Share A Bed with Your Pet-Yes or No
We all love our pets, and sometimes it simply seems far too difficult being apart for just a few hours, even at night. Surveys have shown that up to two thirds of people with cats or dogs now sharing a bed with their furry friend, so it’s clear that the prospect of snuggling up with the cat or dog at bedtime can sometimes be impossible to resist. Many pet owners would agree that co-sleeping with a beloved pet seems harmless. However, with sharing the bed also comes drawbacks. First of all, though, let’s talk about the main benefits of letting your pet sleep on the bed.
Benefits of Sharing a Bed with Your Pet
Sleeping with your pet can be a great bonding experience for both parties. Dogs and cats provide their owners with physical comfort and support, strengthening your bond and relationship, which can help your pet to feel more at home.
For dog owners in particular, sharing your bed with your pet every night can be a great security measure if you have any concerns about break ins. Regardless of how your dog would react to any intruders, they’re a great deterrent to any burglars and provide you with a sense of safety at night. Although your cat might not be able to put up much of a fight against any intruders, they’re highly sensitive creatures and can alert you of anything that appears suspicious, such as unusual smells or sounds.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Studies show that co-sleeping with your pet can help elevate your mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels. When you cuddle with your dog or cat, having that contact releases the happy hormone of oxytocin. Reduced levels of stress and anxiety levels may also help you to get a better night’s sleep.
Personal Alarm Clock
Like humans, cats and dogs sleep at night and are awake for the day (well, for the most part!). They’re both creatures of habit and love routine so don’t be surprised if you get a very personal wakeup call from your pet at 6am every morning. Look on the bright side though, you might never have to set an alarm for work ever again!
Drawbacks of Sharing a Bed with Your Pet
Fleas and Parasites
Unfortunately, cats and dogs are notorious for fleas. If you regularly welcome your pet into bed for a snuggle at night, then you may also be welcoming their fleas too. Although easily treated, having fleas is an unpleasant experience for both you and your pets. More worryingly, co-sleeping with your pet could actually be putting your health at risk. Both dogs and cats can spread parasites such as tapeworm, that can make us sick.
If your cat or dog is prone to shedding, then don’t expect your bed to escape from the mess! It’s no secret to most pet owners how much of a nightmare it can be to forever be hoovering up your dog or cat’s fur from around the house, so if you don’t fancy adding another chore to the list then maybe it’s best to avoid sleeping with a dog or cat.
It’s not a good idea to share the bed with your pet if you suffer from allergies, even if they’re not pet related. Those who suffer from asthma or are sensitive to pollen and dust for example, may find their allergies being triggered from sharing the bed with a dog or cat.
Behavioral Problems
When you allow your animals to share the bed, you run the risk of facing behavioral problems. For dogs that are prone to separation anxiety or territorial aggression, allowing them to sleep on the bed at night could only be worsening these issues. Cats can also suffer from issues such as territorial behavior, so if you’re met with a hiss or lash out from your cat when you attempt to move them off the bed then it’s probably not a great idea to continue sharing.
If you (or your pet) do decide to sleep alone, it’s important to make sure that you provide them with a safe and cozy bed at night. Omlet stock a wide range of pet beds for dogs and cats that optimize comfort and hygiene, so that your cat or dog will be just as snug in their own space.
If you (or your pet) do decide to sleep alone, it’s important to make sure that you provide them with a safe and cozy bed at night. Omlet stock a wide range of pet beds for dogs and cats that optimize comfort and hygiene, so that your cat or dog will be just as snug in their own space. The new Maya Donut Cat Bed offers first class comfort, made with a luxurious faux fur fabric your cat will love. Or how about trying the Topology Luxury Dog Bed for your pet pooch. With a memory foam mattress base, your dog will be in their element with a number of customizable toppers to fit their personality.

So, as amazing as it can be to share the bed with our favorite furry friends, with risks such as behavioral issues and allergies to consider, the decision really is a matter of personal choice. Either way, it’s always worth investing in your pet’s own bed to give them the option to have their own safe space (however little or often it may be used!).
This entry was posted in Dogs