility competitions on TV and wondered if your dog could be an obstacle pro as well? Only way to know is to try it. Agility courses are a fantastic way to challenge your dog both mentally and physically. And they can be as easy as setting up tunnels, jumps, and weaving poles in your backyard. You and your dog will love the fun that comes with an outdoor agility course and how rewarding it is for dogs of all ages and breeds.

Setting it up: When it comes to agility courses you don’t have to go straight out and purchase expensive agility equipment. You can use items around your house that are suitable for your dog’s size and skill level. Cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, and even your kid’s orange play cones are all perfect items that can help construct a beginner agility course. Start with basic obstacles and gradually introduce more advanced challenges as your dog gets the hang of it.

Why it’s good: Agility training is an excellent exercise for dogs as it improves their balance, coordination, and problem-solving skills. It also builds their confidence and strengthens the bond between the two of you. 

Swimming sessions

If your dog loves the water, then swimming is an excellent full-body workout to incorporate into their exercise routine. But how do you know if your dog likes to swim? Start by finding a dog-friendly beach, lake, or pool where your pup can splash around safely to test the waters and see if they like it. Even if your dog doesn’t go all the way in for a full body dip, the act of running along the water will provide enough exercise. Swimming is especially beneficial for older dogs or those with joint issues.

Setting it up: If your dog has never swam before or if you are not sure they know how to swim, start by choosing a calm, shallow body of water to start. This will allow your dog to explore the possibility of swimming without too much commitment. And always be sure to have the right products when going for a doggie dip –  consider a canine life jacket for added safety, a properly tagged dog collar, an old towel to rub them down and some dog treats to enjoy after a good splash will all make this experience more enjoyable.

Why it’s good: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on your dog’s joints. Your dog will receive a thorough workout without putting stress on their bones. But the best part? Swimming is a great way to beat the heat during hot summer months.

Indoor treat hunt

When the weather outside is too cold or rainy to explore an outdoor exercise, try setting up some workout routines inside. Indoor treat hunts are a fun way to keep your dog mentally stimulated while also getting them to move their bodies. And it can be as easy as hiding treats around the house and letting your dog use their nose to sniff them out.

Setting it up: The key to making an indoor treat hunt fun for your dog is to choose a variety of different hiding spots. This is your time to get creative. While your dog’s in another room, quietly hide dog treats under furniture, behind doors, or even inside their dog crate house. As your dog becomes efficient at finding the treats in the easy hiding spots, gradually increase the difficulty by choosing more challenging spots. 

Why it’s good: Indoor treat hunts are a great way to engage your dog’s sense of smell and provide mental stimulation at the same time. Spending time “hunting” and sniffing will also help to prevent your dog’s boredom and destructive behavior.

Interactive toys and games

If there’s one exercise that is guaranteed to tire your dog out regardless of the weather, it’s playtime with you and their favorite interactive dog toys. Not only do toys and games keep your dog engaged, exercised, and entertained, they’re a great way to keep your furry friend challenged. Keep a variety of different toys and games such as puzzle toys, treat-dispensing balls, or interactive play mats so that your dog’s problem-solving skills can be challenged and elevated.

Setting it up: Too much of a good thing can often lead to overwhelm and that is true when it comes to dogs and toys. So set aside time each day to bring out one or two toys to play with your pup. If it’s a new toy, introduce it to your dog by itself so they can fully immerse themselves in the nuances of the new object. Every other week, try rotating the toys regularly to keep your dog’s interest piqued and their excitement engaged.

Why it’s good: Interactive dog toys and games are the perfect exercise tool for dogs as they provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom. If you live somewhere where the weather prohibits frequent outdoor play, dog toys are an essential in maintaining your dog’s physical health and mental well-being.

Indoor obstacle course

Who said obstacle courses are only for the great outdoors? When the weather isn’t cooperating for outdoor play, take the fun inside and create a DIY obstacle course. Again, no need to purchase any expensive agility equipment – simply use household items like chairs, cushions, and cardboard boxes to create the ultimate indoor dog adventure. Just be sure to designate a space in your home where your dog can navigate through tunnels, jump over hurdles, and weave between obstacles without hurting themselves or your furnishings.

Setting it up: Start by clearing a space in your home where you can set up the obstacle course safely. Choose a room that is big enough for your dog to navigate based on their size and remove any pieces of furniture or items that could cause them harm or get damaged in the process. When choosing items for the obstacle course, pick ones that are stable and won’t topple over easily – this is all about having fun, so make sure not to use anything that could cause injury or get broken. 

Why it’s good: Indoor obstacle courses provide incredible physical exercise and increased mental stimulation for your dog as well. The repetitive sequencing of traversing the course reinforces obedience and agility skills, which are both excellent for your dog’s body and mind.

Omlet and your dog

No matter the weather, keeping your dog active and engaged is crucial for their overall well-being. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors or getting creative with indoor activities, there’s no shortage of ways to keep your pup exercised and entertained. At Omlet, we understand the importance of movement for all pets which is why we offer a wide range of products designed to enhance your bond with your pet. From interactive dog toys to dog collars and leashes, we make the products your dog needs no matter what activity you’re engaging in. So get out there, have fun, and start exercising with your dog.

Terrier sat up in the Omlet Nest bed

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7 things you didn’t know about dogs and sleep

Ah, the simple joy of watching our furry companions curl up into a cozy ball and drift off into dreamland. For dog lovers, witnessing our canine friends catch some z’s is a delightful spectacle that never fails to warm our hearts. But did you know that behind those adorable snoozing poses lie a plethora of fascinating facts about dogs and their sleeping habits? Prepare to be intrigued as we delve into 7 things you didn’t know about dogs and sleep.

7 things you didn't know about dogs and sleep - Terrier sleeping in Omlet Nest bed mischief collection

  1. Dogs circle before bed:

Ever wonder why your dog makes a few rounds before finally settling down for the night? This seemingly quirky behavior actually has deep-rooted evolutionary significance. In the wild, dogs would circle to create a comfortable sleeping spot and to ensure safety from predators. It’s a natural instinct, ingrained in their DNA, to create a spot that is comfy for sleep but away from danger.

Even though our domestic pups may not face the same threats, their innate behavior remains a part of their makeup. You can cater to this ancestral need by making sure your dog has a comfortable and supportive dog bed that fits their size. Allowing your dog the opportunity to have a warm and cozy spot to sleep will ensure their primal and domestic needs are met.

  1. Dogs do dream:

Have you ever noticed your dog twitching, whimpering, or even barking in their sleep, and wondered if they’re chasing all those squirrels they never quite catch in real life? Well the answer isn’t entirely clear cut. 

Dogs do indeed dream; research suggests that dogs experience similar sleep patterns to humans, including the rapid eye movement (REM) stage where dreaming occurs. But while it’s confirmed that dogs do dream, the content of their dreams still remains a bit of a mystery. 

Are they dreaming about playing with their toys, other dogs, or better yet, you? We may never know for sure. Our furry friends can’t spill the beans on their dreamland wonder but we like to think that their humans are never far from their subconscious adventures.

  1. The meaning behind dog yawns:

You know how sometimes you just can’t help but let out a big yawn when you’re feeling sleepy or bored? Yawns are universally recognized as a sign of tiredness or boredom, but when it comes to dogs, there’s more to it than meets the eye. In humans, some yawning is a way of empathizing; we often yawn when others do, in a subconscious show of solidarity. 

When dogs yawn, it can actually be a way for them to communicate with us and other dogs around them. It’s like their way of saying, “Hey, I’m feeling a bit stressed or anxious right now.” Just like humans, dogs can feel a range of emotions, and yawning is one of the ways they might express those feelings.

But dogs also yawn as a way to calm themselves down in tense situations. So if you notice your furry friend giving a big yawn during a training session or when meeting new people, it might not be because they’re bored or tired, but rather because they’re trying to soothe themselves. It’s their version of taking a deep breath to relax. So give your dog  some space if you notice a big yawn and try to read their body language to see if they might need a little extra comfort or support.

  1. Zoomies before z’s:

We’ve all witnessed the phenomenon of “zoomies”—those bursts of frenetic energy that seem to possess our dogs out of nowhere. Surprisingly, these spirited romps often occur just before bedtime. While it may seem counterintuitive, this behavior is believed to be a natural way for dogs to release excess energy before settling down for the night. 

In the wild, dogs would spend their days hunting, exploring, and playing, so they’d naturally be pretty active. As the sun starts to set and night falls, their instincts kick in, telling them it’s time to find a safe spot to rest and recharge for the next day’s adventures. So, those pre-sleep zoomies are basically their way of mimicking that wild behavior, getting rid of any excess energy so they can sleep soundly through the night. It’s like their own little bedtime routine, complete with a sprint to the finish line before settling in for some well-deserved rest.

  1. Paws up, eyes closed:

Ever notice how your furry friend sometimes snoozes with their paws flung up in the air like they just don’t care? It’s a common sight in the canine world, and there’s more to it than just striking a cute pose. Dogs often sleep with their paws in the air as a sign of relaxation and comfort. Just like we might sprawl out on the couch after a long day, our four-legged pals stretch out in all sorts of positions to unwind. With their paws up, they’re releasing tension in their muscles and letting their bodies sink into a state of blissful repose

But why exactly do they choose this particular position? When your dog plops down on their back with their paws in the air, they’re exposing their most vulnerable parts—like their belly—to the world. It might seem counterintuitive to us humans, but for dogs, it’s a sign of trust and security. By showing off their soft underbelly, they’re letting you know that they feel completely safe and at ease in their surroundings. It’s a testament to the bond between you and your furry companion.

  1. Dogs have a third eyelid:

As dog owners, it’s natural for us humans to want to stare all day at our furry canine companions as they sleep. But sometimes, you may notice that one eye almost looks like it’s still open while the snores are still filling the room. Are they half awake? Nope. That’s just your dog’s third eyelid you’re seeing. Also known as the nictitating membrane, this translucent membrane serves as an extra layer of protection for a dog’s eyes. And it’s most commonly seen when they are in deep slumber.

While it may sound odd, this unique feature helps keep their eyes moist and shielded from debris. And it also acts as a trusty defender keeping your canine companion’s eyes squeaky clean. Think of it as a natural windshield wiper, sweeping away any gunk or goop that might try to cling onto those adorable puppy eyes. So, the next time you catch a glimpse of your dog’s third eyelid, remember, it’s just another fascinating aspect of their anatomy that makes them so wonderfully unique.

  1. Dogs sleep for half their life:

It’s no secret that dogs love their beauty sleep, but just how much do they snooze? As it turns out, dogs spend approximately half of their lives sleeping. While the exact amount varies depending on factors like age and breed, it’s safe to say that our canine companions are true sleep enthusiasts. While your dog’s snooze sessions might seem excessive, they’ve actually got it all figured out. 

While we humans often juggle hectic schedules and burn the candle at both ends, our four-legged companions show us the true meaning of balance. From chasing squirrels to playing fetch, dogs throw themselves into every activity with boundless enthusiasm and when it’s time to recharge, they do it. So make sure your furry friend has a comfy dog bed to catch all their z’s and maybe try relaxing with them the next time they have a nap. 

Omlet and your dog

Understanding the intricacies of dogs and their sleep habits is just one way we can deepen our connection with our beloved pets. At Omlet, we recognize the importance of catering to every aspect of our dogs’ well-being, from their sleep to their playtime and beyond. That’s why we’re dedicated to crafting innovative products like customizable dog beds and meticulously engineered dog dens that enhance the lives of both dogs and their owners, ensuring they can spend more quality time resting by your side. Because when it comes to our furry friends, every moment shared, waking or sleeping, is truly precious.

7 things you didn't know about dogs and sleep - Labrador sleeping in an Omlet Nest bed Gardenia collection

7 things you didn't know about dogs and sleep

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What is affecting my dog’s sleep?

As pet owners, we cherish the moments when our furry companions snuggle up for a peaceful slumber. Yet, what happens when our beloved canine companions toss and turn, unable to find the rest they need? Understanding what is affecting your dog’s sleep is crucial for ensuring their well-being and happiness. Let’s delve into the intricacies of what might be keeping our pups up at night and explore effective solutions to promote their quality rest.

Dog sleeping on an Omlet Nest Bed - what is affecting my dogs sleep

What could be affecting my dog’s sleep?

Ever wondered why your furry friend seems restless at bedtime? It could be anything from an unbalanced diet to a change in routine that throws off their sleep cycle and leaves them in need of some serious R&R. Here’s a look at some of the common factors that could be affecting your dog’s sleep.

Lack of exercise 

Just like humans, dogs require regular physical activity to tire their bodies and minds. A lack of exercise can lead to pent-up energy, causing restlessness and difficulty in settling down for sleep. Daily walks, interactive play sessions, or engaging in stimulating activities tailored to your dog’s breed and age can significantly contribute to a more restful night’s sleep.

So grab your dog’s favorite leash and collar and make walking around the neighborhood a daily activity. Or make a game out of hide-and-go-seek their favorite dog toy. As soon as you notice your dog feeling unsettled in their nighttime routine, the fix could be as easy as incorporating more fido fitness. 

Underlying health issues

If adding more exercise to your dog’s routine isn’t working, or their age has limited their activity, it may be time to look a little deeper into what might be impacting their sleepless nights. Undiagnosed health problems could be silently disrupting your dog’s sleep patterns. 

Conditions such as arthritis, dental pain, or even anxiety disorders can interfere with a dog’s ability to find comfort and relaxation. So it’s important to stay on top of regular veterinary check-ups and pay prompt attention to any concerning symptoms. A healthy dog is a happy dog and happy dogs are more likely to get quality sleep.

Poor diet

Did you know nutrition plays a pivotal role in your dog’s overall well-being? That includes their sleep quality, too. Feeding your furry friend a balanced diet that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level is crucial not only for their health, but their sleep quality. So if you notice your dog awake more during nighttime hours, it could be linked to diet.

Is someone in the house feeding from under the table when they aren’t supposed to? Is your dog eating too much or too little? Poor diet choices or food allergies can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort which could be keeping your dog awake. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian if you notice sleep issues that you think could be related to food, so you can be sure of feeding the most suitable diet for your dog.

Environmental factors

The environment in which your dog sleeps can significantly influence their ability to rest peacefully. Factors such as excessive noise, uncomfortable bedding, or extreme temperatures are all factors that can disrupt their sleep cycle. Creating a quiet, comfortable, and safe sleeping space for your dog that is away from disturbances promotes better sleep by creating a space dedicated to their relaxation.

Find a dog bed that suits your dog’s sleep preferences. The Topology dog bed designed by Omlet is an excellent choice as it allows you to choose from a variety of Toppers to find textures your dog likes best. You’ll find it hard to pick a favorite, as they’re all designed to zip on and off easily and go straight in the washing machine. Adding some dog feet to the bottom raises the bed off the ground, promoting better hygiene and air flow. To help nervous dogs feel more secure, you can also add a dog crate nook so your pup has a secure space to retreat to when they need a solid snooze.

The Omlet Bolster bed is another great option for promoting restful sleep. A memory foam mattress combined with a full body snuggling cushion, angled to comfortably support their head as they snooze, this is a bed built to compete with the couch. 

Change in routine

Dogs love and depend on routine. Disruptions to their daily schedule can cause stress and anxiety which, in turn, can lead to sleep disturbances. So if you’ve noticed your dog’s sleep patterns changing or disruptions in their normal cycles, check if any of these factors are new:

Any one of these factors can cause your dog stress, which could ultimately impact their sleep. So if you do have any upcoming or new changes in your house, do your best to maintain consistency in their daily routine and gradually introduce the changes where possible, so you can help minimize stress and promote better sleep habits for your furry companion.

Ways to prevent or help

When it comes to addressing your dog’s sleep issues it’s best to take a multifaceted approach that is tailored to their specific needs. Use the list above as a guideline to ensure all needs are being met: is your dog getting regular exercise, are they maintaining a balanced diet, and do they have a peaceful sleeping environment? Once you have taken a proactive look at all these factors, there are some additional things you can do to help ensure your dog’s healthy sleep habits.

Try incorporating calming routines before bedtime, such as a gentle massage or soothing music. This can help relax your furry friend and prepare them for a restful night’s sleep – plus the bonding time together is an added bonus. And whenever in doubt, seek guidance from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist as they can provide valuable insights and personalized strategies to address your dog’s specific sleep-related concerns effectively.

Omlet and your dog 

At Omlet, we understand the importance of catering to the diverse sleep patterns and needs of all dogs. That’s why we design beds to suit the ergonomics of dogs’ bodies and with durable, upholstery grade fabrics tested to withstand their needs to stretch, turn and roll. All our products are engineered with your pet’s comfort and well-being in mind, offering a range of innovative solutions that will give them the rest they deserve. From cozy dog beds to comforting zen doggie dens, we strive to enhance the sleep experience for all dogs, helping them wake up refreshed and ready for another day of adventures by your side.

Dog sleeping on Omlet Bolster Bed - what is affecting my dogs sleep


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