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A Traditional English Scotch Egg with a Spicy Twist

Makes 10
10 Soft boiled eggs

2 lbs of Sausagemeat

6oz Chorizo

1 Raw egg (whisked)

7oz Breadcrumbs

16.9 fl oz of Vegetable cooking oil


Start by boiling 10 eggs for roughly 5 mins, depending on how soft you like your egg, then run them under cold water to cool them down. Tap each egg on a kitchen surface and roll them under your palm, we find this the easiest way to peel an egg. Put the eggs to one side whilst you prepare your sausagemeat.   Remove all packaging from the sausagemeat and empty into a large bowl. Finely chop the chorizo and then add it to your sausagemeat. Use your hands to work the sausagemeat and mix in the chorizo. Once you have done this, take a small handful of the sausagemeat and roll it into a ball then flatten it out into a patty in your hand.   Place one egg on top of the patty and wrap the meat around the egg as far as possible, take a another small handful of the sausagemeat and patch up the remaining area to form a ball around the egg.   Dip the ball in the whisked raw egg mixture, ensure it is all covered. Take a large plate and spread the bread crumbs across it, take the egg soaked ball and roll it around in the breadcrumbs. Repeat this process for the other eggs.   Heat a pan of cooking oil until it is at roughly 330 degrees farenheit, make sure the oil is deep enough to cover the eggs and then cook roughly 2-3 at a time for 5 minutes each. You can serve these hot or cold, as an entreee or as a delicious picnic snack, enjoy!

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