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How to train your cat to use a scratching post

Cat in living room using the Omlet Stak cat scratcher

Any cat parent knows that the most vital accessory every feline needs is a scratching post. These seemingly simple structures hold immense importance in a cat’s life, serving not only as a way of preserving furniture but also as a gateway to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled feline existence. 

Scratching is a primal instinct born in all cat breeds and a necessary activity in their everyday lives. This is also why it’s so important to make sure you have a cat scratching post that appeals to them in material, style, and function. Omlet’s Stak scratcher supports this natural feline desire, and in this guide on how to train your cat to use a scratching post, they’ll learn to love their new toy in no time.

4 reasons your cat needs a scratching post

Before we embark on the training tips for your cat and their scratching post, it’s best to understand why they need it in the first place. From health to happiness, here are the top four reasons why your cat needs a scratching post:

1. Natural behavior

Scratching posts are to domesticated cats as trees are to lions in the wild. Cats of all shapes and sizes share an innate need to exercise their claws and bodies through scratching. Not only does this behavior keep their claws healthy and strong, but it also keeps their body and mind feeling good, too. And most importantly, a scratching post saves your furniture from any unwanted feline claws!

2. Stress relief

While the life of a cat may seem easy and carefree, the truth is, they can experience emotional stress and anxiety. Be it another cat, an unfamiliar noise, or the pestering of a small child, cats can have pent-up energy that can cause tension in their bodies. Thankfully, scratching on a post provides a source of zen-like calming to make them feel better.

3. Communication tool

Humans have multiple ways of communicating – speaking, writing, or hand gestures to name a few. But for cats, their paws are one of the main ways they communicate. With tiny scent glands located all over their feet, cats use sturdy scratching posts as a way of marking their territory and letting any other animal know that this is their spot and to please find another.

4. Claw maintenance

Regular scratching post sessions help to maintain your cat’s claws and keep them healthy. This simple act not only removes any dead layers, but helps to prevent the claws from becoming overgrown making it easier for your cat to walk, climb, and play. 

Do all cats scratch?

The answer is a resounding yes! Every single cat breed from the tiniest domestic kitten to the mightiest wild feline possesses an innate and extraordinary ability to scratch. It’s an inescapable part of their feline nature that serves a multitude of purposes for their health and well-being. 

While some cat breeds that are calmer in nature may be less likely to scratch as much as their high-energy counterparts, it’s important to make sure you provide a scratching outlet for every cat so they can adequately express their natural behavior. In addition, scratching can change over the age of your cat with more frequent and energetic sessions in the kitten and adolescent years. But even as your adult cat becomes a senior, a cat scratching post is an essential part of their daily routine.

5 ways to teach your cat how to use a scratching post

Teaching your cat how to use a scratching post can be a rewarding experience that not only helps to protect your furniture, but provides a positive outlet for their natural, instinctive behaviors. Learning to use a scratching post can take some cats longer than others, but fortunately, there are simple and easy ways to resolve any hesitancy. Let’s take a look at 5 effective ways to teach and encourage your cat how to use a scratching post.

1. Material matters

Selecting a scratching post that appeals to your cat’s preferences is essential. Not only should it be the right height to fit your cat, but the material it’s wrapped in should be considered as well. At Omlet, our mission is to challenge the cat care norm and create products that your pet prefers and looks good in your home while doing it.

Introducing the Omlet Stak cat scratching post – the last scratching post you’ll ever buy. As cat parents ourselves, we know that what your cat scratches matters, so we designed the Stak with recyclable and refillable cardboard pieces that will delight any cat’s claws. Not only will this scratching post adequately replace your sofa, but it will also help protect the planet with its sustainability factors as well. 

2. The power of catnip

To appeal to your cat’s curious nature use something they can’t resist – catnip. Simply rub this favorite feline fragrance all over the scratching post to entice and attract your furry friend. Positive associations with the scratching post will encourage your cat to investigate it with ease and, in turn, make them more likely to use it with excitement.

3. Tempt with treats

Patience and positive reinforcement are important when teaching your cat how to use a scratching post. But when in doubt, tempt with treats. What cat can turn down their favorite food reward? Start by placing a small piece of your feline’s favorite treat on top of the scratching post. Show your cat the post and allow them to discover the tasty delight on their own. And remember, the goal is to associate the scratching post with something enjoyable so as soon as they start to use it, reward them with praise and love. 

4. Train with toys

So you have a new cat scratching post but your cat seems uninterested. Try encouraging them with something that does interest them – cat toys! A feather on a string, a ball of yarn, or even a catnip stuffed toy fish will help to encourage your cat to know that the scratching post is where they can exercise their claws.

5. Placement is key

Cats are territorial animals who thrive on routine so having a set pattern to follow every day makes them feel safe and confident. The same principles apply to their scratching post. Placing the scratching post in an area where your cat already spends most of their time is key in ensuring they will use it. Consider spots that they are most likely to mark as their territory, such as next to their cat bed or favorite cat blanket.

Omlet and your cat’s home

At Omlet, we know that every cat is unique. That’s why we design all of our cat products to keep your feline friend happy, healthy, and constantly curious. The Stak cat scratching post was born out of a need to satisfy every cat’s natural behavior, but sustainably designed to answer the call of cat claws for a lifetime. Teaching your cat how to use a cat scratching post can be easy with these steps and another rewarding part of your relationship that brings you closer to your furry friend. 

Two cats using the Omlet Stak cat scratcher

This entry was posted in Cats

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