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All the best things about having rabbits

All the best things about having rabbits are worth celebrating. From their adorable appearances to their charismatic personalities, bunnies have long been favorite pets among families. Whether you’re just researching the joys of rabbit ownership, or are rediscovering your rabbits’ quirks, see why so many owners find bunnies to be the best pets. 

Woman and child playing with rabbit in the Zippi playpen

Adorable appearance 

Rabbits are a classic inspiration for children’s books and toys, a mascot for springtime, and subject of countless viral videos. And it’s no secret as to why: there are simply very few things cuter than a bunny. From their twitchy noses, to their cotton ball tails, rabbits can’t help but be adorable. And with so many different breeds of bunnies, there are variations to these traditional traits. Erect or floppy ears, long or short coats, and sizes ranging from dwarf to giant, rabbit owners can keep a diverse sampling of the expansive range of cuteness that bunnies offer. 

Charismatic companions 

Bunnies are bundles of character just waiting to burst forth. From bunny “binkies” and “zoomies”, to soft nibbles and sprawling out on the ground, the body language of rabbits is both endearing and entertaining. And with so much energy, most bunnies are eager to play with their owners. Playing games with your rabbits is a great way to encourage them to stay curious and active, while strengthening the bond between you and your bunnies. 

Alleviate allergies 

People who are allergic to dogs or cats may find that they don’t react to rabbits. While they aren’t hypoallergenic, rabbits shed less fur and dander than larger pets. Since they can be housed outside, rabbits are less likely to trigger allergy symptoms in individuals. And, with an easy to clean rabbit hutch, you can greatly mitigate the potential for allergies among sensitive family members. 

Space savers 

Rabbits don’t require the amount of space that dogs or even cats do. Like other animals, providing the most possible space is always best for bunnies, but outdoor rabbit hutches can provide plenty of room without taking up much of your yard. Connect rabbit playpens to their hutch with Zippi Rabbit Tunnels to add space as needed, and watch your rabbits dive into their very own network of burrows and tunnels. 

Fresh fertilizer 

Did you know that avid gardeners buy rabbit droppings for their soil? Often referred to as “bunny gold”, your rabbits’ small poop pebbles make for amazing fertilizer. It’s a “cold manure”, meaning it can be added to plants and topsoil without being composted first. Use your rabbit’s droppings tray to freshen up your own plants, and gift (or sell) it to others for instant plant fuel. 

Healthy habits 

With all of that fresh produce comes the possibility of a healthier lifestyle — for you and your rabbits. Even if you don’t have a garden, your rabbits can serve as inspiration for a healthier lifestyle. Bunnies happily feast on fresh fruits and vegetables, so keeping your fridge stocked with produce can encourage healthier eating habits for humans and rabbits. Whip up a fresh salad for you and your bunnies to share, and you may find yourself fighting the sudden urge to binky, or jump, for joy with your newfound energy. 

Long lifespans 

Rabbits have much longer lifespans than other small pets like hamsters or guinea pigs. In fact, pet rabbits can live up to 12 years or more when cared for properly. This longer lifespan creates long, lasting bonds between bunnies and their owners. Taking your rabbit to the veterinarian regularly and performing rabbit health checks at home will ensure that your bunnies are aging gracefully, and that all of their needs are being met. 

Soften stress 

Did you know that a group of rabbits is called a “fluffle”? While the more technical term is a “colony”, the term fluffle seems to more accurately capture the true essence of rabbits. And with this beloved bunny fluff comes some potent stress relief. Studies have shown that petting a rabbit for 10 minutes can significantly reduce levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Similarly, just watching a bunny bounce about in their environment can reduce stress significantly. So the next time you feel flustered, pay your fluffle a visit — and reap even more benefits by snuggling or petting your rabbits. 

Omlet and your rabbits 

There are so many great things about having rabbits. From their personalities to their appearance, rabbits make wonderful pets for families. Keep your bunnies binky-ing for years to come with spacious outdoor rabbit hutches and rabbit playpens, and appeal to their wild side with Zippi Rabbit Tunnels. With Omlet, your rabbits’ home is safe, supportive, easy to clean, and can be enjoyed by the whole family. So what’s the best thing about having rabbits? We believe it’s the companionship they provide, made possible through the care and attention of loving owners — just like you. 

Two children with rabbits using Omlet Zippi Tunnel System


This entry was posted in Rabbits

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