The Omlet Blog

Recipe: Amaretti Biscuits


180g of Ground Almonds

120g of Golden Caster Sugar

Grated Zest of a Lemon

A Pinch of Salt

A tot of Amaretti liquor

2 Egg Whites

1 tbsp. of Honey

1 Handful of Flaked Almonds

Sprinkle of Icing Sugar

This recipe has a special Italian twist to it, It’s an Amaretti biscuit, lovely and chewy on the inside with flaked almonds on the outside, very quick and easy to make. We love this recipe as it uses contributions from both the bees and the chickens at the Hen Corner Urban Farm.


Pour all of your ground almonds into a mixing bowl and add the golden caster sugar. Add the grated zest of a lemon and a pinch of salt. Then we make this biscuit festively merry with a lovely little tot of Amaretti liquor. Give that a good mix with a wooden spoon.


Put that to one side.


Then in a separate bowl mix two egg whites with a tablespoon of honey. It’ll start to look similar to a meringue consistency.


You are then going to fold the egg whites into your almond mix.


You want this evenly combined and then you’re going to pipe it onto a baking tray that’s lined with parchment paper.


Coat the piped formations in flaked almonds and icing sugar before baking in a moderate oven for about 15-20 minutes.


You can either plate them up to pass around on a tray ready to be enjoyed or you

wrap them up with a bit of ribbon to make cute edible decorations, ready to hang them from the Christmas tree.


We hope you have a go at making these yourself, they’re really quite simple and really rather special.


Merry Christmas from Hen Corner and Omlet

This entry was posted in Recipes

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