Recipe: Easter Chocolate Nests

Recipe courtesy of Hen Corner
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Recipe courtesy of Hen Corner
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Pancakes in the UK are traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday as the last meal before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Historically, people would use up the goodies and treats in their larders before a 40 day fast as they pray and prepare themselves for Christ’s death and resurrection at Easter.
This is a great recipe to enjoy in February as pure breed hens are just coming back into lay and, hopefully, you’ll have eggs aplenty!
This quantity of batter makes 6 pancakes.
7oz plain flour
1/5 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup of milk
Vegetable oil (we used organic rapeseed oil)
Sugar and lemon wedges
1) Combine the flour and salt in a large jug, make a dip/well in the middle of the flour and crack the eggs into the well.
2) Begin to whisk the eggs together with a couple of tablespoons of milk starting to incorporate some of the flour as you go.
3) Continue to add the milk a few tablespoons at a time, whisking as you go, gradually incorporating the flour. This will help create a smooth batter.
4) Once all the ingredients are combined, leave the batter to rest for 30 minutes.
5) Preheat a non stick frying pan over a medium heat, brushing the inside with a thin coating of oil.
6) Pour in a small amount of batter and swirl it around the pan for an even coating.
7) As it cooks, watch for the pancake to start coming away from the edges of the pan, then loosen under the pancake with a spatula.
8) Confidently toss your pancake (or carefully turn over) to cook the other side, they are ready once lightly browned each side.
9) Continue cooking the rest of the batter, brushing the pans with a little oil in between each new pancake.
If you want a great way to keep your eggs fresh and in the correct order, why not treat yourself to a fabulous Egg Skelter?
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We recently ran a competition to find a star baker and the winner was Robin on Facebook with her Baked Buttermilk Donuts, they looked so delicious that we wanted to give them a go ourselves. She kindly shared her recipe with us, check it out:
2 cups cake flour
3/4 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup buttermilk
Two large eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease and flour baked donuts pan. Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg and salt in a large mixing bowl. Stir in buttermilk, eggs, butter and vanilla. Beat until just combined. Fill well 2/3 full. Bake 10 to 12 minutes. The top of the donut should spring back when lightly touched. Cool 5 minutes in pan. Invert to cooling rack and cool completely. Glaze and decorate as desired.
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As Omlet is a British company we thought it would be nice to bring one of our traditions over the pond and teach you how to make a classic Mince Pie. We understand some people may have never heard of a Mince Pie so here are some FAQs-
What are Mince Pies?
Mince Pies are small sweet pastry pies filled with dried fruit, nuts and spices. They can be served hot or cold.
Do they contain actual meat?
The modern day version of a mince pie does not contain meat however original recipes used to be savoury and would contain minced meat and suet.
Where did they originate?
Mince pies are of British origin and took influence from Middle Eastern ingredients when European crusaders brought them back in the 13th Century.
Are they tasty?
Oohhhh YES! We can confirm they are extremely yummy and you will be baking lots of batches as they’re very moreish.
Please see below for the list of ingredients and watch our step by step video to learn how to make these!
Ingredients for traditional English Mince Pies:
500g of dried fruit and nuts
Orange Zest
1 Apple
2 tsp Mixed Spice
1tbsp Honey
100g of Brown Sugar
100g of Frozen Butter
100ml of Brandy
Either buy Sweet Shortcrust Pastry from the store or have a go at making your own.
300g of Plain Flour
150g of Diced Butter
Pinch of Salt
50g of Caster Sugar
Egg Yolk
Dash of Milk
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180g of Ground Almonds
120g of Golden Caster Sugar
Grated Zest of a Lemon
A Pinch of Salt
A tot of Amaretti liquor
2 Egg Whites
1 tbsp. of Honey
1 Handful of Flaked Almonds
Sprinkle of Icing Sugar
This recipe has a special Italian twist to it, It’s an Amaretti biscuit, lovely and chewy on the inside with flaked almonds on the outside, very quick and easy to make. We love this recipe as it uses contributions from both the bees and the chickens at the Hen Corner Urban Farm.
Pour all of your ground almonds into a mixing bowl and add the golden caster sugar. Add the grated zest of a lemon and a pinch of salt. Then we make this biscuit festively merry with a lovely little tot of Amaretti liquor. Give that a good mix with a wooden spoon.
Put that to one side.
Then in a separate bowl mix two egg whites with a tablespoon of honey. It’ll start to look similar to a meringue consistency.
You are then going to fold the egg whites into your almond mix.
You want this evenly combined and then you’re going to pipe it onto a baking tray that’s lined with parchment paper.
Coat the piped formations in flaked almonds and icing sugar before baking in a moderate oven for about 15-20 minutes.
You can either plate them up to pass around on a tray ready to be enjoyed or you
wrap them up with a bit of ribbon to make cute edible decorations, ready to hang them from the Christmas tree.
We hope you have a go at making these yourself, they’re really quite simple and really rather special.
Merry Christmas from Hen Corner and Omlet
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Chocolate Chilli Triangle recipe_USA from Omlet on Vimeo.
100g Dark choc chips
275g Golden caster sugar
165g Dairy free spread
1tbsp Cocoa powder
A sprinkle of Chilli Flakes
A pinch of Salt
5 Eggs
2tbsp of Ground Almonds
Edible golden glitter
This recipe is one of our favourites: these are Chocolate Chili Triangles. What’s great about this recipe is
that it is gluten free and it is dairy free. So if you’ve got friends who have got a special diet, this is a real top
treat for them. It’s also a very straightforward recipe. In a heatproof bowl we are putting 100 g of dark
chocolate chips, 275 g of golden caster sugar, 165 g of dairy free spread, 1 big tablespoon of cocoa
powder, a sprinkle of chili flakes and a pinch of salt. This is simply going over some boiling water on the
stove until it’s melted down and we can mix it together.
The second part of the recipe is to whisk together 5 eggs. Once we’ve whisked the eggs together, we’re going to add two tablespoons of ground almonds, and once our chocolate mix is melted, combine the lot together and
bake it in the oven. Just fold it in, for even consistency. Take a square baking tray, line it with parchment paper, and simply pour in the chocolate mix. This then goes into the oven at a 180°C or 350°F for 35 min.
Take the tray out the oven and allow to cool, then lift the parchment out of the tin. Now is time to make your chocolate chilli sparkle and shine. Spray the golden glitter across the top of the square, covering it and then cut
it into triangles. They’re certainly something special. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas from Hen Corner and Omlet.
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We all love a good runny poached egg but it’s impossible to cook more than one at a time without them falling apart. Out of all the tricks in the book I have never managed to cook multiple poached eggs so that they all come out perfect. I tried all of the old wives tales you can imagine, spin the water, add vinegar, cook them in deep water, cook them in shallow water. I officially gave up and resided to a life of scrambled and fried eggs….until now.
Behold the champion of all poached egg hacks, the clingfilm (saran wrap) technique, huzzah! Below I will take you through this nifty method step by step so that you two can enjoy all the poached eggs you wish for:
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Makes 10
10 Soft boiled eggs
2 lbs of Sausagemeat
6oz Chorizo
1 Raw egg (whisked)
7oz Breadcrumbs
16.9 fl oz of Vegetable cooking oil
Start by boiling 10 eggs for roughly 5 mins, depending on how soft you like your egg, then run them under cold water to cool them down. Tap each egg on a kitchen surface and roll them under your palm, we find this the easiest way to peel an egg. Put the eggs to one side whilst you prepare your sausagemeat. Remove all packaging from the sausagemeat and empty into a large bowl. Finely chop the chorizo and then add it to your sausagemeat. Use your hands to work the sausagemeat and mix in the chorizo. Once you have done this, take a small handful of the sausagemeat and roll it into a ball then flatten it out into a patty in your hand. Place one egg on top of the patty and wrap the meat around the egg as far as possible, take a another small handful of the sausagemeat and patch up the remaining area to form a ball around the egg. Dip the ball in the whisked raw egg mixture, ensure it is all covered. Take a large plate and spread the bread crumbs across it, take the egg soaked ball and roll it around in the breadcrumbs. Repeat this process for the other eggs. Heat a pan of cooking oil until it is at roughly 330 degrees farenheit, make sure the oil is deep enough to cover the eggs and then cook roughly 2-3 at a time for 5 minutes each. You can serve these hot or cold, as an entreee or as a delicious picnic snack, enjoy!
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We recently saw some irresistible looking caramel cupcakes on the @buttermeup.cakes Instagram account and we’ve been craving them ever since. So to celebrate #NationalCaramelDay we asked the owner and chief baker Holly Taylor for her secret recipe, see below:
115g self raising flour
115g caster sugar
2 eggs
115g butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
Jar of Salted caramel sauce
1 tbsp Milk
250g of unsalted butter
500g of icing sugar
1 tsp of vanilla essence
2 tbsp of salted caramel
Caramac bar for decoration
Drizzle caramel on top!
Cream butter and sugar in bowl
Then add vanilla essence
Then whisk eggs in small bowl
Add the eggs in gradually, with tablespoon of flour as you go to prevent the mix from curdling
After you’ve added all the eggs, put in the remaining flour and finally a tbsp of milk.
Then spoon into cupcake cases!
Bake 180 degrees for 12-15minutes
Makes 12 small or 9 large cupcakes.
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