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How to settle in a new puppy

Puppy using Omlet’s Topology dog bed with Quilted Topper

So you’ve added a new puppy to your family? Congratulations! Settling a new puppy into your life comes with all the highs of precious puppy snuggles as well as the lows of “Did they chew my shoes again?!” To help you make this transition easy, we’ve gathered everything you need to know on how best to settle in a new puppy. From simple steps to puppy products, Omlet has the advice you need to make the adjustment period smooth for everyone.

Puppy’s first 24 hours

Here’s the thing about adding a puppy to your family – it’s a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Before you bring your new furry friend home for the first time, you need to make sure your home is prepped and puppy-proofed and that you have stocked up on all the new puppy essential products

The first 24 hours at home can be an unsettling time for both of you. Everything is new to your puppy – your furniture, the space and even the smells are all foreign to your new bundle of joy. So it’s normal to expect lots of sniffing, pouncing and even some potty accidents. Likewise, you may feel a bit unsettled having a new living, breathing bouncing playmate running around. Especially if you have never owned a puppy or dog before.

While the first day together may feel uneasy or unfamiliar, fear not – it’s temporary and you both will start feeling settled in, in no time. Here are a few steps you can take in the first few weeks to make the homecoming less stressful and more enjoyable.

Introduce your puppy to their bed

Just like you have your personal bedroom where you sleep every night, you want to make sure you designate a spot in your home that is specific to your puppy as well. Having a familiar place to go to will allow your puppy to feel more comfortable and secure as they’re settling in.

The easiest way to create the perfect puppy place is with a dog bed. Not only will this be their spot for rest, but it will soon become their safe haven from any disturbances or distractions that might make them feel uncomfortable. 

The Topology Customizable Dog Bed designed by Omlet is the perfect bed for a new puppy as it will not only grow with your puppy into adulthood, but you can customize it to their needs along the way. Engineered with a solid base and superior memory foam mattress, the Topology offers a wide selection of toppers that are easily zipped on and off the bed. This not only allows you to pick a personalized topper from a variety of fabrics and colors, but it makes cleaning the dog bed as easy as one, two, zip.

Each topper is made from durable, hard-wearing materials so even the toughest of new puppy teeth can’t chew through them. Our recommendation for puppies is the Quilted Topper as the soft, plush feel will give them unbeatable comfort while also maintaining the strength to resist a hard teething session – and it’s covered by our 180 Day Puppy Guarantee

Keep visitors to a minimum

When you bring your new puppy home, it’s tough not to invite your mom, cousin, neighbor and even your local grocer all over to see your adorably cute new furry friend. But try to resist too many visitors over the first few weeks. 

While socializing your new puppy is important, having too many visitors at once can actually become overwhelming and cause stress. So when it comes to meeting new friends, slow and steady is the best rule of thumb.

And when you do welcome visitors into your home, be sure your puppy has a safe place they can retreat to in order to feel secure, such as their dog bed or even a dog crate. Nothing makes a puppy feel more settled than the comfort of their own space.

Show your puppy where to go potty

Potty training your puppy is easy with these two simple steps: start early and be consistent. Whether you use puppy pads or the great outdoors, establishing a potty routine early on will make the process much easier on you both.

Keep in mind that your puppy is learning so much at this young age, so patience is key in potty training. Accidents will happen along the way, but with a regular schedule that starts the day they come home, your puppy will be potty trained in no time.

Let your puppy take it at their own pace

Having a puppy is kind of like having a toddler. Simple moments of playtime are filled with endless hours of excitement and it’s hard not to want to engage and play all day. But just like a toddler, all that play can make a puppy tired and knowing when to give them space is super important.

So make sure every family member is on the same page and knows how to give proper boundaries to the new addition. While it’s exciting to play with a new puppy, not all puppies want to play all the time. Every breed is different and your puppy will settle in at their own pace so long as you give them the space and time they need to do so. 

Signs of a restless puppy

Imagine being transported to a completely new place you’ve never been to before and being surrounded by people and things you’ve never laid eyes on before. That’s exactly what it feels like for a new puppy when you first bring them home. All the new smells and sights can make a puppy feel restless but it’s important to make sure there are no underlying causes if the restlessness continues. Here are some signs of a restless, unsettled puppy:


It is completely normal for your puppy to quickly traverse every room of your home during the first few days as that is how they learn about their surroundings. However, if you start to notice your puppy pacing back and forth in one particular area, this could be a sign that they are unsettled or even have some puppy separation anxiety

When you notice this behavior, try to limit your time away from home to frequent short getaways as opposed to long periods, if possible. And when you do have to be away for hours at a time, make sure they have a comfortable dog bed and dog crate where they can feel secure and comfortable.

Regularly waking up at night

In the first few weeks, puppy sleep is very similar to baby sleep – it’s sporadic. And while you can expect to be up a few times each night for the routine potty breaks, you want to make sure that your puppy can settle back to sleep easily for more rest. 

When you start to notice they are up for more of the night than they are asleep, this could be a sign they’re unsettled. In order to help your puppy get their much-needed sleep, get them a Topology Customizable Dog Bed so they can rest with comfort, support and ease.


Unlike humans, dogs don’t have sweat glands all over their bodies. So in order for them to cool down, they often pant as a way to try and cool themselves off but panting can also be another way you can tell if your puppy is unsettled. 

If you notice your puppy panting, first check the temperature and make sure they are not just hot and need a doggy cool down. Sometimes a nap on a dog cooling mat is all that is needed to keep the panting to a minimum.

Puppy teething 101

If you’ve ever had your finger in the crossfire of puppy teeth you know all too well how sharp those tiny canines on your canine can be. Between three and eight months of age, puppies begin to have an uncontrollable urge to chew as a way to help relieve the discomfort of their gums.

And while teething is a completely normal part of puppyhood, it’s also one of the main reasons why your puppy may feel unsettled. For some puppies, the development of teeth is painful and confusing and the only comfort they can get is in biting and chewing on things. So in order to help your puppy through this unsettling process, make sure you have plenty of puppy-approved dog toys around so they can chew away on something other than your shoes and furniture.

Omlet and settling in your new puppy

There are few things in life as exciting and soul-filling as owning a puppy. Not only are you establishing a bond with your new best friend from the very beginning, but you get to experience all the wonders of puppy smells and snuggles along the way. At Omlet, we curate our products to care for and comfort your dog from puppyhood and beyond. With custom solutions like the Topology Puppy Bed, we strive to be your one-stop resource for all things pet related. We know what it takes to make your puppy grow into a healthy and happy adult dog. So we make the products you need so you can focus on your incredible relationship with your puppy.

Puppy using Omlet’s Topology dog bed with Quilted Topper

This entry was posted in Dogs

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