The Omlet Blog

Rescuing Draco, Kona and Gunny from Hurricane Harvey

We recently received a donation request for one of our Fido Studio Dog Crates as a comfortable den for these poor pups who had to be rescued from Hurricane Harvey. We spoke to Draco, Kona and Gunny’s new owner to find out a bit more about these adorable dogs and the adoption process.

How and why did you rescue these puppies?

I rescued 3 pups from Hurricane Harvey, the pups were from a breeder who was discounting them like they were a defective item that was taking up space. I knew right there and then that these dogs deserved better. I asked the breeder rather than abandon them, how could I get all three transferred to Maryland and give these dogs a fighting shot when the one they trusted had abandoned them.

What was the rescue process?

I paid for 2 separate flights and had to pay a fee for the breeder to surrender the pups to me, between flights and fees it came to over $2500 dollars.  I could have easily adopted a puppy local and saved money but I’m from a military background and felt that protecting and standing up for what was wrong was in my nature. I knew the potential he just didn’t see in these dogs, so I spent my savings to help them without hesitation.

Is this the first time you’ve rescued a dog?

Yes this was my first time, I had no clue what I was signing up for I knew I was ready for a puppy and I ended up with three, so three times the awesomeness right!? But Gunny is the one part of this fun filled adventure that I was not ready for. It was 6 days after the first two arrived that our Belgian at 9 weeks died suddenly. We don’t know why exactly but believe the stress of the hurricane, the flight and everything was just too much. It was devastating and Draco the Dutch Shepherd who he came with on the first flight knew something was up, I guess dogs just sense things. He went from bullying him the first 4 days to day 5 and 6 just lying near him watchful and uneasy. I know that in his final days he experienced love and family and what it means to be man’s best friend and I knew right then and there that the money was 100% worth it.  Then the 3rd  puppy arrived, Kona a Belgian and let me say he is amazing and a beautiful color, likes to think of himself as a poster boy model type.

How are the dogs getting on now?

Draco and Kona are doing  awesome I’m so happy I did this and so happy for companies like Omlet who feel the passion I do.

Would you recommend doing this to others?

With no hesitation, yes! Adopt, rescue, do anything to help an animal in need.  One persons experience of an animal can be a treasure and life long bond. Animals deserve the best and I think we need more people to see the potential in animals not look at their flaws but know their journey and see a vision for them and create it.

Which services would you recommend?

Training , socialize them and shower them with positive reinforcement and love. I’ve got the love and the positive spirit but we have a long road ahead but I’m ready to get these pups to the max potential of what they can be these are working k9’s so they will need to have working ability so I’m in the hunt locally to find someone we can grow these pups to be awesome with but most places only offer it at the working level for 10-15 thousand dollars or I must have a medical condition that would allow them to use a grant to train them to their best potential so because I’m a veteran with no condition I don’t qualify.

What’s particularly important when rescuing a dog?

I think it’s important to know their story but don’t let that be how you view them, don’t look for what’s wrong, focus on what’s right and use that as your driver. I think you need to create a space that allows them to feel like they are a part of the pack and become that strong compass to guide them and be the leader but be the friend first and build the bond and trust and that will carry you to endless possibilities. I’m ready for where this takes us and can’t wait to update you guys as these pups grow.

I want to let everyone know that if I knew where the first month would have taken us, I would do it over again even knowing our Belgian Gunny would pass, I would not trade those 6 days of joy with him for anything. We will miss him!

This entry was posted in Dogs

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