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Can Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Live Together?

Rabbits and guinea pigs: both small, furry, and adorable. These species share many similarities, and people often wonder, can rabbits and guinea pigs live together? Aside from the traits they share, their dietary needs are actually different, as is the language they speak. Find out how these two species differ, and whether or not you can keep rabbits and guinea pigs together.

Woman and child playing with a rabbit in the Zippi playpen

Keeping rabbits and guinea pigs together

The short answer to whether or not you can keep rabbits and guinea pigs together is: yes, but with several factors and modifications to keep in mind, and it should only be attempted by owners with experience with both pets. These two animals have different dietary needs, don’t understand each other, and have different space requirements. The main thing to consider is that each species should have their own space — especially for sleeping and eating. Rabbits and guinea pigs can, in some cases, share a communal run or playpen during the day, as long as they have plenty of their own space to retreat to.

Dietary needs of rabbits and guinea pigs 

While their feed pellets may look the same, the contents are actually quite different. Guinea pigs can’t make their own Vitamin C, which means they must eat in their diet. Rabbits on the other hand, are able to produce their own Vitamin C, and can become ill if they ingest excess amounts. Their food bowls with pellets should be kept separated to avoid deficiencies for your guinea pigs and overdoses for your rabbits.

Both rabbits and guinea pigs can eat the same fresh fruits and vegetables, so their treats and supplemental offerings can be the same. A communal Caddi Rabbit and Guinea Pig Treat Holder can be filled and hung in a place for both rabbits and guinea pigs to enjoy. Both species also thrive on free-choice timothy hay, which can also be kept in a common area. 

Language barriers between rabbits and guinea pigs 

Rabbits communicate primarily through body language, while guinea pigs are very vocal. Because of these very different types of communication, rabbits and guinea pigs won’t always understand each other. For example, rabbits thump their back legs as a warning, but guinea pigs will not understand this method of conveying displeasure. Similarly, the many sounds that guinea pigs make can startle rabbits and create stress in their otherwise quiet environment. 

Rabbits and guinea pigs can learn the basics of each others respective languages, but it comes with time and patience. It’s best to give each species plenty of their own space to escape the presence of the other when needed. 

Space requirements for rabbits and guinea pigs 

Part of your rabbit and guinea pig checklist should include plenty of space. Rabbits and guinea pigs should have a dedicated hutch for each species, and plenty of outdoor space. One of the easiest and enjoyable ways to add space for your rabbits and guinea pigs is to use Zippi products. 

Zippi Runs and Playpens provide plenty of space for both rabbits and guinea pigs. Rabbits need more space than guinea pigs due to their size and energy levels, but it’s important for guinea pigs to have enough room to exercise, as they are prone to becoming overweight. 

The Zippi Tunnel System connects the runs and playpens together, or to your rabbits’ and guinea pigs’ hutch. The closing doors can restrict movement between pens, making it easier to keep their food separated at mealtimes. Rabbits naturally tunnel in the wild, and guinea pigs naturally utilize the burrows of other animals — which makes the Zippi Tunnels an excellent choice for both species to enjoy. 

Zippi Platforms adds vertical space to your rabbits’ and guinea pigs’ runs. Both animals enjoy gaining a new vantage point and lounging in the shade offered beneath, but rabbits especially crave a higher view of the world around them. This also gives more opportunities for your rabbits and guinea pigs to take a break from each other’s company. 

The personalities of your pets 

One of the most important factors to consider when keeping rabbits and guinea pigs together is their individual personalities. Some rabbits are naturally passive, while others may bully guinea pigs. Bold guinea pigs may provoke rabbits, while the more timid ones may hide perpetually. 

Males of both species should always be neutered to help prevent displays of aggression. If possible, females should also be spayed for the same reason — though males may be more prone to aggression than females. And, remember that each species needs at least one companion of their own kind, so be prepared to keep a pair of rabbits and guinea pigs. This will ensure each species has a friend to converse with in their natural way, and will keep them from becoming lonely. 

Omlet and your rabbits and guinea pigs 

Rabbits and guinea pigs are different animals, but can coexist when they have considerate owners. By making adjustments to their Eglu hutches. Dedicated rabbit and guinea pig Zippi Runs and Playpens will give your pets the space they need, and an opportunity to fulfil their nutritional requirements without interfering with the other. And, with the addition of a Zippi Tunnel System and

Zippi Platforms, your rabbits and guinea pigs can spread out or come together as often as they see fit. With our products, you can sit back and enjoy watching how animals can adapt to live peaceably with another species, while maintaining your own peace of mind. 

Guinea pigs playing in the Zippi playpen with the zippi tunnel system


This entry was posted in Guinea Pigs

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