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“Naughty” dog behavior explained

Dog on the Omlet Nest Dog Bed in Patterpaws

Is there anything more irresistible than those puppy-dog eyes? However mischievous, we love and forgive our dogs unconditionally, even if that means the occasional missing pair of socks. Pet parenthood is far from perfect, but it’s our pups’ mischievous little ways as well as their sweet ones that brighten up our days and make it all worth it. But, when does their behavior become a bigger problem and what’s the science behind their naughty nature?

Loveable rogues

It’s fine, they’re still so little, or perhaps your backyard needed a new hole dug anyway…Whatever your excuse for your dog, we’ve all been there. But sometimes there are genuine explanations as to why Fido is acting up. Here are some of the most common naughty dog behaviors and why they happen.

Just one more treat, please

Dogs beg for a number of reasons. Whether it’s to jump up on the couch, for a piece of your food or just for a bit more attention, they definitely know how to make it known when they want something. It’s easy to be fooled by the pitiful whines and pawing of a pooch but this tactic can be a nuisance when it becomes a habit. 

If this attention-seeking behavior has spiraled out of control, it’s important not to reinforce it by giving in to what they want. Instead, try redirecting them to something else to keep them occupied such as a dog toy that they can be alone with, or creating physical barriers such as a baby gate if your dog is begging at the dinner table.

Dogs that dig

The backyard should be somewhere for all the family to enjoy but can quickly become the opposite should Fido get their paws dug in. Digging isn’t uncommon, especially for certain dog breeds such as the Airedale terrier, Border terrier and Australian shepherd. While it might be in their DNA, you can deter the digger from your yard and instead, divert them to a more controlled indoor environment with this boredom-busting digging game from our previous blog.

For some, it’s in their genetics, but other dogs dig to relieve stress, to escape or to store their food. Ensure you’re providing them with both physical and mental stimulation and rule out any medical conditions via your veterinarian.

All paws on the floor

Being greeted by a jumping puppy is undeniably cute, but as our pint-sized pups grow into much heavier adult dogs, this behavior can not only take us by surprise but can also be dangerous. For dogs, a face-to-face greeting with their favorite people is simply a way to get attention as well as to show their affection, so should never be punished. 

However, with a bit of persistence, your pup can learn that having all paws on the floor is a much better way to get what they want. Any time they decide to jump up at you or anyone else, turn your back and ignore them. Once they’ve sat nicely, reward them with plenty of dog treats and fuss. 

Shoes for chews

From shoes to table legs and even bed frames, a chewing dog is a persistent one and this habit can soon see your entire house gnawed. Before dealing with this issue, let’s first recognize what normal dog chewing behavior is. 

Puppies explore the world through their mouths, which is why they’re notorious chewers. This is perfectly normal, although it’s essential that you provide them with plenty of enrichment, including chew toys so that they don’t nibble what you don’t want them to. 

Older dogs, however, may chew due to canine separation anxiety, boredom or an unbalanced diet. Just as with puppies, offer them plenty of toys and dog-appropriate chew bones (not rawhide) while addressing any medical concerns with your veterinarian such as them becoming stressed when left alone. 

Fido the thief 

Being chased around with something they’ve stolen is a pretty fun game for dogs. And what’s even more fun for Fido, is the chase ending in a game of tug of war with said stolen item. Dogs steal for attention and when we engage with them, it’s simply reiterating that they can take whatever they please and it will result in a play session. Items that smell like us such as socks are firm favorites but disaster can strike when something more valuable is taken. 

Teaching your dog the “drop it” and “leave it” commands is a good place to start. With consistency, they’ll soon learn that not taking what you don’t want them to, will earn them an even better reward such as their favorite treat or game.   

Yorkshire terrier on the Omlet Cushion Dog Bed in Doodle Dog

Naughty by nature or nurture?

It’s no secret that some dogs are more naughty than others. Age, for one, is a huge contributing factor, with puppies being the most mischievous of them all. But, it isn’t always a lack of training that leads to naughtiness.

Dog breeds such as the energetic Jack Russell terrier, Siberian husky, Border collie and beagle are also ranked highly on the naughty scale either for their playful nature, apparent inability to resist food or becoming most destructive when not provided with enough stimulation. 

The best beds for naughty pups

Muddy carpets. Trash trained from basement to bathroom. But look at that face. Those eyes. We wouldn’t have it any other way. How, we wondered, to tell the story of the mad love and mortification that comes with being a dog parent? With the Mischief Collection we celebrate the ‘shake your head in despair’ delight that only dog lovers understand.   

Our in-house textile designer Victoria took it to the drawing board, and so started our latest, limited edition Mischief dog bed collection. 

Three on-trend yet timeless prints, inspired by the ‘oh crikey, what now’ moments of sharing your space with a four legged bundle of relentless love, loyalty and face palming frustration.  

Evocative of wet pawed, tail wagging wanderers, Patterpaws brings our dogs’ happy-go-lucky optimism to life with an upbeat energy that’s bang on trend. 

The frenetic, graphic print in earthy tones of Zoomies traces the invisible tracks they follow as they race and swerve. Seasonal shades of ochre and chartreuse perfectly balance zippy, zany zig zags.

This minimalist, single line sketch design has a Scandi vibe. On closer inspection, Doodle Dog tells a tale of dogs of all types, their movement and motion vividly captured with deceptive simplicity.

Mischievous or more?

A playful pup who has you wrapped around their paw is often nothing to be worried about. But when mischievousness crosses the line, it can become an issue. For example, resource guarding may occur if a dog has stolen an item they deem valuable. Signs include your dog growling, baring their teeth or lunging when approached. Or perhaps what was once a reliable recall has seemingly disappeared. Should you be concerned about your dog’s behavior, it’s important to seek training from an accredited, force-free professional.

Omlet and your dog

Trouble-making hound or angelic canine, Omlet has the best products to support all dogs and their owners. From easy-to-clean dog beds, to dog toys and dog crates, find out how caring for your pet in a better way is possible through the wondrous world of Omlet.

Terrier lying on the Omlet Bolster Dog Bed in Zoomies

This entry was posted in Dogs

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